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The Scientific Revolution.  1300-1600: Renaissance Reformation Scientific Rev.  Scientists = uncover the questions of universe thru experiments & math.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Revolution.  1300-1600: Renaissance Reformation Scientific Rev.  Scientists = uncover the questions of universe thru experiments & math."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Revolution

2  1300-1600: Renaissance Reformation Scientific Rev.  Scientists = uncover the questions of universe thru experiments & math Prior reasoning = GOD & spirits  Nothing was an accident  This faded

3 I. Experiments & Mathematics  Early ideas of universe = ancient Greeks & Romans Humanists discovered contradictions Began to make other observations  Early 1500s: began to experiment Described nature w/out reference to previous beliefs  Principle of Doubt  Scientific Rev. (1500s – 1600s)

4  Scientists had access to new instruments Barometer, microscope, thermometer  Scientific Method (logical procedure for gathering & testing ideas) Problem or question Hypothesis Tests/experiments Analysis to reach conclusion

5 II. Astronomy, Physics, & Anatomy  A. Copernicus Earth = center of the universe?  All celestial bodies moved in perfect circular paths around Earth?  Common sense supported this, right?  Also, God placed Earth at the center?  Originated w/Aristotle (4 th cent. BCE), and expanded by Ptolemy (2 nd cent. CE)  “Geocentric Theory” (Ptolemy) Nicolaus Copernicus developed the “Heliocentric Theory”  1543: published findings (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies)  Few accepted it – he could not test/prove theory


7 B. Kepler & Galileo  Johannes Kepler: used math to test Heliocentric Theory Calculated the problem many times Orbits = NOT exact circles, they were ellipses  Only mathematicians understood until…  Galileo Galilei discovered concrete evidence 1609: created a telescope to see heavens  Details of moon  Sunspots  Discovered moons orbiting around Jupiter (disproved Geocentric Theory of Ptolemy) 1610: published Starry Messenger

8  Galileo’s findings frightened Church leaders  1616: Church warned Galileo  1632: published Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Galileo supported Heliocentric Theory  1633: Pope summoned Galileo to Rome Inquisition – he renounced ideas of Copernicus With sincere heart & unpretended faith I abjure, curse, and detest the aforesaid errors & heresies [of Copernicus] & also every other error contrary to the Holy Church, & I swear that in the future I will never again say or assert…anything that might cause a similar suspicion toward me. --Yet the earth does move.


10  Galileo was never again a free man  1992: Catholic Church acknowledged Galileo was right

11 C. Bacon & Descartes  Rene Descartes—Fr. Philosopher & scientist One should question all assumptions Discourse on Method (1637) –everything had to be proved except basic ideas  EX: b/c he could think proved his existence I think, therefore I am. “Father of Modern Philosophy” Also, a great mathematician:  Created the Cartesian coordinate system  “Father of Analytical Geometry”


13  Francis Bacon—English philosopher Urged scientists to experiment & then draw conclusions  Empiricism (experimental method)

14 D. Newton  Isaac Newton—developed theory of motion  Published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Laws of motion & gravitation (explained movements of objects on earth as well as other planets) Nature & Nature’s laws lay hid in night; God said, ‘Let Newton be!,’ and all was light. --Alexander Pope

15 E. Scientific Instruments  Zacharias Janssen—microscope  Anton van Leeuwenhoek—discovered bacteria  Robert Hooke—discovered cells  Evangelista Torricelli—developed barometer  Gabriel Fahrenheit—first thermometer (32°)  Anders Celsius—different scale (0°)  Joseph Priestly—discovered oxygen Elements = fundamental substances that make up matter  Antoine Lavoisier—fire is NOT an element Also: matter is indestructable

16 F. Medicine & the Human Body  Andreas Vesalius—dissected corpses On the Structure of the Human Body  Details of human organs, bones, muscle  Edward Jenner—introduced vaccine to prevent smallpox (cowpox)

17 G. Discoveries in Chemistry  Robert Boyle—founder of modern chemistry The Sceptical Chymist (1661)  Aristotle = world is made up of four elements?  NO, it’s made up of many smaller particles Boyle’s Law = explains how volume, temp., & pressure of gas affect each other

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