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Archimedes Created by Austyn berga. Archimedes life and death He was born 212 B.c and died 287 B.c Archimedes had became a master at mathematics, especially.

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Presentation on theme: "Archimedes Created by Austyn berga. Archimedes life and death He was born 212 B.c and died 287 B.c Archimedes had became a master at mathematics, especially."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archimedes Created by Austyn berga

2 Archimedes life and death He was born 212 B.c and died 287 B.c Archimedes had became a master at mathematics, especially geometry. He spent most of his time working on solving new problems. Sometimes he became so involved in his work that he forgot to eat. He was not only a great ancient Greek mathematician, but he was also famous for his inventions such as a water pump, levers and pulley, and fire mirrors.

3 Archimedes is famous for Besides studying mathematics, Archimedes also was interesting in creating inventions to solve common problems. But warfare also influenced his life. Archimedes is also famous for making the invented the pump.

4 Archimedes life experience Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Sicily around the year 287 BC. Little is known about his family, only that his father was named Phidias. His father, other than being an astronomer, is suspected to be related to the king of Syracuse at that time, Heron II. As for his mother or whether he married and had children, nothing is certain. It is suspected that he studied in Alexandria, Egypt and he was probably a student and follower of Euclid. There is no clear indication of this information about his education, but there documents that support that he had many friends in Alexandria and he sent the results of his studies in mathematics to Alexandria with highly personal notes.

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