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WEEK SIX Biomass: Let’s Set the World on Fire (2).

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK SIX Biomass: Let’s Set the World on Fire (2)."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEEK SIX Biomass: Let’s Set the World on Fire (2)

2 第八周上課聽演講 Kerr 柯昱全 4/15 (Wednesday) 18:00~19:30 滾出台灣 - 玩出國際觀 從化學系到休閒運動管理研究所,從春吶表 演到青年旅館的老闆, Kerr 的人生似乎從來 沒有極限。若你對海外工作、背包客旅行甚 至民宿經營感興趣,千萬不要錯過 Kerr 高手 在民間的經歷分享!歡迎想挑戰自我,尋找 人生定位的每一個你,到場感受 Kerr 的熱情 與活力,享受一場 360 度的多元講座!

3 2015-04-21—Mid-term exam A House to Save the Earth Mediterranean Diet Biomass: Let’s Set the World on Fire FAIRTRADE NOT FREE The Curious Case of Benjamin Button __________________ Word definition (20%); grammar correction (20%); true or false (20%); reading comprehension (20%); a short essay (20%)

4 Outline for today’s classroom activities 1. extra: words and idioms and websites recommended 2. Quiz: Dictation 3. Reading and discussion 4. Thematic analysis

5 1. Extra (1): VOA learning English in-a-minute/latest.html?z=3619 ning-english-tv/latest.html?z=3613 ning-english-tv/latest.html?z=3613 Words and their stories english-programs-radio-words- stories/latest/987/987.html

6 1. Extra (2): How to Save Water water?ref=latest water?ref=latest

7 2. Quiz Listen and write down the words or phrases.

8 Reading and discussion (1) If coal, oil, and gas are just the residues of plants that once lived above ground, then why not burn plants on the surface? With ready access to abundant sources of food in many countries of the world, there is a smaller need to devote vast territories of farmland to food production. In contrast, the demand for energy has no limits.

9 Reading and discussion (2) The fossil fuels on which we have come to depend are growing harder to find, and therefore more expensive. The latest findings on global warming suggest that the diversion of the Gulf Stream and the melting of polar ice caps may be among the least of the environmental problems ahead of us.

10 Reading and discussion (3) Unfortunately, intermittent energy sources need to be backed up by conventional power, for the wind does not always blow, and the sun does not always shine. Even more problematic is the manufacture of the hardware that such sources of power require.

11 Reading and discussion (4) The hard truth is that since humans first discovered fire, we have found no energy source that begins to measure up to nature’s hydrocarbons. Yet coal, oil, and gas are formed from the mineral residue of plants that once lived above ground.

12 Reading and discussion (5) Suppose that, instead of extracting and burning fossil fuels, we burned plants growing on the surface. And suppose we constantly replanted the areas from which we harvested this living fuel, and then burned the replacement plants. Suddenly things would be very different. Scarcity would disappear, as fuel became endlessly renewable. So, too, would the threat to the climate.

13 Thematic Analysis Q-cIVJuDks (what is biomass) Q-cIVJuDks The ways to solve the water supply problem all over the world. Does California have 1 year of water left? XXGvhzzM8

14 AND HOMEWORK BIOMASS: LET’S SET THE WORLD ON FIRE Complete the weekly journal

15 More information power-eric-liu power-eric-liu How to understand power - Eric Liu

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