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Published byMichael Ball Modified over 9 years ago
GDE Plans for Next Year Barry Barish GDE Meeting Frascati 8-Dec-05 Orsay Coupler
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati2 Global Design Effort –The Mission of the GDE Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan, siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.)
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati3 ICFA FALC Resource Board ILCSC GDE Directorate GDE Executive Committee Global R&D Program RDR Design Matrix GDE R & D Board GDE Change Control Board GDE Design Cost Board GDE RDR / R&D Organization
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati4 ICFA FALC Resource Board ILCSC GDE Directorate GDE Executive Committee Global R&D Program RDR Design Matrix GDE R & D Board GDE Change Control Board GDE Design Cost Board GDE RDR / R&D Organization Reporting resourcestechnical
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati5 ILCSC – Daigu Sept 05 Annex 1 Organizational Structure, Functioning and Governance of the ILC GDE General Principles –The ILCSC establishes the Central Team to coordinate and direct the effort of the teams in Asia, Europe and Americas that comprise the Global Design Effort (GDE). Function of the Central and Regional Teams –The Central Team is the focal point for the ILC design effort, holding the schedule, major milestones, and parameter list, and providing intellectual leadership under ICFA guidance. –Regional Teams perform the R&D and design work of ILC systems in close coordination with the Central Team. Composition of the Central Team –The Central Team will be led by the Central Team Director. –The Central Team Director will be selected and appointed by the ILCSC with recommendations from the Regional Steering Committees. –The Central Team Director will appoint three Regional Directors in consultation with the respective Regional Steering Committees. Each Regional Director will be a member of the Central Team and as such will have primary loyalty to the Central Team. –The Central Team will have its own staff, estimated to be about 20 FTEs, covering various tasks charged to the Central Team.
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati6 ILCSC – Daigu Sept 05 Responsibilities of the Central Team –The responsibilities of the Central Team are to collectively: Manage the execution of the ILC design and associated R&D; Establish technical and administrative controls to ensure that the agreed-upon work toward the RDR and TDR is executed within their approved cost, schedule and technical scope under this MOU; and Maintain and control the machine parameters database and configuration documents, and direct overall design effort. Responsibility of the Central Team Director –The Central Team Director will be responsible to the ILCSC for leading the Central Team to fulfill the responsibility of the Central Team. –Should the need for conflict resolution arise, the Central Team Director has the final authority in all areas of design and personnel in the Central Team. –He/she will be the primary representative for the project in interactions with external entities and in the project-status reporting. Funding for the Central Team Activities –Participating institutions will be expected to share the cost of common operations of the Central Team such as the administrative expenses including the secretarial support, purchase of web services, and other expenses as requested by the Central Team Director and approved by the ILCSC. –Etc….
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati7 FALC – Fermilab Nov 05 Meeting of Funding Agencies to discuss the status and funding prospects for a linear collider of 0.5 to 1TeV (FALC). Seventh meeting held in Fermilab on 4 November 2005 1. The seventh meeting of representatives from CERN (President of Council and DG), Canada (NRC), France (CNRS), Germany (BMBF), Italy (INFN), Japan (MEXT), Korea (MOST), UK (PPARC) and the US (DOE, NSF) was held in Fermilab on 4 November 2005. 2. The Group received a report from Professor Barish on the status of the Global Design Effort and congratulated him on progress to date. 3. The Group agreed that a Common Fund should be established to fund the administrative support required for the GDE, with the costs to be funded equally by the three regions. This Common Fund would be administered by Fermilab and be the subject of a MOU to be agreed by the FALC Resources Group. 4. The Group discussed the need to minimize duplication of reporting and increase communication between the current project structure and FALC. The Chairs of ICFA and ILCSC were invited to attend future meetings of the Group and the Chair of ILCSC was invited to attend future meetings of the FALC Resources Group. 5. It was agreed that a subgroup of FALC, representing all three regions, would consider the future mandate of FALC, its composition, the relationship with existing bodies required as the project moved to a more formal governance structure and mechanisms by which funds could be made available both before and after a site decision. 6. It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on 22 May 2006 in Rome.
