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M ICHELLE K WAN : H EART OF A C HAMPION. P REDICT What do you think this story is going to be about? Who do you think is going to be featured? Do you.

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Presentation on theme: "M ICHELLE K WAN : H EART OF A C HAMPION. P REDICT What do you think this story is going to be about? Who do you think is going to be featured? Do you."— Presentation transcript:


2 P REDICT What do you think this story is going to be about? Who do you think is going to be featured? Do you think she is going to become a champion, as the title suggests?

3 S UMMARIZE Please summarize with your partner, the main idea of “Baseball’s Hero with a Heart” Tell your partner and group one thing you remember about Sammy Sosa’s life.

4 A MATEUR Someone who engages in an athletic activity for fun, instead of money.

5 A RTISTIC Showing skill and good taste

6 C OMPETE To take part in a contest

7 ELEMENTS The part of which something is made up

8 JUDGES People who decide who wins a contest

9 P RESENTATION performance

10 PRESSURE Urgent or forceful demand

11 REQUIRED Necessary, essential

12 TECHNICAL Having to do with technique

13 ELITE Top level, the most skilled members of a group

14 R EVOLUTIONS 360 degree turns

15 GNARLED Knobby and twisted

16 S ETTING See your graphic organizer. What was the setting of this story? Was there more than one? If yes, then why? What made the setting so important to the plot of this story?

17 G ENRE AND THEME What genre and sub genre are “Michelle Kwan: Heart of a Champion”? What was the main idea of this piece? What is the main idea of the first paragraph in this piece? As a group. List 6 main events in this story, and place them in chronological order.

18 C HARACTER TRAITS What motivated Michelle to continue doing what she was doing, and working hard. Everyone told her she couldn’t do it. Why didn’t she listen? What 3 personality traits made Michelle so determined to be great? Would it have been easier for Michelle to give up and quit? What would have happened to her life if she had quit skating?

19 O RGANIZATIONAND POINT OF VIEW How is this story organized? Events? Time? Discuss with your group Who tells this story? 1 st person? 3 rd person? Omniscient?



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