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Refactoring 101 William C. Wake 2-2-2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Refactoring 101 William C. Wake 2-2-2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refactoring 101 William C. Wake 2-2-2000

2 Refactoring

3 Agenda l “Code smells” l Solid set of unit tests l Refactorings l Demo l Questions/Discussion

4 Code Smells “If it stinks, change it.” l Duplicate code l Switch statements l Long method l Large class l Data class (“data bag”) l Long parameter list l Primitive obsession l Temporary field l etc.

5 Unit Tests l Automatic l Self-checking l Run often (almost constantly) l “If you want to refactor, the essential precondition is having solid tests.” -- M. Fowler

6 JUnit l Unit testing tool l Supports creating and running test suites l Available for Java & several other languages l

7 Refactorings l Fowler’s book has a catalog l There are many more l Often reversible l Pay attention to the mechanics l Let the compiler tell you l Small steps with constant tests

8 Extract Method

9 Encapsulate Field

10 Introduce Null Object

11 Parameterize Method WebService handleGet(…) handlePut(…) handle(serviceType,…)

12 Replace Constructor with Factory Method

13 Replace String with Stringbuffer

14 Demo l Hand out real code seeded with refactoring opportunities l Audience takes 5 minutes to identify smells l Audience helps refactor in IDE l Observe the motion back and forth between test and code

15 Discussion Questions?

16 More Information l Refactoring, by Martin Fowler l Extreme Programming Explained, by Kent Beck l Anything by Jon Bentley - Programming Pearls, More Programming Pearls, Writing Efficient Programs

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