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Shanghai International Library Forum 20061 The impact of new technology on the publishing, provision and use of journals in languages other than English.

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Presentation on theme: "Shanghai International Library Forum 20061 The impact of new technology on the publishing, provision and use of journals in languages other than English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shanghai International Library Forum 20061 The impact of new technology on the publishing, provision and use of journals in languages other than English Ian Johnson

2 Shanghai International Library Forum 20062 OVERVIEW  The role of information in development  Information and LIS development in Latin America  Limitations of printed journal publishing in Latin America  Electronic publishing in Latin America  Indexing and abstracting services  Provision and use

3 Shanghai International Library Forum 20063 THE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION CHAIN New products and services Creativity through ideas Research and publication Society benefits Company success

4 Shanghai International Library Forum 20064 INFORMATION AND LIS DEVELOPMENT IN LATIN AMERICA  Importance of information flow for development  Limited dissemination of reports of local advances  Linguistic isolation from international reports of advances  Weak research culture  Few quality LIS journals

5 Shanghai International Library Forum 20065 SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING IN LATIN AMERICA  “Commercial” publication  Weak infrastructure  Irregular publication  Poor distribution  Limited visibility  Subsidised publication  No incentive for  Quality control  Improved distribution  Limited visibility

6 Shanghai International Library Forum 20066 RESEARCH AND RECOGNITION  Researcher’s goals  Readership: exposure and quality of audience  Impact  Prestige  Reward

7 Shanghai International Library Forum 20067 DILEMMA FOR RESEARCHERS IN NON-ENGLISH- SPEAKING COUNTRIES  Publish in English or  E-publish full-text in original language or  Linguistic isolation

8 Shanghai International Library Forum 20068 RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT  Problems of LIS human resource development in Latin America  Limited availability of high quality journals

9 Shanghai International Library Forum 20069 ALFA  América Latina Formación Académica  Academic links  3+ Universities in Latin America  3+ Universities in European Union

10 Shanghai International Library Forum 200610  REVISTAS – REd VIrtual Sobre Todas las AmericaS  ‘JOURNALS – a virtual network across the Americas’

11 Shanghai International Library Forum 200611 ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING IN LATIN AMERICA  Growth of the Internet and PC availability  Continued pattern of institutional subsidy  Institutional repositories  Electronic journals  Sponsors and aggregators  SciELO  RedALyC  Growing investment by commercial publishers  Grupo Oceano  EBSCOHost, Thomson Learning, Dialnet, ProQuest

12 Shanghai International Library Forum 200612 INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTING AND INDEXING SERVICES  Inadequate coverage in generalist, international indexes  OCLC  SciELO  Clase  Periodica

13 Shanghai International Library Forum 200613 LATIN AMERICAN LIS JOURNALS AND INDEXES  LIS Journals in Spanish and Portuguese  277+ originating in Latin America  54+ others  70+ web sites  35+ full text online  Failure to maintain national indexing services  INFOBILA  c. 200 journals and newsletters  128 in Spanish or Portuguese  c. 60 current LIS journals from Latin America

14 Shanghai International Library Forum 200614 THE WAY AHEAD?  Sustainability of Open Publishing  Regular funding not guaranteed  Issues of quality control not all resolved  Author support uncertain  Access improving  Institutional repositories  Aggregators

15 Shanghai International Library Forum 200615 FUTURE COMMERCIAL JOURNAL PUBLISHING  Growth of commercial e-journal services  Challenges  Acceptable subscription charges and impact on income and speed of development  Availability of journal sets for digitisation

16 Shanghai International Library Forum 200616 PROVISION AND USE  Linguistic barriers remain

17 Shanghai International Library Forum 200617 Thank you for your attention

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