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Lesson 17. Ami(amic ):friend Amiable: ami(friend) able(able) Amicable: amic(friend) able(able) Amity ami(friend) ity(state of) Amiable: ami(friend) able(able)

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 17. Ami(amic ):friend Amiable: ami(friend) able(able) Amicable: amic(friend) able(able) Amity ami(friend) ity(state of) Amiable: ami(friend) able(able)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 17

2 Ami(amic ):friend Amiable: ami(friend) able(able) Amicable: amic(friend) able(able) Amity ami(friend) ity(state of) Amiable: ami(friend) able(able) Amicable: amic(friend) able(able) Amity ami(friend) ity(state of)

3 Bon:good  Bonus: bon(good)  Bon voyage: bon(good) viaticum(trip)  Bon vitvant: bon(good) viv(life) ant(one who)-- person who enjoys life’s pleasures  Bonus: bon(good)  Bon voyage: bon(good) viaticum(trip)  Bon vitvant: bon(good) viv(life) ant(one who)-- person who enjoys life’s pleasures

4 Counter:against  Counteract:counter(against) act(do)  Counterproductive:counter(a gainst) pro(forth) duct(lead) ive(that which)  Counterpoint: Counter(against) point(point)  Counteract:counter(against) act(do)  Counterproductive:counter(a gainst) pro(forth) duct(lead) ive(that which)  Counterpoint: Counter(against) point(point)

5 Cryo:cold,freeze  Cryogenics: cryo(cold) gen(science of)--low- temperature phenomena  Cryometer:cryo(freeze)meter(m easure)--measures very low temperatures  Cryophilic:cryo(cold) phil(love,fondness)ic(related to)- -thriving or having an affinity for cold temperatures  Cryogenics: cryo(cold) gen(science of)--low- temperature phenomena  Cryometer:cryo(freeze)meter(m easure)--measures very low temperatures  Cryophilic:cryo(cold) phil(love,fondness)ic(related to)- -thriving or having an affinity for cold temperatures

6 Crypt:secret, hidden  Cryptic:crypt(secret)ic(related to)  Cryptogram:crypt(secret)gram(w riting)  Cryptologist:crypt(secret,hidden) log(study of) ist(one who)-- studies codes  Cryptic:crypt(secret)ic(related to)  Cryptogram:crypt(secret)gram(w riting)  Cryptologist:crypt(secret,hidden) log(study of) ist(one who)-- studies codes

7 Don(dot):give  Donor:don(give)or(one who)  Condone:con(together)don(give)  Antidote:anti(against)dot(give)  Donor:don(give)or(one who)  Condone:con(together)don(give)  Antidote:anti(against)dot(give)

8 Dur:hard,lasting  Durable:dur(lasting)able(capable of)  Duress:durece(hard)--constraint by treat;coercion  Obdurate:ob(against)dur(hard)at e(make)--hardened in wrongdoing;wickedness  Durable:dur(lasting)able(capable of)  Duress:durece(hard)--constraint by treat;coercion  Obdurate:ob(against)dur(hard)at e(make)--hardened in wrongdoing;wickedness

9 Escent:beginning to  Adolescent:alere(nourish,grow)e scent(beginning to)  Convalescent:con(with)val(stron g)escent(beginning to)  Obsolescent:obsoletus(wear out) escent(beginning to)  Adolescent:alere(nourish,grow)e scent(beginning to)  Convalescent:con(with)val(stron g)escent(beginning to)  Obsolescent:obsoletus(wear out) escent(beginning to)

10 Fig:shape,mold  Figment:fig(shape)ment(result of)--something imagined  Transfigure:trans(across)fig9sha pe)ure(act of)--like snail that uses stomach as foot  Effigy:ef(out)fig(result of)--image shaped like someone  Figment:fig(shape)ment(result of)--something imagined  Transfigure:trans(across)fig9sha pe)ure(act of)--like snail that uses stomach as foot  Effigy:ef(out)fig(result of)--image shaped like someone

11 Gastro:stomach  Gastric:gastr(stomach)ic(related to)  Gastropod:gastro(stomach)pod(f oot)--like snal that uses stomach as foot  Gastroscope:gastro(stomach)sc op(look)  Gastric:gastr(stomach)ic(related to)  Gastropod:gastro(stomach)pod(f oot)--like snal that uses stomach as foot  Gastroscope:gastro(stomach)sc op(look)

12 Hier:sacred,holy  Hierarchy:hier(sacred)arch(rule) y(result of)--classifyed by rank  Hierology:hier(sacred)logy(study of)--sacred of literature of a given people  Hieroglyphics:hier(sacred)gluph( carving)--writings as in ancient Egypt in which pictorial symbols represent words and sounds  Hierarchy:hier(sacred)arch(rule) y(result of)--classifyed by rank  Hierology:hier(sacred)logy(study of)--sacred of literature of a given people  Hieroglyphics:hier(sacred)gluph( carving)--writings as in ancient Egypt in which pictorial symbols represent words and sounds

13 Ics:art,sicence of  Graphics:graph(write)ic(art)  Aesthetics:aesthet(feel,perceive) ics9art)--philosophy that provides a theory for the beautiful and fine arts  Calisthenics:cali(beautiful)sthen( strength)ics(sicence of)  Graphics:graph(write)ic(art)  Aesthetics:aesthet(feel,perceive) ics9art)--philosophy that provides a theory for the beautiful and fine arts  Calisthenics:cali(beautiful)sthen( strength)ics(sicence of)

