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12 Commitments Kids Need From Caring Adults – Part 3 Jeremy LeVan 8 - 23 - 15.

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2 12 Commitments Kids Need From Caring Adults – Part 3 Jeremy LeVan 8 - 23 - 15


4 “It’s easy for a little bit until they hit about 12 or 13 and then put them in a barrel, put a lid on the barrel and feed them through the knothole. At the age of 16 you just cover up the knothole.” -Mark Twain -Mark Twain

5 2-Year-Old’s Philosophy of Living: If I like it, it’s mine If it’s in my hand it’s mine. If I can take it from you it’s mine. If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine. If it’s mine it must never appear to be yours in any way. If I’m building something, all the pieces are mine. If it looks just like mine, it’s mine. And if I ever think it’s mine, it’s mine.


7 5 C’s (1 Timothy 4:6-16)

8 CHARACTER (vs. 7)CHARACTER (vs. 7)

9 5 C’s (1 Timothy 4:6-16) CHARACTER (vs. 7)CHARACTER (vs. 7) CONVICTIONS (vs. 10)CONVICTIONS (vs. 10)

10 5 C’s (1 Timothy 4:6-16) CHARACTER (vs. 7)CHARACTER (vs. 7) CONVICTIONS (vs. 10)CONVICTIONS (vs. 10) CONFIDENCE (vs. 12)CONFIDENCE (vs. 12)

11 5 C’s (1 Timothy 4:6-16) CHARACTER (vs. 7)CHARACTER (vs. 7) CONVICTIONS (vs. 10)CONVICTIONS (vs. 10) CONFIDENCE (vs. 12)CONFIDENCE (vs. 12) COMPETENCE (vs. 15)COMPETENCE (vs. 15)

12 5 C’s (1 Timothy 4:6-16) CHARACTER (vs. 7)CHARACTER (vs. 7) CONVICTIONS (vs. 10)CONVICTIONS (vs. 10) CONFIDENCE (vs. 12)CONFIDENCE (vs. 12) COMPETENCE (vs. 15)COMPETENCE (vs. 15) COMPASSION (vs. 16)COMPASSION (vs. 16)

13 CARING ADULTS MAKE… 9.A Commitment to Memories

14 9.A Commitment to Memories. Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

15 9.A Commitment to Memories. Deuteronomy 4:9 Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.

16 9.A Commitment to Memories. This best happens with…

17 9.A Commitment to Memories. This best happens with… TraditionsTraditions

18 9.A Commitment to Memories. This best happens with… TraditionsTraditions RemembrancesRemembrances

19 9.A Commitment to Memories. This best happens with… TraditionsTraditions RemembrancesRemembrances PhotosPhotos

20 9.A Commitment to Memories. This best happens with… TraditionsTraditions RemembrancesRemembrances PhotosPhotos VideosVideos

21 9.A Commitment to Memories. This best happens with… TraditionsTraditions RemembrancesRemembrances PhotosPhotos VideosVideos VacationsVacations

22 9.A Commitment to Memories. This best happens with… TraditionsTraditions RemembrancesRemembrances PhotosPhotos VideosVideos VacationsVacations AdventuresAdventures

23 9.A Commitment to Memories. This best happens with… TraditionsTraditions RemembrancesRemembrances PhotosPhotos VideosVideos VacationsVacations AdventuresAdventures LettersLetters

24 CARING ADULTS MAKE… 9. A Commitment to Memories 10. A Commitment to Personal Development

25 2 Corinthians 13:5 “Look closely at yourselves. Test yourselves to see if you are living in the faith. You know that Jesus Christ is in you—unless you fail the test.”

26 10. A Commitment to Personal Development “Who you are speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

27 10. A Commitment to Personal Development Focus on...

28 10. A Commitment to Personal Development Focus on... Your Life MessagesYour Life Messages

29 10. A Commitment to Personal Development Focus on... Your Life MessagesYour Life Messages My Personal Values and BeliefsMy Personal Values and Beliefs

30 10. A Commitment to Personal Development Focus on... Your Life MessagesYour Life Messages My Personal Values and BeliefsMy Personal Values and Beliefs My Priorities (“where I spend my time”)My Priorities (“where I spend my time”)

31 10. A Commitment to Personal Development Focus on... Your Life MessagesYour Life Messages My Personal Values and BeliefsMy Personal Values and Beliefs My Priorities ("where I spend my time”)My Priorities ("where I spend my time”) My Passion for JesusMy Passion for Jesus

32 10. A Commitment to Personal Development Focus on... Your Life MessagesYour Life Messages My Personal Values and BeliefsMy Personal Values and Beliefs My Priorities ("where I spend my time”)My Priorities ("where I spend my time”) My Passion for JesusMy Passion for Jesus LearningLearning

33 10. A Commitment to Personal Development Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

34 CARING ADULTS MAKE… 9.A Commitment to Memories 10.A Commitment to Personal Development 11. A Commitment to Spiritual Challenges

35 Deuteronomy 6: 7-8 “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.”

36 11. A Commitment to Spiritual Challenges Joshua 24:14-15 …Serve the L ORD alone. But if you refuse to serve the L ORD, then choose today whom you will serve…But as for me and my family, we will serve the L ORD.”