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati8 ICFA FALC Resource Board ILCSC GDE Directorate GDE Executive Committee Global R&D Program RDR Design Matrix GDE R & D Board GDE Change Control Board GDE Design Cost Board GDE RDR / R&D Organization GDE
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati9 GDE Members Chris Adolphsen, SLAC Jean-Luc Baldy, CERN Philip Bambade, LAL, Orsay Barry Barish, Caltech Wilhelm Bialowons, DESY Grahame Blair, Royal Holloway Jim Brau, University of Oregon Karsten Buesser, DESY Elizabeth Clements, Fermilab Michael Danilov, ITEP Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CERN, Gerald Dugan, Cornell University Atsushi Enomoto, KEK Brian Foster, Oxford University Warren Funk, JLAB Jie Gao, IHEP Terry Garvey, LAL-IN2P3 Hitoshi Hayano, KEK Tom Himel, SLAC Bob Kephart, Fermilab Eun San Kim, Pohang Acc Lab Hyoung Suk Kim, Kyungpook Nat’l Univ Shane Koscielniak, TRIUMF Vic Kuchler, Fermilab Lutz Lilje, DESY Tom Markiewicz, SLAC David Miller, Univ College of London Shekhar Mishra, Fermilab Youhei Morita, KEK Olivier Napoly, CEA-Saclay Hasan Padamsee, Cornell University Carlo Pagani, DESY Nan Phinney, SLAC Dieter Proch, DESY Pantaleo Raimondi, INFN Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC Francois Richard, LAL-IN2P3 Perrine Royole-Degieux, GDE/LAL Kenji Saito, KEK Daniel Schulte, CERN Tetsuo Shidara, KEK Sasha Skrinsky, Budker Institute Fumihiko Takasaki, KEK Laurent Jean Tavian, CERN Nobu Toge, KEK Nick Walker, DESY Andy Wolski, LBL Hitoshi Yamamoto, Tohoku Univ Kaoru Yokoya, KEK 49 members New Members Marc Ross (SLAC) Bill Willis (Columbia) Andre Seryi (SLAC) John Sheppard (SLAC) Ewan Patterson (SLAC) Peter Garbincius (Fermilab) Maseo Kuriki (KEK) Kiyoshi Kubo (KEK) Nobuhiro Terunuma (KEK) Norihito Ohuchi (KEK) Susanna Guiducci (INFN) Deepa Angal-Kalinin (CCLRC) Totals Americas22 Europe23 Asia16
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati10 GDE Structure and Organization Executive Committee for Baseline Configuration –GDE Director Barish –Regional Directors Dugan – Americas Foster – Europe Takasaki – Asia –Accelerator Leaders Yokoya - Asia Raubenheimer - Americas Walker - Europe Responsible for decisions and documentation for the Baseline Configuration Document (BCD) GDE Executive Committee
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati11 GDE Structure and Organization GDE Groups –Design / Cost Engineers Shidara – Asia Bialowons – Europe Garbincius – Americas –Siting, Civil Construction and Infrastructure Baldy - Europe Enomoto – Asia Kuchler – Amercas –Physics / Detectors (WWS chairs) Brau - Americas Richard - Europe Yamamoto - Asia –Accelerator Experts (44 GDE members)
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati12 GDE Organizational Evolution for RDR Selected additions to the GDE following the BCD completion having needed skills in design, engineering, costing, etc Change Control Board –The baseline will be put under configuration control and a Board with a single chair will be created with needed expertise. Design / Cost Board –A GDE Board with single chair will be established to coordinate the reference design effort, including coordinating the overall model for implementing the baseline ILC, coordinating the design tasks, costing, etc. R&D Board –A GDE Board will be created to evaluate, prioritize and coordinate the R&D program in support of the baseline and alternatives with a single chair
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati13 Change Control Board (CCB) Nobu Toge (chair) The Change Control Board is responsible for maintaining the baseline configuration as defined in the Baseline Configuration Document. The first action of the CCB will be to finalize the BCD and put it under configuration control. In addition to maintaining the baseline, the CCB will assess R&D projects defined in the BCD that potentially can lead to improvements over the baseline in cost or performance. The CCB will define what needs to be demonstrated in these R&D projects, in order to be considered for a CCB action to replace the baseline. The CCB will work with the GDE EC to formalize levels for taking change control actions. Major changes in the baseline defined as changing costs by more than $100M or make significant changes in performance, schedule or risk will be recommended to the Director and GDE EC for final approval. For all other changes, the CCB will be the final authority.
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati14 Change Control Board (CCB) Nobu Toge (chair) MarkiewiczUS MishraUS FunkUS KuboAsia KurikiAsia PaganiEU BlairEU SchulteEU
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati15 Baseline Configuration Document Our ‘Deliverable’ by the end of 2005 A structured electronic document –Documentation (reports, drawings etc) –Technical specs. –Parameter tables –… A ‘printable / readable’ summary document (~100 pages) ---- (available in January)
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati16 Design Cost Board (DCB) Peter Garbincius (chair) The Design / Cost Board will be responsible for assessing and providing guidance for the overall RDR design effort program. The DCB initial goals will be to propose the overall structure and content for the RDR document to be developed by the end of 2006. It also will provide early guidance required to enable the design / cost effort to get fully underway by the time of the Bangalore GDE meeting. The DCB will set goals and milestones for producing the RDR, conduct design reviews and provide guidance and assessments of the RDR effort. The DCB will report to the Director and EC regularly as the design / cost effort progresses, reporting on early evaluations of costs, problems and changes needed in the BCD, etc.