14 Log: word, list, reason, speak  Logic: log (reason) ic (science of)  Dialogue: dia (across) log (speak)  Apology: apo (away) log (word) y (result of)  Logic: log (reason) ic (science of)  Dialogue: dia (across) log (speak)  Apology: apo (away) log (word) y (result of)

15 Mens: measure  Dimension: dia (across) mens (measure) ion (act of)  Immense: im (not) mens (measure)  Commensurate: com (together) mens (measure) ate (characterized by)  Dimension: dia (across) mens (measure) ion (act of)  Immense: im (not) mens (measure)  Commensurate: com (together) mens (measure) ate (characterized by)

16 Mony:condition, state  Matrimony: matri(mother)mony(state of)  Acrimonious: acr(bitter) moni(state of) ous(full of)  Alimony: alere(nourish) mony(condition)--support for sustenance  Matrimony: matri(mother)mony(state of)  Acrimonious: acr(bitter) moni(state of) ous(full of)  Alimony: alere(nourish) mony(condition)--support for sustenance

17 Neg: no,not,deny  Negate:neg(not)ate(make)  Neglect:neg(not)lect(choose )  Renege: re(again) neg(deny)--to deny or take back  Negate:neg(not)ate(make)  Neglect:neg(not)lect(choose )  Renege: re(again) neg(deny)--to deny or take back

18 Ode(edy,ody): sing  Melody:melos(tune)ody(sing )  Parody:para(beside)ody(sin g)--literary or artsitic work that mimics anouther  Tragedy:tragos(goat)edy(so ng)--the goat was the scared animal of Dionysus, whom the eary Greek plays were performed to honor  Melody:melos(tune)ody(sing )  Parody:para(beside)ody(sin g)--literary or artsitic work that mimics anouther  Tragedy:tragos(goat)edy(so ng)--the goat was the scared animal of Dionysus, whom the eary Greek plays were performed to honor

19 Oid:like, resembling  Android:andr(man,male)oid(r esembling  Asteroid:aster(star)oid(like  Xyloid:xyl(wood)oid(resembli ng)  Android:andr(man,male)oid(r esembling  Asteroid:aster(star)oid(like  Xyloid:xyl(wood)oid(resembli ng)

20 Pat(pass):suffer, feel, endure  Patient:pat(suffer, endure)ent(one who)  Passion:pass(feeling)ion(act of)  Compatible:com(together)pa t(endure)ible(able)  Patient:pat(suffer, endure)ent(one who)  Passion:pass(feeling)ion(act of)  Compatible:com(together)pa t(endure)ible(able)

21 Plast:shape,form  Plastic:plast(form)ic(art of)  Rhinoplasty:rhino(nose)plast (shape)y(result of)  Protoplasm:proto(first)plasm (form)--first form of life in matter  Plastic:plast(form)ic(art of)  Rhinoplasty:rhino(nose)plast (shape)y(result of)  Protoplasm:proto(first)plasm (form)--first form of life in matter

22 Pter:wing  Pterodactyl:pter(wing)dactyl( finger, digit)  Helicopter:helic(spiral)pter(w ing)  Pterosaur:pter(wing)saur(liz ard)  Pterodactyl:pter(wing)dactyl( finger, digit)  Helicopter:helic(spiral)pter(w ing)  Pterosaur:pter(wing)saur(liz ard)

23 Sect(seg):cut  Dissect:dis(apart)sect(cut)  Sectarian:sect(cut)ian(one who)--a sect is a small group “cut”form a larger one.  Vivisection:viv(life)sect(cut)i on(act of)  Segment:seg(cut)ment(resul t of)  Dissect:dis(apart)sect(cut)  Sectarian:sect(cut)ian(one who)--a sect is a small group “cut”form a larger one.  Vivisection:viv(life)sect(cut)i on(act of)  Segment:seg(cut)ment(resul t of)

24 Stell:star  Stellar:stell(star)ar(related to)  Constellation:con(between, among)stell(star)ar(related to)  Interstellar:inter(between, among)stell(star)ar(related to)  Stellar:stell(star)ar(related to)  Constellation:con(between, among)stell(star)ar(related to)  Interstellar:inter(between, among)stell(star)ar(related to)

25 Tax:order,arrange  Taxidermy:tax(arrange)derm (skin)y(result of)  Syntax:syn(together)tax (arrange)  Taxonomy:tax(order)nom(rul e,priniciple)y(reslut of)  Taxidermy:tax(arrange)derm (skin)y(result of)  Syntax:syn(together)tax (arrange)  Taxonomy:tax(order)nom(rul e,priniciple)y(reslut of)

26 Und(undul):wave,flow  Abundance:ab(from)und(flo w)ance(condition)  Undulate:undul(wave)ate(m ake,cause)  Inundate:in(in,into)und(wave )ate(cause)--to cover with water;to overflow  Abundance:ab(from)und(flo w)ance(condition)  Undulate:undul(wave)ate(m ake,cause)  Inundate:in(in,into)und(wave )ate(cause)--to cover with water;to overflow

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