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Image-based modelling

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Presentation on theme: "Image-based modelling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Image-based modelling
Manaal Fatima

2 Image-based modelling
Create 3D model from MRI or CT scans Ability to export model for finite element analysis Extensive applications in biomechanical research Image source:

3 Types of scans CT: Computed tomography Uses x-rays
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging Targets hydrogen molecules

4 CT vs. MRI scans CT MRI Image source: Vidalink LLC (2007), from

5 DICOM data format Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
Data set of images containing each slice Different planes: 1. Coronal 2. Sagittal 3. Transverse

6 Slices in different planes
Source: Science Photo Library

7 Available software Mimics Amira Rhino3D ScanIP (from Simpleware)

8 Import DICOM data

9 Segmentation Identify artefact boundaries
Automatically perform on all slices Automatically segments all planes

10 Segmentation cont..

11 Generate the model Further post-processing

12 Post-modelling Meshing Create an assembly Export for FEA

13 Questions?

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