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1 st Quarter Power-Ups English 10. Day 1 – 9/8 What is a thesis statement? Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st Quarter Power-Ups English 10. Day 1 – 9/8 What is a thesis statement? Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st Quarter Power-Ups English 10

2 Day 1 – 9/8 What is a thesis statement? Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on left, 1 st initial and last name on right

3 Day 2 – 9/10 Copy the yellow quote, double spaced. Label each word in the quote with the name of its part of speech (i.e. verb, noun, etc.) What in the world might this quote mean? Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on left, 1 st initial and last name on right

4 Day 3 – 9/12 In several sentences, give the plot of a movie or short story from last year. Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on left, 1 st initial and last name on right

5 Day 4 – 9/16 Turn the following fragments (incomplete sentences) into grammatically correct sentences: 1. The loud stereo 2. The gorgeous sunrise 3. The loud child Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on left, 1 st initial and last name on right

6 Day 5 – 9/18 Answer the following question. What are 3 test taking tips or strategies ? (Maybe you've heard of them or they’ve worked for you in the past?) Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on left, 1 st initial and last name on right

7 Day 6 – 9/22 Answer the following question in at least 3 sentences. Who is your personal hero? Why? What qualities does he or she have that inspire you? Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on left, 1 st initial and last name on right

8 Day 7 – 9/24 Answer the following question in at least 3 sentences. What do you think life will be like in 2053? Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on left, 1 st initial and last name on right

9 Day 8 – 9/26 Copy the following into your journal, then answer the promt that follows. Dramatic irony – audience understands more about the events of a story than a character. Situational irony – what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate. Verbal irony – A character says one thing but really means the opposite. Now, give an example of one of these types of irony. Power-Up! Please label binders and journals with 2 labels, block number on left, 1 st initial and last name on right

10 Day 9 – 9/30 Power-Up! Power-Ups due today! You need all 9 days. This will be graded tonight. Be sure your journals are in the back! The following two sentences contain errors. Correct them in your journal. 1. since dave hasnt drew the design for the scenery yet itll be alright to wait to days before we meet 2. one of my favorite early evening programs are wheel of fortune but some people doesnt like it as good as me One of my favorite early-evening programs is Wheel of Fortune, but some people don’t like it as well as I. Since Dave hasn’t drawn the design for the scenery yet, it’ll be all right to wait two days before we meet.

11 Day 10 – 10/1 Have you ever heard someone described as going “like a lamb to the slaughter”? The saying comes from the Bible where lambs were often used as sacrifices. Roald Dahl chose that biblical allusion as the title of the story we’re going to read today. Knowing that, what do you think this story might be about? Jot down your predictions. Power-Up!

12 Day 11 – 10/6 Copy the following paragraph into your journal. Then circle the subjects and underline the verbs. Mrs. Maloney adores her husband. Details in the story reveal the setting is the 1950s. A good wife meets her husband’s needs. Something is worrying Mr. Maloney… but not for long! Power-Up!

13 Day 12 – 10/8 Define 4 (four) of the following words OR use 4 of the words in sentences that make sense. PyromaniaParamount EbbingAnnihilate ManifestIntermittent ApprehensionAntiseptic IrrevocableRegressive Power-Up!

14 Day 13 – 10/10 You are an inmate in a concentration camp. A sadistic guard is about to hang your son who tried to escape and wants you to pull the chair from underneath him. He says if you don’t, he will not only kill your son but another innocent inmate, too. You don’t have any doubt he means what he says. What should you do? (take a position and defend it) Power-Up!

15 Day 14 – 10/14 Some choices have difficult consequences no matter what we decide to do. Write about a tough choice you’ve had to make. How do you make a decision when faced with a choice like that? Power-Up!

16 Day 15 – 10/16 Answer the following questions in complete sentences about the 3 short stories we have read: The Pedestrian Lamb to the Slaughter Cold Equations 1. Which story is your favorite so far and why? 2. Which character is your favorite and why? Power-Up!

17 Day 16 – 10/20 Please correct the following sentences. There are 15 errors. Pick 2 of them and explain briefly why those changes were necessary. 1. a stowaway Marilyn are hiding in a closet so there isnt enuf fuel the crew wouldve lost their lifes if the pilot didnt in force the laws Power-Up! A,, was,, enough. The, lives, enforce. wasn’t

18 Day 17 – 10/24 Answer the following in complete sentences. 1. Sometimes it’s tricky to make correct subject- verb agreement. Why isn’t it always easy to make subjects and verbs agree? (Hint: Think about what gets in the way.) 2. Choose one of our new vocabulary words. Use it in a sentence about yourself or a friend. Power-Up!

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