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NOTES FOR MYSTERY UNIT. 1. Main idea The main idea is the most important thing the paragraph says about the topic. The topic is what a paragraph is all.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTES FOR MYSTERY UNIT. 1. Main idea The main idea is the most important thing the paragraph says about the topic. The topic is what a paragraph is all."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Main idea The main idea is the most important thing the paragraph says about the topic. The topic is what a paragraph is all about.

3 Supporting details Supporting details are statements which support your topic. You support your main idea by explaining it, describing it, defining it, or otherwise giving information about it. You will usually need to actually look up or research this information! research

4 Text Structure How a writer organizes ideas in a text.

5 1 st bullet point in text structure Argument

6 2 nd bullet point— INFORMATIONAL There are several types of informational text that we will study this year including: 1.Comparison/Contrast 2.Cause & Effect 3.Problem/Solution 4.Sequence 5.Description

7 3 rd bullet point—NARRATIVE (STORY) For example, the words Once upon a time signal what type of text?

8 1 st bullet point under Narrative— SUSPENCE

9 2ndt bullet point under narrative— HUMOR

10 3 rd bullet point under narrative— DRAMATIC IRONY Irony that occurs when the meaning of the situation is understood by the audience but not by the character in the story.

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