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Verizon W HOLESALE C LEC O RDERING W ORKSHOP August Workshop 8/21/2002 * The information in this Workshop presentation reflects the business environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Verizon W HOLESALE C LEC O RDERING W ORKSHOP August Workshop 8/21/2002 * The information in this Workshop presentation reflects the business environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verizon W HOLESALE C LEC O RDERING W ORKSHOP August Workshop 8/21/2002 * The information in this Workshop presentation reflects the business environment (i.e, Order Business Rules and industry standards, etc.) effective 6/21/02.

2 2 August 2002 Workshop Agenda  Verizon Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario 4 –7070DD18 - Cut through not available new date due is required - North  Verizon Platform Error Scenario 11 –7030Z999 / 7020LN10 - Line Share exists on TN specified not eligible for migration  Website Tour - URL’s 16 –Training and Education – Pre-Order and Order Guide – Sample Orders  Action Items from May Workshop 18  Questions/Feedback 21 Topic*Page * The LSR Forms and LSI ordering formats that are used in the Error Scenarios and in the Ordering Scenarios are based on the Verizon Order Business Rules Version 5.2.1 (LSOG 5).

3 3 August 2002 Workshop Workshop Objectives The objective of the Verizon Wholesale CLEC Ordering Workshops is to provide useful information that will help increase the order flow through rate and decrease the reject rate of our customers' Loop (UNE), Platform (UNE-P), and Resale requests. Achieving this objective may potentially:  Reduce the time spent by CLEC/Resellers ‘debugging’ requests that were submitted in error  Improve the end-to-end timeframe for requests to be processed Workshop Highlights  Workshops will be held monthly to educate Wholesale customers on:  The types of request errors that are found most frequently  How to avoid submitting requests with these errors  Workshops may use scenarios where workshop participants attempt to find the error in the request that was submitted  Workshops will focus on Local Service Request (LSR) transaction information that is useful to those CLECs and Resellers who are providing local services in the Verizon North and South regions of the former Bell Atlantic territory

4 4 August 2002 Workshop Verizon Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario

5 5 August 2002 Workshop Potential Scenario for Reseller XYZ: Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario - 7070DD18  Reseller XYZ has a new single line residential end user named Bonnie Hopps.  Bonnie Hopps is requesting new listed service in Williamsville, NY  Reseller XYZ submits a New Service request, including the Local Service Request (LSR), End User (EU), Directory Listing (DL) and Resale Service (RS) forms  Reseller XYZ made error 7070DD18 and the request is rejected

6 6 August 2002 Workshop Given the CSR, LSR forms and fields, and the corresponding LSI transaction, can you find the error? LSOG 5 Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario - 7070DD18 Pre-Order Transaction

7 7 August 2002 Workshop Description of the Error: Corrected Request:  Cut Through not available new date due is required - LSR in query –Reseller XYZ’s request is rejected because the cut through is not available at this address and the End User form reflects a WSOP (Working Service on Premises) “C”. The “N” in the Cut Through Indicator field shown on the pre-order address validation transaction indicates that the address is not eligible for Cut Through  Reseller XYZ submits a SUP 3 to correct the WSOP (Working Service on Premises) field on the End User form to a “Z”, changes the date due and resubmits the request.  The corrected LSR is illustrated on the next 2 pages. Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario - 7070DD18

8 8 August 2002 Workshop LSOG 5 Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario - 7070DD18

9 9 August 2002 Workshop LSOG 5 Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario - 7070DD18

10 10 August 2002 Workshop Key Learning:  Error 7070DD18 occurs when a CLEC/Reseller populates the WSOP field with a “C” and the address is not eligible for cut through  Resellers and CLECs should always perform an Address Validation Pre- Order transaction to validate the end user address and verify that the address is eligible for cut through  Based on the Address Validation Pre-Order transaction: –when: REQTYP = EB (Resale) or DB (Platform) TOS = “2” (residence) is the first character ACT = N (New Installation) or T (Move) –the CLEC must populate the WSOP field with one of the following entries: A = Additional line request V = Validate status of existing service L = Left-in-dialtone exists (VT only) C = Cut Through exists Z = Valid address (used when none of the above conditions exist)  In Resale NY and CT, when the WSOP field is A or Z, the NIDR (field 47, RS form) should be completed: –Y = Yes (a network interface is required) –N = No, left in (a network interface is known to be on the premise) Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario - 7070DD18

11 11 August 2002 Workshop Cross References:  Verizon Pre-Order Business Rules Version 5.2.1 (LSOG 5), located at  Verizon Sample Orders, located at: Resale/Platform/Loop Error Scenario - 7070DD18

12 12 August 2002 Workshop Verizon Platform Error Scenario

13 13 August 2002 Workshop Platform Error Scenario - 7030Z999 / 7020LN10 Potential Scenario for CLEC XYZ:  Verizon currently has a single-line end user named Jim Chiu living in Manhattan, NY  Mr. Chiu would like to switch his local phone service from Verizon to CLEC XYZ  CLEC XYZ requests a Migration As Specified, submitting the Local Service Request (LSR), End User (EU), and Port Service (PS) forms  CLEC XYZ’s request generated error 7030Z999 (South error 7020LN10)

