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PBA Front-End Programming Textual Composition. Even with proper choice of font, the physical organisation of text still matters – Avoid ”walls of text”

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Presentation on theme: "PBA Front-End Programming Textual Composition. Even with proper choice of font, the physical organisation of text still matters – Avoid ”walls of text”"— Presentation transcript:

1 PBA Front-End Programming Textual Composition

2 Even with proper choice of font, the physical organisation of text still matters – Avoid ”walls of text” – Avoid monotony… – …but also avoid too many surprises!

3 Textual Composition BORING!!

4 Textual Composition Various types of ”space” are useful Margins - separates text blocks from other page elements Alignment – helps the use to navigate – Can help the user to navigate between lines – Left-justified text is usually considered the best choice for text on the screen

5 Textual Composition

6 Text can also be emphasised in various ways Classic effects for emphasis – Bold – Italic – Underline – Coloring – CAPITALS

7 Textual Composition When could emphasis of text be appropriate? – Introducing a new term – Using an adjective in ”strong form” – Indicating text which also has a function (link) – Draw attention to an important piece of data – …?

8 Textual Composition ”…the emergence of quantum physics” ”…that room was scary, John” ”…also check out” ”…more than 2,000 families are affected”

9 Textual Composition Tips on text emphasis – Use sparingly, otherwise effect is lost! – Emphasis is for very short text passages, not e.g. an entire paragraph – Emphasis and e.g. choosing a font for a heading is two different things…

10 Textual Composition

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