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati17 Design Cost Board (DCB) Peter Garbincius (chair) PhinneyUS PatersonUS KephartUS EnomotoAsia ShidaraAsia TerunumaAsia BialowonsEU DelahayeEU NapolyEU
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati18 Design Approach Create a baseline configuration for the machine –Document a concept for ILC machine with a complete layout, parameters etc. defined by the end of 2005 –Make forward looking choices, consistent with attaining performance goals, and understood well enough to do a conceptual design and reliable costing by end of 2006. –Technical and cost considerations will be an integral part in making these choices. –Baseline will be put under “configuration control,” with a defined process for changes to the baseline. –A reference design will be carried out in 2006. I am proposing we use a “parametric” design and costing approach. –Technical performance and physics performance will be evaluated for the reference design
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati19 Parametric Approach Parametric approach to design –machine parameters : a space to optimize the machine –Trial parameter space, being evaluated by subsystems –machine design : incorporate change without redesign; incorporates value engineering, trade studies at each step to minimize costs
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati20 Global R&D Board (RDB) Bill Willis (chair) The Global R&D Board will be responsible for assessing and providing guidance for the overall R&D program. The RDB will suggest priorities for the research facilities and R&D supporting the baseline, the R&D on alternatives to the baseline and selective R&D that could further the field in the longer term. The mission will also include global assessments and recommended priorities for the detector R&D program and evaluate the balance between accelerator and detector R&D. The RDB will develop a proposal driven program, structured in the sense of defined goals, and milestones, and resources evaluated on a common basis to allow comparison across different regions and national funding systems. It will conduct reviews and identify gaps in coverage of topics, resource or technical issues, duplications, and other concerns..
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati21 Global R&D Board (RDB) Bill Willis (chair) PadamseeUS HimelUS WolskiUS HayanoAsia HigoAsia ElsenEU LiljeEU GarveyEU DamerellEU
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati22 Approach to ILC R&D Program Proposal-driven R&D in support of the baseline design. –Technical developments, demonstration experiments, industrialization, etc. Proposal-driven R&D in support of alternatives to the baseline –Proposals for potential improvements to the baseline, resources required, time scale, etc. Develop a prioritized DETECTOR R&D program aimed at technical developments needed to reach combined design performance goals
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati23 ICFA FALC Resource Board ILCSC GDE Directorate GDE Executive Committee Global R&D Program RDR Design Matrix GDE R & D Board GDE Change Control Board GDE Design Cost Board GDE RDR / R&D Organization ILC Design Effort ILC R&D Program
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati24 GDE Organization for Snowmass WG1 LET bdyn. WG2 Main Linac WG3a Sources WG3b DR WG4 BDS WG5 Cavity GG1 Parameters GG2 Instrumentation GG3 Operations & Reliability GG4 Cost & Engineering GG5 Conventional Facilities GG6 Physics Options Technical sub-system Working Groups Global Group Provide input
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati25 Area Systems e- sourcee+ source Damping RingsRTML Main LinacBDS KurikiGao E.S. Kim Hayano Yamamoto (MDI Ch) ???Guiducci PT Lilje Angal- Kalinin BrachmannSheppardWolski Adolphsen Solyak Seryi
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati26 Technical Systems Vacuum systemsSuetsuguMichelatoNoonan Magnet systemsSugaharaBINP ??Thompkins CryomoduleOhuchiPaganiCarter Cavity PackageSaitoProchPadamsee RF PowerFukudaSaclay ??Larsen InstrumentationUrakawaBurrowsRoss Dumps and CollimatorsKEK ?? Accelerator PhysicsKuboSchulte?? Global Systems Commissioning, Operations & ReliabilityTerunumaElsenHimel Control SystemMichizonoSimrockCarwardine CryogenicsHosoyamaTavianPeterson CF&SEnomotoBaldyKuchler InstallationShidaraBialwons??
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati27 Request for Sample Site Information To be used to study siting issues, in advance of a call for “expressions of interest” to host the ILC
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati28 How and when to involve industry? Large Scale Project Characterization –Large Project Management –Precision Engineering –International Coordination –Costing Industrialization –Civil Construction & Infrastructure –Cryogenics –Superconducting RF structures, couplers, etc –Electronics and Control Systems –Large Scale Computing
9-Dec-05GDE - Frascati29 GDE ILC Wiring Diagram
The GDE Plan and Schedule 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design EffortProject globally coordinated Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design FALC Siting International Mgmt expression of interest sample sies regionial coord ICFA / ILCSC Funding Hosting
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