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High School Session 1: Exploring the Critical Areas Module 1: A Closer Look at the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "High School Session 1: Exploring the Critical Areas Module 1: A Closer Look at the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 High School Session 1: Exploring the Critical Areas Module 1: A Closer Look at the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

2 Expected Outcomes Participants will deepen their understanding of the structure of the CCSS for Mathematics and at least one suggested pathway course. Participants will deepen their understanding that the critical areas suggest a possible grouping of the standards into coherent blocks for each high school course. 2

3 3

4 Focus Coherence Clarity Specificity 4

5 Principle #1: Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in the level of content, teachers’ knowledge and skill, and student engagement. Richard Elmore, Ph.D., Harvard Graduate School of Education Principle #2: If you change one element of the instructional core, you have to change the other two. The Instructional Core

6 Adapted from the Public Education Leadership Project at Harvard University STRUCTURES POLICIES, PROCESSES & PROCEDURES RESOURCES HUMAN, MATERIAL, MONEY STAKEHOLDERS CULTURE Organizational Elements

7 7

8 8 The high school standards are listed within conceptual categories

9 CCSSM High School Conceptual Categories Number and Quantity (N) Algebra (A) Functions (F) Modeling (*) Geometry (G) Statistics and Probability (S) 9

10 CCSSM High School Conceptual Categories The big ideas that connect mathematics across high school A progression of increasing complexity Description of the mathematical content to be learned, elaborated through domains, clusters, and standards 10

11 Domains Overarching “big ideas” that connect topics across the grades/courses Descriptions of the mathematical content to be learned, elaborated through clusters and standards 11

12 Clusters of Standards Indicate WHAT students should know and be able to do May appear in multiple grade levels/courses with increasing developmental standards as the grade levels progress Reflect both mathematical understandings and skills, which are equally important 12

13 Conceptual Category Cluster Headings DOMAIN 13

14 Algebra 14 Domain Cluster Headings Standards Conceptual Category

15 15

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17 17 2 3 4 1

18 18 Each course, outlined in the Pathways document is organized around Critical Areas (Units). Traditional Pathway: High School Algebra I

19 Five critical areas in an Algebra I course 1.Relationships Between Quantities and Reasoning with Equations 2.Linear and Exponential Relationships 3.Descriptive Statistics 4.Expressions and Equations 5.Quadratic Functions and Modeling 19

20 Task: Examining the Critical Areas What are the important mathematical ideas for this critical area? What types of evidence would convince you that a student understands these ideas? What common misconceptions do students have when studying these critical areas? What challenges have you had in teaching these areas? 20

21 Whole group discussion What are the similarities in the types of evidence that would convince you that a student understands these ideas? Are there common themes in student misconceptions and in challenges to teaching? Compare the concepts in the critical areas with those that you are currently teaching. In general, how are they similar? How are they different? 21

22 Reflection How do the critical areas help to bring focus to the standards for the course that you examined today? How will you use the critical areas to inform your curriculum and guide your instruction? What questions do you still have about the conceptual categories and critical areas? 22

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