37 11. A Commitment to Spiritual Challenges Look for...

38 11. A Commitment to Spiritual Challenges Look for... Teachable MomentsTeachable Moments

39 11. A Commitment to Spiritual Challenges Look for... Teachable MomentsTeachable Moments Significant OthersSignificant Others

40 11. A Commitment to Spiritual Challenges Proverbs 22:6 “Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.”

41 CARING ADULTS MAKE… 9.A Commitment to Memories 10.A Commitment to Personal Development 11.A Commitment to Spiritual Challenges 12. A Commitment to Adoration

42 Dear Mom and Dad, I’m sorry I make you unhappy. I’m sorry I’m so bad. I’m sorry I’m no good. Maybe if I wasn’t alive you would still love each other. I’m so sorry and it’s all my fault and so I’m going to die. I love you and I am so sorry. Robbie PS Teddy is with me because he loves me even when I’m bad.

43 12. A Commitment to Adoration 1 John 3:18 “Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions.”

44 12. A Commitment to Adoration Make this obvious through...

45 12. A Commitment to Adoration Make this obvious through... GenerosityGenerosity

46 12. A Commitment to Adoration Make this obvious through... GenerosityGenerosity ForgivenessForgiveness

47 CARING ADULTS MAKE… 9.A Commitment to Memories 10.A Commitment to Personal Development 11.A Commitment to Spiritual Challenges 12.A Commitment to Adoration Bonus Commitment: Something is better than nothing

48 Next Steps: (Connection Card)

49 1.Read and reflect on the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 this week.

50 Next Steps: (Connection Card) 1.Read and reflect on the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 this week. 2.Commit to working together as a church family on SOS Sunday. (Next Sunday, Aug. 30 th ) (Next Sunday, Aug. 30 th )

51 Next Steps: (Connection Card) 1.Read and reflect on the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 this week. 2.Commit to working together as a church family on SOS Sunday. (Next Sunday, Aug. 30 th ) (Next Sunday, Aug. 30 th ) 3. Read, The iY Generation – Dr. Tim Elmore

52 Next Steps: (Connection Card) 1.Read and reflect on the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 this week. 2.Commit to working together as a church family on SOS Sunday. (Next Sunday, Aug. 30 th ) (Next Sunday, Aug. 30 th ) 3. Read, The iY Generation – Dr. Tim Elmore 4.Serve in The Epic Student Ministries or Children Ministries. (Connection Card)

53 Next Steps: (Connection Card) 5. Prayerfully consider joining Pastor Jeremy in Israel June 11-27 2016. Pick up a brochure at the Connection CenterPick up a brochure at the Connection Center Contact Karleen Hallock via e-mail for questions about the trip and/or scholarship: khallock@epic-church.orgContact Karleen Hallock via e-mail for questions about the trip and/or scholarship:

54 Next Steps: (Connection Card) 5.Prayerfully consider joining Pastor Jeremy in Israel June 11-27 2016. Pick up a brochure at the Connection CenterPick up a brochure at the Connection Center Contact Karleen Hallock via e-mail for questions about the trip and/or scholarship: khallock@epic-church.orgContact Karleen Hallock via e-mail for questions about the trip and/or scholarship: 6.Identify one commitment that you’re going to commit to work on.

55 Optimism

56 OptimismInterest

57 OptimismInterest Servant hood

58 OptimismInterest A Peaceful Home

59 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home Fun

60 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home FunEncouragement

61 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home FunEncouragementDiscipline

62 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home FunEncouragementDiscipline A Plan

63 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home FunEncouragementDiscipline A Plan Memories

64 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home FunEncouragementDiscipline A Plan Memories Personal Development

65 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home FunEncouragementDiscipline A Plan Memories Personal Development Spiritual Challenges

66 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home FunEncouragementDiscipline A Plan Memories Personal Development Spiritual Challenges Adoration

67 OptimismInterest Servant hood A Peaceful Home FunEncouragementDiscipline A Plan Memories Personal Development Spiritual Challenges Adoration


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