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Chapter 21 Test-Driven Development 1CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 21 Test-Driven Development 1CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 21 Test-Driven Development 1CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole

2 Write the Tests First Tests are written before the code Developer writes unit tests for nearly all production code CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole2

3 Advantages The tests actually get written Programmer satisfaction leads to more consistent test writing Clarification of detailed interface and behavior Provable, repeatable, automated verification Confidence to change things CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole3

4 Example To test the Sale class, create a SaleTest class that: – Creates a Sale (the thing to be tested; a fixture) – Adds some line items to it with the makeLineItem method – Asks for the total and verifies that it is the expected value CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole4

5 Pattern of Testing Methods Create the fixture Do some operation you want to test Evaluate the results Point: Don’t write all of the tests for Sale first; write one test method, implement the solution in Sale to make it pass, then repeat CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole5

6 Using xUnit Create a class that extends the TestCase class Create a separate testing method for each Sale method you want to test. This will generally be every public method. CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole6

7 Refactoring A structured, disciplined method to rewrite or restructure existing code without changing its external behavior, applying small transformations and re-testing each step. Unit tests applied after each step ensure that the changes didn’t cause a problem CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole7

8 Goals of Refactoring Remove duplicate code Improve clarity Make long methods shorter Remove the use of hard-coded literal constants CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole8

9 Code Smells Duplicated code Big methods Class with many instance variables Class with lots of code Strikingly similar subclasses Little or no use of interfaces High coupling CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole9

10 Basic Refactorings Extract method – Convert a long method into shorter ones by moving part of it into a helper method Extract constant – Replace a literal with a constant variable Introduce explaining variable – put the results of an expression into a temporary variable with a name that explains its purpose Replace constructor call with Factory Method – CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole10

11 More Refactorings Change method parameters (changes them in the definition, then finds all references) Replace using new with a call to a method that returns an object. (Factory pattern) CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole11

12 Code example Public class Die { public static final int MAX=6; public int faceValue; public Die(){ roll(); } Public void roll() { faceValue = (int)((Math.Random() * MAX) + 1; } Public int getFaceValue() { return faceValue; } CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole12

13 Another Example rollDice on 392 CS6359 Fall 2011 John Cole13

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