14 14 August 2002 Workshop LSOG 5 Given the CSR, LSR forms and fields, and the corresponding LSI transaction, can you find the error? Platform Error Scenario - 7030Z999 / 7020LN10 CSR LSR and LSI 212 555-0001 212 534-1111 CHIU, JAMES 72 JAMES CHIU 1111 ABC 1111 ABC (((LSOG 5) JUN 27, 2002

15 15 August 2002 Workshop Description of the Error: Corrected Request: Platform Error Scenario - 7030Z999 / 7020LN10  North: Line XXXXXXXXXX contains fid:UNE1 not eligible for Migration  South: LN SHARE EXISTS ON TN SPECIFIED; NOT ELIGIBLE FOR MIGRATION - LSR IN QUERY –As such, the submitted Migration order will be rejected because the Verizon retail account contains Line Sharing. Currently, an account with Line Sharing cannot be migrated to a Resale or UNE account –The Migration request will be queried back to the CLEC  In order to Migrate the retail account, the end user must first request from the data provider that Line Sharing be removed  Once Line Sharing is removed from the account, the end user’s account will be eligible for Migration to a Resale or CLEC account

16 16 August 2002 Workshop Key Learning: Cross Reference: Platform Error Scenario - 7030Z999 / 7020LN10  An end user must have a Verizon retail account in order to obtain Line Sharing from a Data Local Exchange Carrier (DLEC)  Currently, a Verizon retail account cannot be migrated to a Resale or UNE account if Line Sharing exists on that account –Be sure to check the retail customer’s CSR in Pre-Order to determine if that customer has Line Sharing –If an end user has Line Sharing on his or her account, the UNE1, UNN1, or UCP1 FIDs will be present on the CSR  If an account is already Resale or UNE, Line Sharing cannot be added to that account –If the account is already Resale, an “RSID” will be present on the CSR. If the account is already UNE, an “AECN” will be present on the CSR  Verizon Pre-Order Business Rules Version 5.2.1 (LSOG 5), located at  Verizon Sample Orders, located at:

17 17 August 2002 Workshop Website Tour - URL’s

18 18 August 2002 Workshop Web Site Tour: Web Site Tour - URL’s  Training and Education –URL -,2631,4-te,FF.html  Local Service Ordering Guide –URL -  Sample Orders –URL -,4351,,00.html

19 19 August 2002 Workshop Action Items from May Workshop

20 20 August 2002 Workshop Action Items 1. How can a request to disconnect an account that is already suspended be issued without getting an automatic error? The request to disconnect a suspended account should be sent as an ACT = D. Verizon will process the appropriate orders to have the service disconnected. If an order to restore is required before the disconnect can be issued, that order will be issued internally. 2. What happens if the losing CLEC doesn't send in a Directory Listing request to remove the existing listing on a UNE account during a CLEC to CLEC migration? Will it prevent the new listing from posting? North/South  If the losing CLEC doesn't send in a DL request to remove the listing, the listing will not be removed. This may not be an exact listing match. Ie. John Smith, John M. Smith  When this happens in the North, the new listing is rejected to the new CLEC  When this happens in the South, the new listing is printed  CLECs must work together to prevent duplicate listings when migrating from one CLEC to another During the May Workshop, questions were raised that required additional research. The following is a summary of the responses to the Action Items raised:

21 21 August 2002 Workshop Action Items 3. ISDN - What are the North/South Resale and Platform ISDN requirements regarding the NC/NCI codes? Do the features have to be on the forms? What about the CFA forms? ISDN - BRI –Resale - NC/NCI codes are never required –Platform - NC/NCI codes are required ISDN - PRI –Platform - forms required –UNE - forms required –Resale - forms are optional CFA Form –CFA is needed on the PRI Port form, not the LSR PS form Suggestion: Add the phrase, "all areas" to the Business Rules for fields: –18 - Suspend Activity Indicator on the Port Service form –16 - Suspend Activity Indicator on the Resale Service form  C = suspend both (all areas) This information will be added to the Business Rules via CR 357088 with the October 2002 release. Action Items cont.

22 22 August 2002 Workshop Questions/Feedback

23 23 August 2002 Workshop Feedback Forms will be distributed to all participants. Please take a few moments to complete this survey immediately following the workshop. We strongly encourage each participant to provide us with comments. The monthly workshops are designed to help you more effectively process your orders, and your feedback is used to determine relevant training content for future sessions. Dial-in participants should complete the Feedback Form they received by e-mail and send it back to “” or print out the Feedback Form and fax it immediately after the workshop to 410 393-0629. We appreciate your participation and contribution to the success of the workshops. Questions/Feedback SUGGESTIONS Tell us how we’re doing -your feedback is important to us!

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