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Social Studies /6th Teachers: Roberts/Gonzalez/Sanchez 2013-2014.

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1 Social Studies /6th Teachers: Roberts/Gonzalez/Sanchez 2013-2014

2 Unit TEKS: (RS/SS) 6.1 (A)(RS) trace characteristics of various contemporary societies in regions that resulted from historical events or factors 6.2 (B)(RS) evaluate the social, political, economic, and cultural contributions of individuals and groups from various 6.4 (A)(SS) locate various contemporary societies on maps and globes using latitude and longitude to determine absolute location; 6.4 (C)(RS) explain ways in which human migration influences the character of places and regions; 6.7 (C)(SS) describe ways in which technology influences human interactions with the environment such as humans building dams for flood control. 6.9 (A)(RS) compare ways in which various societies organize the production and distribution of goods and services; 6.10 (A)(SS) define and give examples of agricultural, wholesale, retail, manufacturing (goods), and service industries; 6.20 (A)(RS) give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of societies and have shaped the world; 6.21 (C)(PS) organize and interpret information from outlines, reports, databases, and visuals, including graphs, charts, timelines, and maps;

3 6.7 (C) describe ways in which technology influences human interactions with the environment such as humans building dams for flood control. 6.9 (A) compare ways in which various societies organize the production and distribution of goods and services; Teacher checks for understanding. Study notes. Subject Social Studies DATE:10-7-13 SEWARM-UP Why are people moving to the growing cities in the Midwest? Activity Students will complete cause and effect chart on technological changes in agriculture. Assessment LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXX Homework Essential Question? How is technology changing agriculture in the Midwest?

4 Subject Social Studies DATE:10-8-13 SE 6.4 (A) locate various contemporary societies on maps and globes using latitude and longitude to determine absolute location; 6.20 (A) give examples of scientific discoveries and technological innovations, including the roles of scientists and inventors, that have transcended the boundaries of societies and have shaped the world; WARM-UP How has life changed in the West since the days of the California Gold Rush? Activity Students will complete a chart on resources of the West. Assessment Teacher checks for understanding. LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXX Homework Study class notes. What are the resources of the West?

5 Subject Social Studies DATE:10-9-13 SE 6.4 (A) locate various contemporary societies on maps and globes using latitude and longitude to determine absolute location; 6.4 (C) explain ways in which human migration influences the character of places and regions; WARM-UP Video segment on Quebec. Activity Students will create web diagram and take notes on Quebec. Assessment Teacher checks for understanding. LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXX Homework Study class notes. Essential Question Why is French culture so strong in Quebec?

6 6.9 (A) compare ways in which various societies organize the production and distribution of goods and services; 6.10 (A) define and give examples of agricultural, wholesale, retail, manufacturing (goods), and service industries; Subject Social Studies DATE:10-10-13 SEWARM-UP Video segment on Ontario. Activity Students will complete chart with Ontario’s major industries and take notes. Assessment Teacher checks for understanding. LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXX Homework Study class notes. Essential Question? Why is Ontario considered the industrial heartland of Canada?

7 6.1 (A)(RS) trace characteristics of various contemporary societies in regions that resulted from historical events or factors 6.2 (B)(RS) evaluate the social, political, economic, and cultural contributions of individuals and groups from various Study your notes. Subject Social Studies DATE:10-11-13 SEWARM-UP Video segment on the Plains and British Columbia. Activity Students will complete a chart about history and economic activities of the Plains and British Columbia and take notes. Assessment Students will take quiz and teacher observation. LANGUAGE OBJ S speaking W writing R reading L listening XXXX Homework Essential Question? How were the lives of the native peoples of the Canadian Plains disrupted by immigrants?

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