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Open Scalable File Systems, Inc. (Nonprofit, User Group, “CO-OP,” User Community, Mutual Benefit Corp) (OpenSFS) – Status Update Norman.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Scalable File Systems, Inc. (Nonprofit, User Group, “CO-OP,” User Community, Mutual Benefit Corp) (OpenSFS) – Status Update Norman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Scalable File Systems, Inc. (Nonprofit, User Group, “CO-OP,” User Community, Mutual Benefit Corp) (OpenSFS) – Status Update Norman Morse President, CEO 07 September 2011 1

2 In the last decade, with its excellent I/O performance, good scalability and persistent features of open source, hardware neutral and POSIX compatibility, Lustre has become the most popular distributed file system in the HPC domain. According to the latest authoritative statistic ( Top500, June 2011), Lustre is used on at least 8 of Top 10 supercomputers, and 70% of Top 100 supercomputers today deploy Lustre. In recent years, with the rapid development of HPC in China, more and more companies and institutes have joined the Lustre user groups. The wide deployment of Lustre is an irresistible trend. We profoundly feel that the Lustre users and developers in China need a communication channel and platform in this process. So we propose to periodically hold a "China Lustre Workshop" to discuss Lustre issues, and to create a "Chinese Lustre users' community" to exchange experience, forge and sustain a bond with the development team, feed back problems and collect common requirements. OpenSFS.org2

3 OpenScalable File Systems, Inc. (OpenSFS) – Status Update With acquisitions, business models and plans, the future of Lustre may have been unclear (past-tense) OpenSFS was specifically created to bring clarity and prevent this problem happening again 3

4 OpenSFS - Mission HPC Sites totally dependent on SFS (Lustre) for their success require an unequivocal path forward for Support and Development plus evolution to Exascale New HPC Sites considering the use of Lustre require the same OpenSFS was created to guarantee the required path forward 4

5 OpenSFS - Mission OpenSFS is like a cooperative (CO-OP) of SFS (Lustre) users – formalizes the user community OpenSFS is technically a non-profit, mutual benefit corporation incorporated under California law OpenSFS participants pool resources to generate required open-source support and development for SFS (Lustre) to benefit the entire community 5

6 OpenSFS - Mission An important mission of OpenSFS is to generate funds through annual member dues to finance required Lustre support and development More participants generate more funds (and good ideas) which enable more Lustre support and development We invite you to join us 6

7 OpenSFS – (Linux Foundation model) Promoters (Board Members) $500k/yr – Cray, DDN, LLNL, ORNL Peer Organizations – European Open File Systems SCE Adopters $50k/yr – Indiana University, Whamcloud, SNL Supporters $5k/yr – RAID, SGI Transitioning participants (Adopters and Supporters) – Xyratex, Terascala, TACC, CSC, PSC, SFW, Fermi, SLAC 7

8 OpenSFS Current Events Corporate documents originally designed to allow OpenSFS to push contributions to holder of canonical definition are now being modified – Bylaws and Contribution now posted at modified to recognize current environment – further modifications - Apache – Board member position created to represent Adopters and Supporters – Changes to allow peer organization membership – Bylaw changes to allow transition 8

9 OpenSFS Current Events EOFS/OpenSFS signed an MOU at ISC 2011 assuring peering of organizations After a rigorous RFP process OpenSFS has awarded our first development contract to Whamcloud for up to $2.1M over the next two years Additional RFP/Contracts at least at this level are being planned 9

10 OpenSFS Current Events Joint OpenSFS/EOFS BOF sessions at SC11 (Future of Lustre and Open Source Software) Discussions regarding the Lustre canonical definition Open Source! 10

11 Working Groups Technical Working Group – John Carrier (Cray), Dave Dillow (ORNL) Community Development Working Group – Pam Hamilton (LLNL) Wide Area File System Working Group – Steve Simms (IU) Information on participation at 11

12 Slide 12

13 The reports of the death of Lustre are greatly exaggerated 13

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