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Clean Air Act National Enforcement Initiatives Beverly A. Spagg May 22, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Clean Air Act National Enforcement Initiatives Beverly A. Spagg May 22, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean Air Act National Enforcement Initiatives Beverly A. Spagg May 22, 2012

2 Clean Air Act National Enforcement Initiatives NSR/PSD Air Toxics Energy Extraction

3 FY 2011-2013 National Guidance Requires 100% Addressment SectorUniverseAddressed% Addressed Cement201470% Glass221568% Acid241250%

4 NSR/PSD Priority Sector Statistics Accomplishments to Date SectorReferralsCompletion/ Evaluation Reports Percent of Non-compliance Cement5842% Glass6946% Acid5742%

5 Air Toxics Leak Detection and Repair Industrial Flares Excess Emissions

6 Energy Extraction Initiative

7 Energy Extraction Initiative Goal By no later than the end of FY2016, investigate and address known land based natural gas extraction and production activities that may be causing or contributing to air and/or water impacts

8 Air Quality Impacts Pollutants: NOx, VOCs, HAPs, Methane Well Pads – high emissions, not highly regulated Compressor Stations – significant emissions, higher level of regulations Gas Plants – lower level of emissions, most highly regulated

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