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Current Status of SPICA FPI Mechanical I/F & resources April 6 th 2010 Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS/JAXA) & FPI team.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Status of SPICA FPI Mechanical I/F & resources April 6 th 2010 Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS/JAXA) & FPI team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Status of SPICA FPI Mechanical I/F & resources April 6 th 2010 Hideo Matsuhara (ISAS/JAXA) & FPI team


3 MIRACLE (Mid-InfRAred Camera w/o LEns) MIRACLE is a mid-IR instrument with imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy consisting of two channels: Filter-wheel : imaging band (R~5) & spectroscopy with grism/prism (R~100) 2K x 2K Now 5’x5’ is baseline

4 MIRMES Mid-IR Medium-resolution Echelle Spectrograph ARM-S ARM-L array format Si:As (2k x 2k) 25  m/pix Si:Sb (1k x 1k) 18  m/pix Wavelength coverage 10.0  m-19.9  m 19.9  m-35.0  m Spectral resolution (R= /  ) ~1400 ~750 pixel scale 0.409 (“/pix) 0.413 (“/pix) Slit width 1”.7 (4.2pixel) 2”.5 (6.1pixel) FOV size 12” x 8”.5 14” x 12”.5 Arm-S Echelle order min (  m) max (  m) 4 15.53 19.97 5 12.71 15.53 6 10.75 12.71 7 (9.98) 10.75 ※ min and max are defined as the wavelength at which the grating efficiency drops to 40% of the peak Arm-L Echelle order min (  m) max (  m) 5 29.4 35.0 6 24.4 29.4 7 21.2 24.4 8 (19.9) 21.2

5 MIRHES Mid-IR High-resolution Echelle Spectrograph Japanese-led ( Univ. Tokyo/ISAS ) Detector array : 2Kx2K Si:As IBC Immersion Grating for L-mode is very difficult with the material  high-blaze grating(~30cm long) Short(S)-modeLong(L)-mode Wavelengths 4 – 8  m12 – 18  m Spectral Resolving Power (R= /  30,00020,000 – 30,000 Slit width0.72”1.20” Slit length3.5”6.0” Disperser ZnSe Immersion Grating High-blaze reflective Grating Cross-disperser Reflective

6 FPC-G, FPC-S Leaded by KASI, Korea FPC-G Specification (goal)Notes wavebandI-bandpreliminary DetectorInSb 1024 x 1024 FOV5’ x 5’To obtain sufficient # (>10) of guide stars Output interval1HzTypical - trade-off with 0.4Hz Sensitivity (25σ)18.6 mag (AB)Defocused to measure the centroid in 0”.05 accuracy FPC-S Specification (goal) Notes Wavelength 0.8 - 5  m 10pos. Filter wheel (JHKLM & LVF) Spectral Resolution ~ 50 With LVF, and spatial slow- scanning DetectorInSb 1024 x 1024 FOV5’ x 5’ 1 pix = 0.3 arcsec Sens.(3σ)Imaging 26.3 mag(AB) Spectroscopy 6.84x10 -20 -1 W.m -2 100sec integration(  m)

7 SCI SPICA Coronagraph Instrument A mid-IR coronagraph instrument with both imaging & low-res. spectroscopic capability. Major goal : direct imaging & spectroscopy at 3.5-27  m Coronagraph method Binary-shaped pupil mask (baseline) Contrast > 10 -6 Field of View: 1.0 x 1.0 arcmin 2 Spectral resolution : 20-200 Current status : Draft optical, structure design finished improved Tip-tilt design

8 SAFARI SPICA Far-infrared Instrument Leaded by SAFARI consortium in Europe Imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer covering 35-210  m FOV : 2 x 2 arcmin 2 Wavelength resolution 2000 at 100  m is maximum

9 SAFARI Design @Phase-A1 conclusion Current cold mass : 38.8kg (22% margin to 50kg allocation)

10 FPI resources / Interface issues

11 FPI Cold Volume FPIA = FPI + IOBA IOBA = IOB + PoM (+ 5K shield…) IOB : instrument optical bench PoM : Pick-off Module  230

12 Critical I/F issues on FPIA Stringent stiffness requirement of FPIA 150Hz (Z) / 100Hz (X, Y) !! The original concept of IOB plate (ribbed Aluminum plate) itself does not satisfy the requirement. To overcome the above problem, two options: [Option A] IOB made of SiC (or CFRP) [Option B] MIRACLE (& MIRMES, MIRHES) base plate will be a part of the IOB structure (made of Aluminum) FPI Assembly / Integration: need of Common Pick-off Module (PoM) separated from each FPI, but mechanically I/F to IOB PoM is a sub-system of IOBA No moving parts

13 Concept of common PoM Pick-off location is 100-150mm below the surface of IOB, so the PoM looks like a cylinder?  230

14 FPI footprint on IOB Envelopes of FPIs are now OLD

15 IOB & FPI structure study – under progress..

16 Field-of-Views (updated 11 Mar. 2010)

17 3D Optical config. with New SCI (green) SCI FPC-S MIRACLE-short MIRACLE-long FPC-G SAFARI

18 FPI Cold Mass Allocation FPI Weight (kg) comment MIRACLE 60.0 with 20% margin MIRMES MIRHES SCI30.0 FPC10.0 SAFARI50.0 US-lead instrument30.0(optional FPI) IOB, FPI cover50.0with 20% margin Total200excluding US instr.

19 19 Cold stage heat generation Assumption: Baseline : No parallel mode Any observations will be executed by using single FPI, excluding FPC-G Current Status <15mW @ 4.5K for any observation mode Exceeds 5mW@1.7K (baseline allocation for 1.7K stage) but less than 10mW5mW@1.7K

20 20 Heat load (max/average) @4.5K stage (09/12/28)

21 21 Heat load (max/average) @1.7K stage (09/12/28)

22 Warm Electronics I/F Located at Bus system Total Weight: 120kg, incl. 20% margin Electric Power (=heat dissipation) Total 199W with maturity margins

23 ICS-FPI ICS (interface control specification) document should be prepared for SRR Operation mode & Observing Mode definition I/F with STA (mechanical/optical), CRYO (thermal), BM (bus module: electrical), AOCS (pointing control I/F) Also resources for warm electronics MIRACLE, MIRMES, MIRHES,SCI, (& FPC) will be put in ICS-FPI For US-lead instrument, resources & I/F are described in ICS-FPI (part A) Dedicated ICS for SAFARI (& FPC)



26 Issues for SAFARI – interference with FPC-S SCI FPC-S

27 Current optical rays at pick-off SAFARI 175mm  Note: MIRACLE optics / pick-off will be updated soon

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