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Developing a Mixed Effects Model Using SAS PROC MIXED

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1 Developing a Mixed Effects Model Using SAS PROC MIXED
Lauren Ackerman Katherine Morgan Rai Oshima

2 Purpose of the Pilot Study
How accurately can participants identify gender from a handwriting sample? 2. Does accuracy improve with feedback?

3 Demographic Information
Group Feedback n = 13 No Feedback n=13 Waves Wave 1 n = 21 Wave 2 n = 25 Wave 3 n = 24 Demographics Age Mean = 26.42 Std Dev = 5.07 Min = 17 Max = 40 Gender M = 8 F = 18 Dominant Hand R = 23 L = 1 Missing = 2 Satisfaction Y = 20 N = 4 Predict Y = 15 N = 9 Missing Data!!!

4 Writing Samples 1 – F 2 – M 3 – F 4 – F 5 – M 6 – F

5 Why SAS: PROC SGPANEL Visualize change over time for each subject
proc sgpanel data = data_long; title 'Empirical Growth Plots of Score for Participants'; label score = 'Score (# Correct out of 44)’ time = 'Time’; panelby id / columns = 3 rows = 5; reg y = score x = time; run;

6 PROC SGPLOT proc sgplot data = data_long noautolegend;
title 'OLS Trajectories Across Participants'; yaxis min=0 max=50; reg x = time y = score / group = id nomarkers lineattrs = (color = gray pattern = 1 thickness=1); reg x = time y = score / nomarkers lineattrs = (color = red pattern = 1 thickness=3); run; quit;

7 OLS Assumptions Normality Homoscedasticity Zero Correlation


9 Modeling Covariance Structure
Unstructured Covariance Model Independence Covariance Model Compound Symmetry Covariance Model

10 Missing Data PROC REG vs. PROC MIXED MAR Missing At Random

11 proc mixed data = hand_long method=ml;
model score = time / solution; run; proc reg data = hand_long; model score = time; run; quit;

12 General Multilevel Model

13 Independence vs. Multilevel Model

14 Unconditional Growth Model

15 Covariances and Correlations
Correlation Matrix

16 Multilevel Model with Group

17 Fixed Effects Model Analysis
Parameter Model A Model B Model C Model D Model E Model F Initial Status Π0i Intercept γ00 (0.6917)*** (0.8362)*** (0.7767)*** (0.7893)*** (1.3379)*** (1.1584)*** Happy (N = 1) γ01 (1.9405)* (1.7057)* (1.4950)** (1.4948)** Centered Age (Age – 17) γ02 (0.1360) (0.1112)* Rate of Change Π1i γ10 1.7341 (0.5303)** 1.5964 (0.5696)* 1.6681 (0.5295)** 1.4907 (0.9542) 1.6977 (0.5090)** γ11 1.2414 (1.4141) γ12 (0.1018) Variance Components Level 1 Within Person σε (3.2023)*** (2.5832)*** (2.4676)*** (2.6187)*** (2.2713)*** (2.2724)*** Level 2 In Initial Status σ0 6.6775 (3.6172)* 5.6867 (5.9618) 0.5907 (4.1543) 0.9881 (4.8273) Rate of Change σ1 Covariance σ01 1.0373 (3.0032) 2.0230 (2.2735) 2.3530 (3.1340) 1.8423 (1.3173) 1.8375 (1.3107) Ry,y 0.0930 0.2643 0.2037 0.2862 0.2857 0.1968 0.2282 0.1935 0.2691 0.2678 R0 0.1484 0.9115 0.8520 1.0000 Deviance 408.9 399.0 387.7 393.0 365.9 366.0 AIC 414.9 409.0 405.7 407.0 379.9 378.0 BIC 418.6 415.3 417.0 415.8 388.2 385.1 2 2 2 2 2 2

18 Final Model Model F provided the best deviance statistic
Satisfaction with handwriting and age were the only significant predictors for intercept No significant predictor for slope besides time

19 Fit Statistics for Covariance Models
Independence Standard Unstructured Compound Symmetry Heterogeneous First-Order Autoregressive Toeplitz -2RLL 369.1 366.5 364.6 365.3 368.2 357.3 AIC 371.1 370.5 368.6 373.3 373.1 376.2 363.3 AICC 372.2 370.7 368.8 374.0 376.9 363.7 BIC 373.2 372.9 371.0 378.0 375.4 380.9 366.8 Deviance Statistics

20 Pilot Study Results How accurately can participants identify gender from a handwriting sample? Baseline 69.91% accuracy; 95% CI (65.60%,74.23%) Time important predictor (Estimate 1.73, p<0.01) 2. Does accuracy improve with feedback? Group not significant (Estimate 0.37, p = 0.79)

21 Conclusion Why SAS? Why PROC MIXED?
Graphical and mixed effects modeling capability Why PROC MIXED? Allows autocorrelation and homoscedasticity Flexibility in modeling the within subject variability Handles missing data Inclusion of time-varying predictors

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