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Welcome Back to School! Ms. Nunez’s 4th Grade Teacher Goals 1. Establish an atmosphere of trust 2. Focus on developing self-esteem in each child 3. Focus.

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2 Welcome Back to School! Ms. Nunez’s 4th Grade

3 Teacher Goals 1. Establish an atmosphere of trust 2. Focus on developing self-esteem in each child 3. Focus on the positive 4. Develop lesson plans that creatively facilitate district curriculum, (Common Core) with an emphasis on critical thinking and collaboration. 5. Encourage a sense of student responsibility and pride in his/her work 6. Be a positive role mode l

4 Student Goals Make good choices Believe in yourself Be committed and determined to learn Be responsible for your work and behavior Take pride in the quality of your work Be respectful to other students and adults Be a problem solver

5 Consequences Verbal warning- move your clip down “Teacher’s Choice” writing assignment Phone call home Detention Conference with Principal

6 Positive Rewards Class Cash- $5 per week Table Points Auction every other month No Homework Night Movie Party Extra recess, wheelie chairs, sit next to a friend, choice time etc. Phone call/ correspondence home

7 Classroom Schedule 8:45-11:10- Instruction 11:10-11:30- Recess 11:30-12:45-Instruction 12:45-1:30- Lunch 1:30-3:10-Instruction (Wednesday dismissal at 2:10) Special Weekly/ Bi-Weekly Classes Mondays, Wednesdays and some Fridays, 9:40-10:30- P.E. Tuesdays, 2:35-3:05- Library Thursdays, 10:20-10:50 Music Fridays, 12:15-12:45 Computers

8 What’s Common Core? Nationwide Curriculum Prepare students for college and career readiness Four C’s: Collaboration Critical Thinking Communication Creativity

9 Reading and Language Arts Curriculum Reading 1. Close Reading 2. Informational/Literature Scholastic Storyworks combines exciting, complex texts with rigorous support materials to build reading and comprehension skills. Weekly Reader – current events magazine specifically designed for fourth graders. Builds reading and critical-thinking skills with our high-quality informational texts

10 Writing Curriculum Students learn three different writing genres: Opinion Narrative Summary

11 Math Curriculum Number Sense Place value, multiplication, division, fractions equivalents Algebra Operations with fractions, fractions and decimals, geometry, measurement Math Reasoning Decide how to approach problem using skills & strategies.

12 Math Please make sure your child is working towards mastering their MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION facts

13 Social Studies California Regions Explorers Ranchos California Missions Gold Rush Statehood

14 Science Inquiry based experiments Life Science – Food Web/Animal Chain Electricity Magnetism Rocks and Minerals Science Fair (April/May)

15 The Self Reliant Child As a Fourth Grade Teacher I am committed to helping students help themselves. Students are to responsible for their own actions and work. I am a “guide on the side” – meaning I am here to help your student become independent. This means that students will be EXPECTED to: - complete their work on time - listen to directions the first time and follow them - do their own work - handle minor friendship issues - think for themselves

16 Homework Purpose:  To practice skills taught in class (spelling, vocabulary, math)  To increase reading fluency (Rich Reading 30 min. each night)  To complete unfinished class work Not for:  Busy work  Punishment  Learning new skills Time each night: No more than one hour per night, not including 30 minutes of reading

17 Homework All homework is due the following day unless specified. Reading, blogging and Ten Marks or a math assignment. Magnet tracking for missing homework. All homework assignments will be recorded in student’s planners, please use this as an indicator of what should be done. Parents initial reading card/ tech card and agenda daily to ensure assignment completion.

18 Daily Planner Students are responsible for writing down their nightly homework and upcoming school events Parents verify nightly assignments are complete Initial ONLY if homework is complete Perfect opportunity for both parents and teacher to communicate

19 Classroom Grading Policies Assignments are due on the DUE DATE. Missing or late assignments will be completed during recess and/or lunch. Major assignments turned in late will be docked one full grade per day. Make-up Tests are given if student does not meet standard…not for bettering grades.

20 Fourth Grade Programs BYOD: Bring Your Own Device (Technology) Hero Luncheon (September) Multicultural Feast (December) Four/five curriculum based field trips Torrey Pines, Midway, Mission San Juan Capistrano, GIA “Oh California!” 4 th grade play (June)

21 Communication Remind: 1 way text from ME to your cell, please sign up. Email: most often checked after school Website: Schedule morning appointment (when available) Notes in planner Conferences- Goal Setting (Semester 1)

22 Remind App Up-to-date information Sign up for Ms. Nunez’s messages: To receive messages via text, text: @msnunezs4 to 81010 You may opt-out at anytime by messaging: unsubscribe @msnunezs4 This is a one-way text messaging system. All personal information remains completely confidential. The teacher will never see your phone number – nor will you ever see hers.

23 Help Us Create Independent Students In order to succeed in teaching self reliance and independence, we need your help! There are large at home project this year (one per semester). They are to be completed by the students. You may edit their work for grammar and spelling ONLY. Do not “rescue” your child, please help them, but don’t do the work for them. Part of life is learning from mistakes! “Failure is the opportunity to start again, only this time wiser.” –Henry Ford

24 Thank you for coming! Keep in touch Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. I am available from 8:15- 8:40AM (no Wednesdays) and 3:10-4:00PM after school. Call the office at 760-290-3032, and I will be sure to get back to you as soon as I can during our school day. Classroom Website – Good source of information and email access. Volunteers- If you have time to volunteer, please sign up! We would love to have you in our classroom. Art Attack Meeting September 17 th, 9:00-10:00 in Teacher’s Lounge (contact

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