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Unit 7: M A S E D I.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7: M A S E D I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7: M A S E D I

2 CONTENT WARM UP Language input ACTIVITies

3 WARM - UP What do we call all of these? MASS MEDIA

SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Do you like reading newspaper? Do you like watching TV? Do you like listening to music? LIKES and DISLIKES about MASS MEDIA

5 ADJECTIVES TO DECRIBE VOCABULARY Terrific (adj) /tə’rɪfɪk/: wonderful
You look terrific in that dress. That’s terrific news! Fantastic (adj) /fæn’tæstɪk/: great, very good be/ feel/ look/ smell/ sound/ taste + fantastic really/quite + fantastic We had a really fantastic holiday.

6 Exciting (adj) /ɪk’saɪtɪŋ/: very interesting
They waited and waited for something exciting to happen. Excited (adj) /ɪk’saɪtɪd/: (about / at / by sth)| (to do sth) feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm The children were excited about opening their presents. All right (adj): - acceptable, OK Is the coffee all right? - only just good enough Your work is all right but I’m sure you could do better.

What do you think about …? How do you feel about …? What’s your opinion of …? TO GIVE OPINIONS I think that… As I see it… I’d say that… In my opinion,…

Write these phrases in the correct order on the chart below to express likes and dislikes: I don’t like I really like I quite like I really love I don’t mind I hate I really don’t like I like I don’t really like I really hate I love 100% + Positive Neutral 50% - Negative 0%

9 Make questions and answers about the MASS MEDIA.
Activity 1 Make questions and answers about the MASS MEDIA.

10 Example Well, I think that they are terrific!
What do you think about our TV programs?

11 Work with a partner. Use the prompts given:
What do you think about our TV programs? the movies on TV? How do you feel about our local newspapers? What’s your opinion of our radio programs? Well, I think that they’re terrific pretty good I’d say that pretty bad In my opinion, terrible

12 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions:
Activity 2 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions: What kinds of mass media do you often watch, listen to, or read? What do you like or dislike about them?

13 Adjectives to Describe
Example Prompts Mass Media Adjectives to Describe newspapers terrific magazines fantastic movies exciting TV programs beautiful radio programs interesting sports program good news reports all right computer games boring poor bad I read the Tuoi Tre Newspaper everyday. Their news reports are usually interesting. I also like their sports pages. But sometimes their news is not hot. What newspaper do you often read?

14 Activity 3 Report to the whole class on a movie, a TV program, a story, or a book you have recently watched or read

15 Suggested Outline The title of movie, book, .. What is it about?
Did you like it or not?


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