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The Cosmic Web The Large Scale Structure of the Universe Szydagis 03.25.2015 University of Oregon 1 / 17.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cosmic Web The Large Scale Structure of the Universe Szydagis 03.25.2015 University of Oregon 1 / 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cosmic Web The Large Scale Structure of the Universe Szydagis 03.25.2015 University of Oregon 1 / 17

2 activity Describe the role that these different ingredients play in the formation of large-scale structure Quantum mechanics Inflation Dark matter Gravity Black holes Gas of ordinary atoms Dark energy 2 / 17

3 Germination of the cosmic seeds 3 / 17 Inflation took superstring-sized quantum fluctuations and blew them up to the bubbly, spindly structures we see on cosmological scales These became the “wrinkles” in the CMB, first observed with COBE, which grew into huge clusters of galaxies And clusters of clusters (superclusters) Inflation makes light speed barrier to communication a non-issue, ensuring that the universe is alike all over

4 Baryon Acoustic Oscillations 4 / 17

5 Hot versus cold dark matter 5 / 17 (FAVORED: WIMPs) (Topological defects like cosmic strings help) (Mixed a.k.a. WDM also possible, like axions and sterile neutrinos)

6 SDSS This is a map of some of the galaxies observed from the SDSS telescope. Courtesy of M. Blanton and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey collaboration 6 / 17

7 7 / 17 3D bubble- shaped voids form, with galaxies as the “skin” of the bubbles (one view)

8 8 / 17 Looks familiar? An artist’s conception of the human brain: neurons (brain cells) and synapses!

9 CMB 9 / 17

10 10 / 17

11 11 / 17

12 12 / 17

13 13 / 17

14 The power spectrum of the Universe 14 / 17 There is still uniformity on the largest (cosmological) scales, vs. astrophysical scales (CMB shows this). Think atoms in your body. All about scale.

15 Simulation videos 15 / 17

16 Inspirational quote plus homework Speaking of stars, that’s our next topic! Star Facts: The Basics of Star Names and Stellar Evolution formation-classification-and- constellations.html (for fun, do quizzes) formation-classification-and- constellations.html 16 / 17 Carl Sagan. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2015, from Website:

17 17 / 17

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