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Observing the Frogs more Closely. Materials Copy of record sheet 4-A: Observing the frog Copy of record sheet 4-B: Drawing the frog Hand lens One frog.

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Presentation on theme: "Observing the Frogs more Closely. Materials Copy of record sheet 4-A: Observing the frog Copy of record sheet 4-B: Drawing the frog Hand lens One frog."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observing the Frogs more Closely

2 Materials Copy of record sheet 4-A: Observing the frog Copy of record sheet 4-B: Drawing the frog Hand lens One frog placed in a clear cup with a lid per pair of students

3 Overview Discuss which characteristics are important to study when comparing animals. Discuss the purpose of scientific drawings and the elements that should be included in a drawing of the frog. Observe, describe, and record the characteristics of the frog. Discuss ways to answer your questions about the frogs.

4 Background When studying the ways an animal is suited to life in a particular habitat, biologists look at the animal’s body structure and behavior. Biologists often then compare these characteristics with those of other animals. This comparison helps them recognize how and why a type of animal survives best in a particular habitat.

5 You will use both words and drawings to record your observations of the frog’s characteristics. This is also the method scientists use to share research discoveries in print. Text and illustrations together present a more complete picture than either by itself. In general, illustrations are easier to remember than text. Scientists drawings, powerful tools of communication, are used to clarify, simplify, summarize, and emphasize information. Common subjects of scientific illustrations are anatomy, techniques, and procedures.

6 Meeting with your Pod Time limit Share observations, discoveries, questions, and comparisons with groups Use research, background knowledge, and observations to answer questions that come up Whisper Write down observations, discoveries, questions, and comparisons discuss with group

7 Think about your observations of the frogs. Think about the frogs features and behavior that help the frog get what it needs from its habitat. What characteristics of the frogs should we focus on?

8 Characteristics BehaviorGetting food with mouth, hibernate StructureBody size, shape, color, covering, vertebrate AdaptationEyes and other sensory organs, movement through legs and other appendages SurvivalMethods of protection, camouflage, poison

9 What do you think a scientific drawing is? Where have you seen scientific drawings of animals? Why do you think scientific drawings of animals are made? How do you think scientific drawings are used? In what ways do you think a drawing of the frog will help you compare the frog with other animals? What should be included in a scientific drawing of the frog?

10 Put a frog in an observing cup to allow each pair to observe the frog’s body more closely. Draw a picture of the frog in its habitat. When finish, gently pour the frog and water back into the habitat, trying not to disturb the plants. Discuss observations with group and any new questions you may have. What would you like to know about our frogs? In what ways does having a drawing help you better understand the written descriptions of the frog’s characteristics? Would a drawing alone give you enough information? Share what wrote in notebook.

11 Extensions Write a letter to a herpetologist to find out more information about Dwarf African Frogs. Research frogs related to the Dwarf African Frog and create a display comparing them. Research frogs that are not totally aquatic. How are Dwarf African Frogs similar and different to other frogs? Make origami frogs. Explore the reasons frogs call. Listen to recordings of frog songs.

12 The End!!!

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