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FORMS OF GOVERNMENT The Variety of Ways Nations of the World Are Governed.

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Presentation on theme: "FORMS OF GOVERNMENT The Variety of Ways Nations of the World Are Governed."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORMS OF GOVERNMENT The Variety of Ways Nations of the World Are Governed

2 AUTOCRACY  Government ruled by an individual with absolute power; no checks  Also called despotism; ruler called a despot.  An Absolute Monarchy is a more modern term Saudi Arabia and Malaysia are absolute monarchies

3 CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY  King and/or Queen rules but shares power with another body.  Rules and laws are described under a constitution. England Canada Belgium Jordan Kuwait And many more…….

4 THEOCRACY  Nation ruled by religious leader(s)  Term means “rule of god” in Greek  Laws derived from religious doctrine, e.g. the Bible, the Koran Iran

5 OLIGARCHY  Power of government lies with a few prominent citizens, typically families who pass that power down to ancestors. No real modern examples

6 CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY  Rules and laws determined by a constitution and people have some degree of power  United States can be classified as this but is more accurately defined a constitutional republic A democracy is direct rule by the people In a republic, people choose representatives to rule


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