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Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL John Morris Computer Science/ Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Auckland Iolanthe racing off Fremantle,

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Presentation on theme: "Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL John Morris Computer Science/ Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Auckland Iolanthe racing off Fremantle,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconfigurable Computing - VHDL John Morris Computer Science/ Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Auckland Iolanthe racing off Fremantle, Western Australia

2 Resources  These notes  Will be available on the Web  You can download them from  Other resources  Links will be available on the same web site  VHDL text  Any text on VHDL will be adequate!  Recommended P J Ashenden, Designer’s Guide to VHDL (A fellow Australian!)  Ashenden’s other text and several other suitable texts in the library

3 Background  US Department of Defense ‘High Order Language’ project  Aim: One language for all defense needs  Result: Ada  Ada  General purpose programming language  Based on Pascal  Original Ada was not Object-Oriented  Ada’95 has OO capabilities  Named after Ada, Countess of Lovelace  Never write it as ADA – it’s not an acronym! but VHDL is one!

4 VHDL  VHSIC Hardware Design Language  VHSIC = Very High Speed Integrated Circuit  Standardized; mature  IEEE 1076-2002  IEEE 1076-1987 (VHDL’87)  IEEE 1076-1993 (VHDL’93)  Several associated standards  IEEE.std_logic  IEEE.numeric_std  Based on Ada  Extensions added to support Hardware Design  VHDL compiler should accept simple Ada programs  Ada compiler should accept VHDL functions  About half of all high-level electronic design uses VHDL  Remainder is Verilog (C based)  Verilog did not become a standard until 1995 and was revised in 2001 (IEEE1364-2001)

5 VHDL - Basics  Case insensitive  Convention  Keywords in upper case BEGIN, END, ENTITY, ARCHITECTURE, LOOP, ….  Variables in lower case i, j, k, clock, …  Types in lower case integer, std_logic, std_logic_vector  This is just a convention – you can choose your own!  For these slides, I will use this font and colour  ENTITY adder IS …  for anything that you could type into a VHDL model

6 Assignment operator is := Type follows variable list Statement terminated by ; VHDL - Basics  Statements similar to Pascal  Variable declaration  x, y : integer;  Assigment  x := 5.0*y + 2;  Program blocks delimited by BEGIN … END;  Example PROCEDURE SQR( x: integer ) RETURNS integer IS VARIABLE z : integer; BEGIN z := x * x; RETURN z; END; VHDL is quite verbose (long winded!)

7 VHDL – Entities and Architectures  VHDL supports abstraction through  Entities  Defines interface for a module  Architectures  Implementation of a module  There may be several architectures corresponding to one entity Generally, there are several ways (circuits) that will produce the same result

8 VHDL – Entities  Example: n -bit adder ENTITY adder IS PORT ( a, b : IN std_logic_vector; sum : OUT std_logic_vector; carry_out : OUT std_logic; ); END adder; adder 8 8 a b sum 8 carry_out There are several ways of Implementing an n-bit adder … but all have the same interface or ENTITY in VHDL

9 Architectures  An architecture contains the implementation details  At a high level, a designer is only interested in the interface – information contained in the VHDL ENTITY  Each ARCHITECTURE is associated with an ENTITY ENTITY adder IS PORT ( … ); END adder; ARCHITECTURE ripple OF adder IS … END ripple; ARCHITECTURE c_select OF adder IS … END c_select; One entity One or more architectures

10 Architecture – Style  Styles of architecture  You can design a circuit in several ways  In VHDL, you can build a model for a circuit in several ways too!  Behavioural aDataflow bAlgorithmic  Structural

11 Architectures – Style example  Example  Consider a full adder:  Logic equations are: adder 1 1 a c_in sum 1 carry_out 1 b 1 sum := a xor b xor c; carry_out := (a and b) or (b and c) or (a and c); ENTITY full_adder IS PORT ( a, b : IN std_logic; sum : OUT std_logic; carry_out : OUT std_logic; ); END adder;

12 Architectures – Dataflow style  Example  Consider a full adder:  Logic equations are:  Dataflow architecture is adder 1 1 a c_in sum 1 carry_out 1 b 1 sum := a xor b xor c; carry_out := (a and b) or (b and c) or (a and c); ENTITY full_adder IS a, b : IN std_logic; sum, carry_out : OUT std_logic; END full_adder;

13 Architectures – Behavioural (Dataflow ) style  Example  Consider a full adder:  Logic equations are:  Dataflow architecture is adder 1 1 a c_in sum 1 carry_out 1 b 1 sum := a xor b xor c; carry_out := (a and b) or (b and c) or (a and c); ENTITY full_adder IS a, b : IN std_logic; sum, carry_out : OUT std_logic; END full_adder; Note that these are signal assignments. Although they are similar to ordinary assignments (using :=), there are some important differences which we will consider soon! ARCHITECTURE df OF full_adder IS BEGIN sum <= a xor b xor c; carry_out <= (a and b) or (b and c) or (a and c); END df;

14 Architectures – Structural style  Example  Consider a full adder:  Logic equations are:  A Structural model builds a model from other models adder 1 1 a c_in sum 1 carry_out 1 b 1 sum := a xor b xor c; carry_out := (a and b) or (b and c) or (a and c); ENTITY full_adder IS a, b : IN std_logic; sum, carry_out : OUT std_logic; END full_adder;

15 Architectures – Structural style  Build basic models for internal elements:  xor  or  and  Build the full adder from these elements ENTITY xor IS a, b : IN std_logic; c : OUT std_logic; END xor; ENTITY or IS a, b : IN std_logic; c : OUT std_logic; END xor; ENTITY and IS a, b : IN std_logic; c : OUT std_logic; END xor;

16 Architectures – Structural style  Build basic models for internal elements:  xor  or  and  For these, the architectures are trivial ENTITY xor IS a, b : IN std_logic; c : OUT std_logic; END xor; ARCHITECTURE A OF xor IS c <= a xor b; END xor;

17 Instantiate a second xor circuit, label it x2 x2 Instantiate an xor circuit, label it x1 x1 Architectures – Structural style  Now you ‘wire up’ the basic elements to make the full adder circuit  Considering the sum part only a b c sum ab Map the signals in xor’s ENTITY to actual wires in this circuit ARCHITECTURE structural OF full_adder IS SIGNAL ab: std_logic; BEGIN x1: xor PORT MAP( a => a, b => b, c => ab ); x2: xor PORT MAP( a => ab, b => c, c => sum ); … -- or / and circuits to compute carry out END structural;

18 Architectures – Algorithmic style & mixtures  Algorithmic models can include any type of construct that you find in a high level language – if … then … else, case, loop, procedure calls, etc.  We will look at some examples of this style after we’ve reviewed VHDL statements  Note that styles can be mixed in one model  A structural style model may include some dataflow statements and some algorithmic blocks, etc.

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