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26.5.2008Panja Luukka1 Silicon beam telescope (SiBT) and MCz detectors: status and plans for 2008 Erkki Anttila, Sandor Czellar, Jaakko Härkönen, Matti.

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Presentation on theme: "26.5.2008Panja Luukka1 Silicon beam telescope (SiBT) and MCz detectors: status and plans for 2008 Erkki Anttila, Sandor Czellar, Jaakko Härkönen, Matti."— Presentation transcript:

1 26.5.2008Panja Luukka1 Silicon beam telescope (SiBT) and MCz detectors: status and plans for 2008 Erkki Anttila, Sandor Czellar, Jaakko Härkönen, Matti Kortelainen, Tapio Lampén, Panja Luukka, Maria Maksimow, Henri Moilanen, Teppo Mäenpää, Eija Tuominen, Jorma Tuominiemi, Esa Tuovinen, Heikki Viljanen (Helsinki Institute of Physics). Leonard Spiegel (FNAL). Tobias Barvich, Alexander Dierlamm, Martin Frey, Alexander Furgeri, Frank Hartmann, Maike Neuland, Hans-Jürgen Simonis, Pia Steck (Universität Karlsruhe). Bernard De Callatay, Thomas Keutgen, Vincent Lemaitre, Otilia Militaru, (Université Catholique de Louvain). Alexander Kaminskiy, Dario Bisello (Università di Padova). Burt Betchart, Regina Demina, Yuri Gotra, Doug Orbaker, Sergey Korjenevski (University of Rochester)

2 26.5.2008Panja Luukka2 Telescope setup  The telescope reference planes + detectors under test are housed inside so-called Vienna box.  The temperature can be set down to -20°C  Reference planes are installed to ±45 degrees (due to the height limitation)  Reference detectors D0 Run IIb HPK sensors with:  60 micron pitch  intermediate strips  size 4 cm x 9 cm  639 channels  Readout electronics: CMS 6-APV chip Tracker Outer Barrel hybrids (5 chips bonded)  DAQ software: a modified version of CMS Tracker XDAQ rc1205

3 26.5.2008Panja Luukka3 P1 P2 P3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Peltier1 Peltier2 Peltier3 Cold plate H & T Monitoring Temp. Control Power Supplies H T Q4 Multi I/O Board PC External cold finger In addition to the large cold box (Vienna box), in summer 2008 the setup will also contain an external cold finger, which can be cooled down to -50 °C.

4 26.5.2008Panja Luukka4 Improvements compared to the 2007 setup  Temperature sensors on the backside of the detectors under test  More efficient cooling system: Use of chiller for removing heat from the cooling box Peltier elements The top and bottom Peltier units of the cooling box will be replaced  The bottom unit failed during the second beam test last summer, and changing both units will improve the reliability of the system  Slow control in linux temperature, humidity, voltage, current etc. values will be logged automatically during different runs (pedestal, physics)  New scintillators that match the telecope active area better than the scintillators used in 2007.  Feedback from offline analysis already during the beam test

5 26.5.2008Panja Luukka5 MCz + Fz detectors for summer 2008  Detector processing was done at the clean room of Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) Micro and Nanofabrication Centre (MINFAB)  Materials: n-type Magnetic Czochralski (Okmetic) and Float Zone (Topsil; RD50 common order) silicon wafers  Pitch 50 µm  768 strips per detector (=6*128)  Suitable for CMS 6-APV hybrid  In addition, ministrips and diodes from the same wafers.  Measured detector characteristics:  MCz V fd ~350 V  Fz V fdl < 10 V  Pitch adapters also processed in MINFAB  glass material with Cr-Al metallization

6 26.5.2008Panja Luukka6 2008 detector irradiations  Protons at Karlsruhe  Neutrons at Louvain-la-Neuve  The neutron irradiation plan completed  The proton irradiation plan for first four MCz fluences completed Irradiation plan for large MCz and Fz sensors MaterialFluencen/p mix % MCz5.00E+14 20/80 MCz8.00E+14 12/88 MCz1.00E+15 10/90 MCz2.00E+15 0/100 MCz3.00E+15 0/100 MCz3.00E+15 0/100 MCznon-irradiated MCznon-irradiated Fz1.00E+14 100/0 Fz1.00E+14 0/100 Fz5.00E+14 20/80 Fz5.00E+14 0/100

7 26.5.2008Panja Luukka7 Status  Neutron irradiations for large sensors completed  Proton irradiations will be completed in the close future  After the detectors have cooled down from the irradiation, they will be characterized and built into modules.  All modules should be ready by the end of June.  The beam test is scheduled for 10-23.7 at CERN H2 beam area  Beam test installations at H2 can start 7.7. during the long SPS machine development period (3 days)

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