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World War I Why was it so deadly? Jot down notes as we go through the slides?

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Presentation on theme: "World War I Why was it so deadly? Jot down notes as we go through the slides?"— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I Why was it so deadly? Jot down notes as we go through the slides?

2 Alain-Fournier, "this war is fine and just and great".

3 By The Numbers

4 Mobilized Dead Wounded Missing/PoW Russia 12,000,000 1,700,000 4,950,000 2,500,000 Germany 11,000,000 1,773,700 4,216,058 1,152,800 Great Britain 8,904,467 908,371 2,090,212 191,652 France 8,410,000 1,375,800 3,266,000 537,000 Austria-Hungary 7,800,000 1,200,000 3,620,000 2,200,000 Italy 5,615,000 650,000 947,000 600,000 US 4,355,000 126,000 234,300 4,526 Turkey 2,850,000 325,000 400,000 250,000 Bulgaria 1,200,000 87,500 152,390 27,029 Japan 800,000 300 907 3 Romania 750,000 335,706 120,000 80,000 Serbia 707,343 45,000 133,148 152,958 Belgium 267,000 13,716 44,686 34,659 Greece 230,000 5,000 21,000 1,000 Portugal 100,000 7,222 13,751 12,318 Montenegro 50,000 3,000 10,000 7,000


6 The Soldiers

7 French soldiers waiting for their meal.

8 Trench with French soldiers

9 The Shell-Shattered Area of Chateau Wood, Flanders

10 Scene in the trenches

11 Looking out from the entrance of a captured Pill-Box on to the shell ravaged battlefield.

12 Child Soldiers

13 Poison Gas

14 Poison Gas Attacks

15 American soldier wearing his gas mask

16 Gas attack seen from an airplane

17 Gas masks for man and horse demonstrated by American soldier

18 Effects of Mustard Gas

19 Trench Warfare

20 British Trench Diagrams Taken from the British reference manual on Trench Warfare, British Trench Warfare 1917-1918. The manual was originally prepared by the General Staff at the British War Office

21 Schematic Illustration of trenches from a French magazine.

22 German trenches

23 Soldiers of the US 332 Infantry, 83rd Division in trenches with the Italians on the Piave

24 US 18th Infantry, 1st Division troops in front line trench, 20 Jan 1918

25 “Hand-grenade Combat”

26 Russians fighting while under gas attack

27 German machine gun trench

28 Death on the Battlefield

29 German remains at Verdun Dead French soldiers in the Argonne

30 Death of a French regiment near Peronne

31 German dead in frontline trench on the Somme, 1916 Russian soldier dead on the wire

32 Destruction

33 Mt. Grappa

34 Avoncourt, France

35 Rheims, France

36 Shell Craters On The Battlefield

37 Verdun: Cloister of the Hotel de la Princerie

38 Village of Esnes

39 Weapons of War

40 Machine Guns

41 Barbed Wire

42 Flamethrowers

43 Periscope Rifle

44 Phosphorus Grenade Exploding

45 Austrian Skoda 305mm howitzer

46 Krupp 420mm howitzer

47 Italian artillery battery

48 French 120mm guns

49 Krupp railroad gun

50 Advent of the Tank

51 French Renault PT-17 tank

52 Original British tank prototype "Little Willie"

53 British Mark I tank

54 German A7V tank

55 US Renault tank of C Company, 327th Tank Battalion

56 Alain-Fournier, "this war is fine and just and great." He joined the French Army in August 1914.

57 Alain Fournier was dead by September, 1914

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