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Development of the Algebra I Units. Developed by: Marie Copeland Mathematics Instructor Warren Cons. Schools (Retired) EMATHS and TI Nspire Instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of the Algebra I Units. Developed by: Marie Copeland Mathematics Instructor Warren Cons. Schools (Retired) EMATHS and TI Nspire Instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of the Algebra I Units

2 Developed by: Marie Copeland Mathematics Instructor Warren Cons. Schools (Retired) EMATHS and TI Nspire Instructor Debbie Ferry Mathematics Consultant at the Macomb ISD Mike Lehman Mathematics Department Chair at Holt High School (Retired) EMATHS and TI Nspire Instructor

3 Unit 1 – Linear Functions Unit 2 – Quadratic Functions Unit 3 – Polynomial Functions Unit 4 – Exponential and Power Functions Unit 5 – Bivariate Data & Mathematical Modeling

4 The Algebra I Units Emphasize a function-based approach to teaching algebra.

5 Understanding the relationship between variables is the dominant theme Letters are used to denote variables that are involved in change In modeling real-world situations, students are expected to determine variables and their interdependencies, formulate function rules, find solutions, and make predictions. Problems and solution techniques may utilize multiple representations (verbal, symbolic, tabular, graphical)

6 The Algebra I Units Constantly build and connect to prior knowledge

7 Research Shows Students are more likely to remember the mathematics taught because we capitalize on associations made through using a function approach. Learning is made simpler, faster, and more understandable by using pattern building as a teaching tool. Taken from Why Use a Function Approach When Teaching Algebra? by Ed Laughbaum

8 The Algebra I Units Utilize Technology “Technology is an essential tool for learning Mathematics in the 21 st Century, …” NCTM May/June 2008

9 Research Shows Students cannot learn if they are not paying attention. The graphing calculator is used to draw attention to the mathematics through its basic functionality including various applications software. Without visualizations, students do not understand or remember the mathematics as well. In the function approach visualizations are used first before any symbolic development. Taken from Why Use a Function Approach When Teaching Algebra? by Ed Laughbaum

10 The enriched teaching/learning environment promotes correct memory of math content. The wide variety of teaching activities facilitated by the function approach provides the enriched environment. Contextual situations (represented as functions) provide meaning to the algebra learned. Algebra taught without meaning creates memories without meaning that are quickly forgotten. Taken from Why Use a Function Approach When Teaching Algebra? by Ed Laughbaum

11 The Workshops are intended to strengthen the quality of mathematics instruction and deepen the mathematical content knowledge of the participants.

12 During this workshop we will emphasize: The connections between the units of study The application of mathematics in real-world contexts The use of technology to enhance instruction The art of questioning The use of the textbook as a resource

13 Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students.

14 Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4.Model with Mathematics

15 Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice 5.Use appropriate tools strategically 6.Attend to precision 7.Look for and make use of structure 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

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