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TRANSIT OF VENUS KaAS By Khalid Marwat. June 2004, Rashidabad “This by far the noblest astronomy affords...” Edmund Halley KaAS observed Next.

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Presentation on theme: "TRANSIT OF VENUS KaAS By Khalid Marwat. June 2004, Rashidabad “This by far the noblest astronomy affords...” Edmund Halley KaAS observed Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRANSIT OF VENUS KaAS By Khalid Marwat

2 June 2004, Rashidabad “This by far the noblest astronomy affords...” Edmund Halley KaAS observed Next session? This by far the noblest astronomy affords... -Edmund Halley

3 Outer planets can never be at inferior conjunction


5 In 1996, descending Venus just barely missed transiting the sun. For 2004 and 2012, Venus crosses in front of the sun's disk. In 2020, the planet is sufficiently far above the plane of the earth's orbit when it descends to the right of the sun and thus does not transit the sun. Similarly, not until this line of inferior conjunction regresses to the opposite node, after many eight year cycles, will the next pair of transits occur at Venus' ascending node in December, 2117 and 2125.

6 THERE WERE FIVE CONJUCTIONS IN EIGHT YEARS 5 x 583,917 days = days 2,919.585 8 x 365,256 days = days 2,922.048

7 Venus is on its ascending node on 9 December, the descending node on 7 June. Almost exactly 243 years held 152 rounds and 395 synodic Venus cycles CYCLEDURATIONMULTIPLERESULT Synodic583,917152 x 583,917 days88,755.4 Earth’s Year365,256243 x 365,256 days88,757.2 Sidereal224,701395 x 224,701 days88,756.9 Frequency is 105.5, 8, and 121.5 years

8 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 Before 1600 there was no telescope ToV, an unobserved phenomenon; Kepler’s Rudolphine Tables in 1627 predicted Kepler died on 15 th Nov 1630 1631 and 1639; (not witnessed), most agreeable spectacle 1761 and 1769; Global Expeditions, determination of AU and Black Drop 1874 and 1882; Age of Photography 2004 and 2012; Predominantly an amateur pursuit 2117 and 2125; Far into the future 4,1639 7,1631 6,1882 9,1874 December Transits June Transits 8,2125 11,2117 3,1769 6,1761 6,2012 8,2004

9 Transit Diagram

10 Predictions for Karachi External ingress Sun AltInternal Ingress Sun AltGreatest transit Sun AltInternal Egress Sun AltExternal Egress Sun Alt ---- 01:32:371004:35:465004:53:1454

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