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Keeping Dudley Happy Dudley CCG Vision 2015 – 2020.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Dudley Happy Dudley CCG Vision 2015 – 2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Dudley Happy Dudley CCG Vision 2015 – 2020

2 Commissioning objectives  What should future services look like?  What should our priorities be?  How do we support people to help themselves?  How do we balance supply with demand?

3 What does it take?  All Age  Emotional Health  Health and Wellbeing  Happiness

4 Who is it For?  Individual  Family  Community  Population

5 Where does it happen?  Alone  With family  With friends  At Home  At Work  In community

6 Types of problems  Feeling down/anxious/sad  Lack of confidence  Lack of self esteem  Lack of assertiveness  Loneliness/isolation/Restricted mobility  Loss of family/friend/job  Stress/Responsibilities/expectations

7 Agenda  Increasing number of young people with mental health problems  Increasing number of elderly, living longer  Government policy and guidance  Public expectations  Diminishing resources

8 Requirements  Proactive management  Promotion  Prevention  Resilience  Self management  Independence  Family support  Community support

9  Case management  Assessment/review  Guided self help  Talking therapies  Enablement

10 Comparative example  As individuals how do we deal with conjunctivitis?

11 Todays activity  What keeps you happy and feeling well?  What do you value most when you’re not well?  What's the best way for you to get information about helping yourself  What would you change or what would you like to see in place in Dudley?

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