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At Kingsford we value respect, equality and inclusion for everyone regardless of outward appearances.

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Presentation on theme: "At Kingsford we value respect, equality and inclusion for everyone regardless of outward appearances."— Presentation transcript:

1 At Kingsford we value respect, equality and inclusion for everyone regardless of outward appearances.

2 Success Criteria: All can identify what equality means Most can explain whether Britain is a fair country today Some can create a speech and argue persuasively for the promotion of equality in the UK Success Criteria: All can identify what equality means Most can explain whether Britain is a fair country today Some can create a speech and argue persuasively for the promotion of equality in the UK Learning Objective: To consider equality in relation to disability and gender Learning Objective: To consider equality in relation to disability and gender Literacy Objective To discuss and explain SPaG To correctly spell key words Literacy Objective To discuss and explain SPaG To correctly spell key words Key Words Equality Inequality Discrimination Prejudice Key Words Equality Inequality Discrimination Prejudice EqualityEquality

3 Starter: Complete this sentence: “When I think of equality, I think of X” Complete this sentence: “When I think of inequality, I think of X” Now think about your own personal experiences of being treated unfairly and complete these sentences. Complete this sentence: “It is unfair when X, this makes me feel X” Complete this sentence: “It is fair when X, this makes me feel X” What is equality? PASS All can identify what equality means

4 Key Words: Prejudice – making unfair judgements about people without really knowing them Discrimination – unfair treatment of people because of race, age, gender or disability Equality – treating people equally, no matter what race, gender or religious background they have Inequality – not treating people equally kingma firaun lityabidis llequay cera Task: Copy the key words, unscrambling the words as you go Extension: Write a sentence using all the key words All can identify what equality means

5 Background Information Pre-1995: Less than 20 years ago it was legal to base employment decisions on someone's disability until the Disability Discrimination Act was introduced Pre-1918: Women did not have the right to vote! Women who campaigned for the right to vote were arrested, refused to eat and went on a hunger strike Pre-1970: It was legal to pay women less than men even if they did the same job. Women at Ford in Dagenham went on strike to protest against this and the law was changed. See the film ‘Made in Dagenham’ Pre-1995: Less than 20 years ago it was legal to base employment decisions on someone's disability until the Disability Discrimination Act was introduced Pre-1918: Women did not have the right to vote! Women who campaigned for the right to vote were arrested, refused to eat and went on a hunger strike Pre-1970: It was legal to pay women less than men even if they did the same job. Women at Ford in Dagenham went on strike to protest against this and the law was changed. See the film ‘Made in Dagenham’

6 Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act 2010 makes it law that every private, public and voluntary sector must not discriminate against employees and service users because of particular characteristics: 1 Age 2 Disability 3 Gender Reassignment 4 Marriage and Civil Partnerships 5 Pregnancy or Maternity 6 Race 7 Religion or Belief 8 Sex 9 Sexual Orientation (Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual) Although this is the law there are still problems that exist in relation to discrimination based on a persons gender or disability

7 Success Criteria Explain what equality is Use examples of when things have not been equal for people of different genders and people who have disabilities Give an example of what can be done to promote equality Show passion The speech should have three parts: 1.An opening or introduction 2.The main part where the bulk of the information is 3.An ending that summarises your arguments (or summary) Need some inspiration?... The speech should have three parts: 1.An opening or introduction 2.The main part where the bulk of the information is 3.An ending that summarises your arguments (or summary) Need some inspiration?... Create a Speech Some can create a speech and argue persuasively for the promotion of equality in the UK

8 Design a symbol in that promotes equality Task

9 Make a pledge Write your pledge Explain:  State the issues your pledge will cover  The reason for your pledge  How you are going to make your pledge (plan) happen? This is your chance to really make a difference! Pledge= A pledge is a promise to carry out a plan.

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