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Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO 14001 EMS 33rd National Energy & Environmental Conference Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Tucson, Arizona Presented by:

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO 14001 EMS 33rd National Energy & Environmental Conference Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Tucson, Arizona Presented by:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO 14001 EMS 33rd National Energy & Environmental Conference Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Tucson, Arizona Presented by: David R. Church Senior Associate First Environment For the benefit of business and people

2 1Background 2GHG Basics 3ISO 14001 Model & GHG SUMMARY

3 BACKGROUND 1 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS PLAN DO ACT CHECK The Improvement Cycle...

4 BACKGROUND 1 Why do companies implement Environmental Management Systems?  Business/market/regulatory drivers  Stakeholder influences  Desire to improve environmental performance  Socially responsible activity Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS

5 BACKGROUND 1 Why do companies implement Greenhouse Gas programs?  Business/market/regulatory drivers  Stakeholder influences  Desire to improve environmental performance  Socially responsible activity Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS

6 BACKGROUND 1 Climate Change issues and Greenhouse Gas emissions…  A global environmental issue  We all contribute to the problem  Regulated in many countries – soon in the US  Fossil fuel emissions are the largest source Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS

7 > GHG Basics 2 2

8 GHG Basics 2 Current Climate Change/GHG Programs (U.S. examples only)  California Climate Action Registry Database of member reported GHG emissions Requires 3 rd party verification  Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon trading based on 3 rd party verified GHG emissions reductions  EPA Climate Leaders Energy efficiency Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS

9 GHG Basics 2 GHG Program Basics  Records/Data management  Systems approach for: Identifying sources Determining emissions Collecting, converting, reporting data Data verification Establishing controls Reduction targets and programs Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS

10 GHG Basics 2 Kyoto Greenhouse Gases Carbon Dioxide - CO 2 Methane - CH 4 Nitrous Oxide – N 2 O Hydrofluorocarbons - HFCs Perfluorocarbons - PFCs Sulfur Hexafluoride - SF6 GHG Basics

11 2 Greenhouse Gases Primary Source Categories Generation of electricity Mobile sources Stationary sources Process emissions Fugitive emissions GHG Basics

12 2 Global Warming Potential (GWP) Conversion factors to CO 2 equivalent GWP (IPCC SAR) Carbon Dioxide - CO 2 1 Methane - CH 4 21 Nitrous Oxide – N 2 O 310 Hydrofluorocarbons – HFCs 8 gases up to 9,200 Perfluorocarbons – PFCs 6 gases up to 11,700 Sulfur Hexafluoride - SF6 23,900 GHG Basics

13 2 Managing Greenhouse Gas emissions  Establish a baseline year  Develop effective tools for identifying, monitoring, measuring and reporting GHG emissions  EMS framework provides a good model for managing GHG through controls, records and performance improvements  3 rd party verification is critical for reporting and trading credits GHG Basics

14 > ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 3

15 ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 ISO 14001  Most commonly used EMS model in the world  Over 120,000 registered companies  Continuing annual growth 25-30%  Demonstrated performance improvements  Integrates well with other management system standards Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS

16 ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 ISO 14001  Provides excellent framework for GHG program participation  GHG emission sources should be considered as Significant Aspects because of their Significant Impact on the environment  All relevant requirements should be implemented to effectively manage GHG emissions Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS

17 ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS ISO 14001 Major Headings  Policy (4.2)  Planning (4.3)  Implementation and Operation (4.4)  Checking & Corrective Action (4.5)  Management Review (4.6)

18 ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Each Heading is Relevant to GHG Policy Implications:  How does the organization view itself in relation to Climate Change/GHG issues?  Has the organization made commitments to reductions, program participation, etc.?  Communication to employees  Public availability

19 ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Planning:  Identify GHG as an aspect and evaluate the impact for significance.  Any associated legal requirements? Other requirements? (CCX, Climate Leaders, etc.)  Set objectives for program participation - baseline, reductions, emission trading, etc.  Specific targets set  Programs established - who, what, when, how, $$?

20 ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Implementation & Operation:  Who has responsibility and authority for GHG programs?  What training is required for employees? What competencies are needed?  Internal and external communications about GHG  Program documentation  Process controls for GHG emissions and activities  Communication with vendors & contractors  Procedures for emergencies

21 ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Checking and Corrective Action  How are GHG emissions monitored or measured?  Monitoring progress on reduction objectives/targets  Calibration of monitoring/measurement equipment  Corrective and preventive actions associated with GHG activity, controls, etc.  Record keeping (important for trading program participation)  Internal audit program - review GHG controls, monitoring, program participation, results, etc.

22 ISO 14001 Model & GHG 3 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS Management Review  What progress has been made?  Problems related to resources, technology, skills, etc.?  Public reporting?  Stakeholder issues?  Is the GHG program suitable, adequate, effective?

23 Conclusions 4 Integrating GHG Programs in an ISO14001 EMS  The number of GHG programs is growing rapidly  Regulation is a foregone conclusion  ISO 14001 creates a great framework to manage GHG programs  EMS approach contains all the necessary tools and controls

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