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September 26, 2013 Lesson on: Kenya’s Development Learning: 1.To begin to understand the indicators of development. 2.To assess Kenya’s development. Dwight.

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Presentation on theme: "September 26, 2013 Lesson on: Kenya’s Development Learning: 1.To begin to understand the indicators of development. 2.To assess Kenya’s development. Dwight."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 26, 2013 Lesson on: Kenya’s Development Learning: 1.To begin to understand the indicators of development. 2.To assess Kenya’s development. Dwight Sutherland 2013

2 Development – Growth that usually brings about improvement. Starter TASK: List some synonyms that can used instead of the word development. Dwight Sutherland 2013

3 How are these pictures different? Use the ideas from the previous slide to help you. A B Dwight Sutherland 2013

4 What have I learnt so far? TASK: Write your own definitions of a: 1.Developed Country/place A country that is richer and where people live a good quality of life. 2. Developing Country/place A country that is poorer and where people live a poorer quality of life. Dwight Sutherland 2013

5 TASK: Kenya is a developed country. Do you agree? Use the facts from the video clip to argue your views. 7Q&feature=related 7Q&feature=related Dwight Sutherland 2013

6 TASK: Kenya is a developing country. Do you agree? Use the facts from the video clip to argue your views. zDA zDA A country can have both developed and developing areas at the same time. Dwight Sutherland 2013

7 TASK: Research the following indicators of Kenya’s development: Indicators (signs) of development 1.GNI per capita (average salary per person for a year given in US$) 2.Adult Literacy (% of adults who can read and write) 3.Doctor per people (the number of doctor per patients) 4.Life expectancy (average length of a person’s life in that country) 5.Unemployment (% of a people without jobs) 6.TV sets per 1000 people (Number of tv sets per 1000 people in the country) 7.Cars per 1000 per people (Number of cars per 1000 people in the country) Dwight Sutherland 2013

8 Fact check: What is Kenya’s: GNP per capita Literacy rate Life expectancy Dwight Sutherland 2013

9 TASK: Is Kenya a developed or developing country? Use data to back up your opinion. Dwight Sutherland 2013

10 Peer review: Review your peers arguments. Give feedback about their arguments. Dwight Sutherland 2013

11 Extension TASK: In pairs explain why each of the following can be used to measure development. Indicator 1.GNP per capita (average salary per person for a year) 2.Adult Literacy (adults who can read and write) 3.Doctor per people (the number of doctor per patients) 4.Life expectancy (average length of a person’s life in that country) 5.Unemployment 6.TV sets per 1000 people (Number of tv sets per 1000 people in the country) 7.Cars per 100 per people (Number of cars per 1000 people in the country) Dwight Sutherland 2013

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