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Rose Papworth Charlie Papworth Hull College Higher Education Learning Portfolio for Placements HELPP.

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1 Rose Papworth Charlie Papworth Hull College Higher Education Learning Portfolio for Placements HELPP

2 Introduction  JISC e-learning capital programme –HE in FE strand  Started with one-year HEA mini-project Using Elgg:  Individual and community blogs with comments  Flexible e-portfolio space  Access controls  Open source

3 HEA Mini Project  3-way conversation between learner, employer and tutor  Developing personal reflection via blogs and comments (PDP) –social constructivist perspective  E-portfolio to share documents with employers  Online work placement contract developed to track project progress 2006/2007 used with FD Software Design and Development cohort on work placement:

4 HEA Mini Project Evaluation:  Students liked using blogs better than paper- based PDP as more immediate  Using tutor/mentor comments aided reflection –Can be difficult to ensure employer engagement  Students and employers like sharing documents via e-portfolio space –Faster sharing of information (one day per week placement over 10 weeks)  Online placement ‘check boxes’ made project progress easy to see –Contact details easier to access

5 JISC ‘HELPP’ Project  Period 2007/2008  Results of evaluation March 09  Expands on original use of Elgg in other subject areas –Continues blog use for PPD / reflection –Also uses the e-portfolio facility for assessment

6 JISC ‘HELPP’ Project  A ‘download’ facility has been developed –Interoperability issues  Learners can download both blog posts and e-portfolio documents to transportable media –Learners choose evidence –Creates an automatic HTML ‘index’ page for easy access by assessors

7 JISC ‘HELPP’ Project  Small tasks to prevent hand-in overload  Sharing of experiences via blogs to enhance confidence with existing skills  Both produce e-portfolio documents and collect documents from work  Web-based access to continue work at home, work and college This semester e-portfolio/blogs used with first year mature part-time FD students for work- based learning:

8 JISC ‘HELPP’ Project  Use group documents, meeting minutes and blog posts as evidence –From e-portfolio –Also using mp3 ‘recordings’ of interviews  Linked with textual narrative and reflection This semester also using Elgg’s ‘presentaton’ facility with BSc Computing group research- based project to prove individual contribution:

9 What do you think?  Are these examples useful or relevant to your teaching and learning?  Have you got students who could benefit from using e-portfolios and blogs?  Have you a cohort for whom this would be inappropriate?

10 Further info and Elgg modules  HEA page:  HullCollege_MP.htm HullCollege_MP.htm HullCollege_MP.htm  JISC page:  mes/programme_elearning_capital/el_hei nfe/helpp.aspx mes/programme_elearning_capital/el_hei nfe/helpp.aspx mes/programme_elearning_capital/el_hei nfe/helpp.aspx  JISC Project web site: 

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