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Postmodern Approaches to Family Therapy Marriage and Family Counseling Dr. Sparrow.

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1 Postmodern Approaches to Family Therapy Marriage and Family Counseling Dr. Sparrow

2 Review Family therapy (Bateson, Jackson, Haley) initially viewed family as resistant (homeostasis) There was a gradual move toward collaborating with the family, and serving as a highly active, involved expert who could help the family meet its goals (SFT) SFT was a bridge between the early approaches and the post-modern approaches, in which the therapist does not direct, but assists clients in: Finding solutions that are within their capabilities (Solution Focused) “Deconstructing” the myths that rule their lives. (Narrative)

3 Social Constructivism as the Catalyst for Change Social Construct ivism emphasizes that people create their own realities Social construct ionism, integrates the idea that our interaction with others co-creates our reality. It challenged the idea that we can ever be objective Challenged the mechanisitic approach of the cyberneticists Caring is valued more than curing Expert becomes egalitarian partner. Family perspectives and beliefs define “reality” in the therapeutic environment

4 Three Implications of Social Constructionsm No one has a corner on the “truth.” Encourages therapists to assist clients in understanding the source of their beliefs, even the “sacred cows” that normally are accepted without question. Therapy is a linguistic exercise Constructing new viewpoints can bring about solutions (reframing again) Therapy should be collaborative Since no one possesses the truth, then meaning and direction develop through dialogue between therapist and clients.

5 Solution focused therapy Is similar to the Cyberneticists, in that it focuses on resolving the presenting complaint as simply as possible Instead of focusing getting clients to do less of what doesn’t work, SFT focuses on getting clients to do more of what does work. Is different from the Cyberneticists in that they Trust the client to resolve the problem Focus on successes rather than failures in therapy.

6 Influence of Milton Erickson Erickson used hypnotic language to bypass conscious RESISTANCE, and release unconscious POTENTIALS Jackson, Haley, etc. focused on RESISTANCE and drew on Ericksonian methods to defeat or circumvent resistance to change. Paradox Indirect communication

7 Influence of Erickson, cont. Solution focused therapists focus on the latent, or unconscious POTENTIALS within the client, and use Ericksonian methods to elicit these potentials. Looking for exceptions Building on competencies “How did you do that?” Use of hypnotic suggestions “I’m wondering what will new thing will happen when you go home and get into the next dispute.”

8 Solution Focused Theory People really want to change, and have the potential to change–– de Schazer pronounced the “death of resistance.” They have already experienced success, but are not focused on their successes The exceptions to the problem show us where the client already knows what to do. The therapist helps the client become aware of these successes, and uses language to frame these exceptions as solutions. Then the therapist and client focus on the future, where these competencies can be expressed more fully.

9 Solution Focused Theory, cont. While the sources of problems are very complex, the solutions are usually quite simple. Language creates reality, a basic constructionistic principle But another part of the Solution focused evolving idea is that the therapist/client relationship is crucial, especially the positive impact of a hopeful therapist.

10 Solution focused therapy Therapist does not impose view of reality Focuses on the way people describe themselves and their problems There is hardly any focus on the origins of problems, only the solutions. Therapist helps client to do or think differently so they can become more satisfied with their lives. Willing to settle for modest goals because of the basic belief in a person’s ability to solve his or her problems, and because any success will affect other areas (equifiniality)

11 Solution Focused Approach Assessment of who is the client? -- Visitors, complainants and clients Problem description, what efforts have been made Setting future goals, and how client will know when goals have been met Amplify goals, resources, and exceptions Create a context where strengths can be acknowledged and expressed Main technique Reframe problem as as more functional Clarify logical bind Linking hypnotic-like directive to ineveitable sign of progress

12 Solution Focused Specific Techniques Coping questions Formula first session task Exception question in order to formulate solutions Miracle question Scaling questions Compliments focused on doing more of what works.

13 Solution Focused Therapeutic Language Patterns How did you do that? (Coping question) How will you know when you have succeeded? What needs to happen for you to know that you have succeeded? I am impressed by how resourceful/creative/courageous you have been. Have you always been that way? I’m not surprised that you are so depressed. There would be something wrong if you weren’t. (Dr. Sparrow) I’ll be interested to know what works for you this week.

14 Solution focused suggestions Formula first session task -- observe what you would like to continue to have happen Do more of what is working Do something different Go slowly Do the opposite Prediction task -- will the problem be better tomorrow, or not?

15 Some recently criticisms Simplistic Therapist needs to remain connected with client’s reality for therapy to work, so consequently… Therapist needs to validate client’s perception of the problem.

16 Narrative Therapy Concerned only with the ways that people construct meaning (with language) rather than on their behavior. The “facts” are part historical and part social construction. The constructions may or may not be helpful to the client. Rather than imposing a reframing of a problem, the therapist explores new ways that the client himself can construct a new view.

17 Narrative Therapy, cont. Focuses on self defeating cognitions, as opposed to self defeating behaviors (focus of the cyberneticists) Focuses on how the problem impacts the family, as opposed to how the family impacts and perpetuates the problem Externalization of the problem helps the clients see themselves as victims of labels and culturally authored stigmas that may have little to do with the person.

18 Narrative Theory Reality is created, not discovered We create stories that fit our assumptions, which are in turn driven by social and cultural biases.

19 Narrative Therapy’s Methods Therapists must Take a collaborative, empathic interest in the client’s story. Search for past incidences of strength and resourcefulness Use questions to respect the emergence of a new story. Never label Help clients question dominant cultural narratives

20 Narrative Therapy’s Methods Shifting from problem saturated language Shifting away from totalizing views Externalizing the problem Exploring for history of unique outcomes, that is, times when client has successfully resisted the problem. Deconstruction and reconstruction of stories

21 Narrative Therapy’s Specific Techniques Everything in the form of questions (remember Bowen?) Externalizing Relative influence questions about the effect of the problem on the family Sparkling events or unique outcome questions Reauthoring story, “What does it say about you that you were able to…” Reinforcing new story finding an audience to support new story Letter writing by therapist. Deconstructing cultural assumptions

22 Narrative Therapy’s Methods Three stages of therapy Recasting the problem as an external affliction finding partial triumphs over the affliction finding support for the new story

23 Narrative Therapy’s Weaknesses Overlooks that symptoms are often related to family conflict Dismisses interactional nature of family distress Doesn’t treat family as a unit

24 That’s All Folks Now for the quiz…

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