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Laboratory 2: Introduction to DesignCAD97 and SureTrak Project Manager General Engineering Polytechnic University.

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Presentation on theme: "Laboratory 2: Introduction to DesignCAD97 and SureTrak Project Manager General Engineering Polytechnic University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laboratory 2: Introduction to DesignCAD97 and SureTrak Project Manager General Engineering Polytechnic University

2 Overview  Objective  Sketching Rules  Line Types  Drawing Views  Computer Software  Procedure  Written Assignment  Recitation Topics  Closing

3 Objective  Learn basic design techniques  Become familiar with engineering design tools such as DesignCAD 97 & SureTrak Project Manager  Use your new knowledge towards your independent design

4 Sketching Rules  Sketches are done in pencil  No use of rulers  Very little detail  Objects represented with blocks (e.g. radiators, tables, etc.)  Double lines to represent walls  Consider the type of line used  Orthographic projection (for this project)

5 Line Types  construction line  hidden line  dimension line  center line

6 top frontside NOTE: The three orthographic views we use are top, front & most detailed side Drawing Views  Orthographic  Represents exact shape of an object as seen from one side  Depth of the object is not shown  Multiple 2-D drawings used to represent 3-D objects

7 Drawing Views  Isometric  All three orthographic views shown in one picture  Creates a sense of depth  Used to represent 3-D objects

8 Computer Software  DesignCAD97  Computer Aided Design tool  Allows objects to be drawn in 2-D or 3-D  SureTrak Project Manager Software  Tracks progress of the different tasks of the project  Enhances time management skills

9 Procedure  DesignCAD97  Read the instructions on page 30 to create a DesignCAD97 drawing  Use the reference sheet starting on page 35 to guide you DesignCAD97 SureTrak

10 Procedure  SureTrak  Read the instructions on page 37 to create a SureTrak schedule for your Independent Design Project  Use the reference sheet starting on page 40 to guide you DesignCAD97 SureTrak

11 Written Assignment  Print out and hand in the two exercises  DesignCAD97 Room Drawing  SureTrak Independent Design Schedule  Submit a copy of the house design sketch  Remember to use the sketching rules  Write a proposal explaining your house design. (1 1/2 double-spaced)

12 Recitation Topics  Present a proposal for your house  Who will live in it?  Where is it located?  Special features?  Include  Initial Sketches  SureTrak Chart for your house design

13 Closing  Each partner should have a turn to work with the software  DesignCAD97 manual and library of symbols available if requested

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