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Secondary Literacy Framework Bobbi Eichhorst Linda Prendez Stacey Somppi Polly Staski.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Literacy Framework Bobbi Eichhorst Linda Prendez Stacey Somppi Polly Staski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Literacy Framework Bobbi Eichhorst Linda Prendez Stacey Somppi Polly Staski

2 Timeline Spring 2005: Rollout of Elementary Literacy Framework Fall 2005: Formation of Secondary Literacy Framework Committee Spring 2006: Secondary Committee designed framework Summer 2006: Teachers hired on EHA’s to assist with researching and writing strategies August 2006: Secondary Literacy Framework introduced to principals at retreat

3 Fall 2006: Initial training for middle and high school teachers via districtwide inservice Fall 2006: Follow-up trainings at school sites December 2006: “Baker’s Dozen” on the web January 2007: Update for secondary principals at their weekly meeting Spring 2007: Content-specific strategy trainings via districtwide inservice Spring 2007: Additional follow-ups at sites May 2007: All 50 strategies on the web

4 Strategies Focused Upon 2006-07 ACE—Answer, Cite/Compute, Explain/Expand Annotating the Text QAR—Question-Answer Relationship KIM—Key Term, Information, Memory Clue

5 Strategies for 2007-08 Review of four previous Word Parts Anticipation Guide Summarizing Semantic Feature Analysis List, Group, Label

6 Plan for 2007-08 Two PDT’s will cover three middle schools each on a rotating basis. San Andres will have on-site professional development. PDC will provide training for high schools, White Sands Middle School, and administrators.

7 Accomplishments Bobbi Eichhorst—Camino Real Middle School Linda Prendez—Picacho Middle School Polly Staski—Lynn Middle School and San Andres Learning Center Stacey Somppi—PDC

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