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The Earth. The Earth from a global perspective Why is it the way it is, what makes it different or similar to other planets? Earth from space – first.

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Presentation on theme: "The Earth. The Earth from a global perspective Why is it the way it is, what makes it different or similar to other planets? Earth from space – first."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Earth

2 The Earth from a global perspective Why is it the way it is, what makes it different or similar to other planets? Earth from space – first seen in 1957 Imagine you’re an alien from another planet…

3 Distinguishing features of Earth (compared to other planets): - water - vegetation - clouds  tranquil place

4 Desert - Namibia

5 Drainage patterns - Yemen

6 Grand canyon from space

7 Impact craters – Manicoagan crater - Quebec

8 Mountains – Sierra Nevada from space

9 Volcanoes – radar image of Mauna Loa from space

10 Pyramids from space

11 Earth at night

12 Distinguishing features of Earth (compared to other planets): - water - vegetation - clouds  tranquil place Earth is a complex planet (in/out): molten flow interior energy of sunlight affects weather magnetic belts, charged particles

13 70% of Earth’s surface is covered with water Water also locked into rocks The influences of/on Water: - Earth’s rotation (weather & storms) - Rivers, streams - Exchange with the atmosphere (rain, clouds) The Earth: A Blue Planet

14 Earth’s surface: constantly changing


16 Similar Fossils Found on different Continents!

17 Similar Rock Formations Found on different continents!

18 250 Million Years Ago- Pangea


20 M








28 Where does the energy for plate tectonics come from? Energy from Earth’s interior

29 Radioactive Decay

30 Earth was most likely MOLTEN early in its history Energy sources to keep Earth molten throughout - decay of radioactive isotopes (atoms) from early solar system - violent impacts from solar system formation debris numerous asteroids, meteoroids


32 chemical differentiation” – heavier elements sink down lower in the structure core = made of IRON mantle = dense, iron-rich, but other lighter elements crust = relatively thin, light, silicon-rich materials

33 Earth’s Atmosphere


35 Early Earth’s Atmosphere

36 Rock Formation Process


38 Zircon Earth's oldest-known mineral - Over 4 billion Years old. We can figure out under what conditions it formed.

39 CO2 Cycle

40 Magnetosphere Magnetic Field roughly aligned with its rotation axis Charged particles from the Sun can interact with the Earth's field and change its shape

41 Aurora




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