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A Framework on Synchronization Verification in System-Level Design Thanyapat Sakunkonchak Satoshi Komatsu Masahiro Fujita Fujita Laboratory University.

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Presentation on theme: "A Framework on Synchronization Verification in System-Level Design Thanyapat Sakunkonchak Satoshi Komatsu Masahiro Fujita Fujita Laboratory University."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Framework on Synchronization Verification in System-Level Design Thanyapat Sakunkonchak Satoshi Komatsu Masahiro Fujita Fujita Laboratory University of Tokyo

2 Contents Introduction System-level design VS Verification Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) Why synchronization verification? Verification flow Preliminary experimental results Summary & Future direction

3 System-Level Design & Verification Recover as many bugs as possible in the earlier stages is necessary Verification in system-level design  Bugs fix time Cost due to the delay/late time-to-market Revenue loss System-Level RTL Layout System synthesis High-level synthesis Logic synthesis Layout synthesis 30 minutes delay Modify source & re-compile 3 days delay Modify RTL & re-synthesis 3 weeks delay Re-layout

4 Basic Idea To increase productivity and fast prototype Apply formal verification at system-level Counter-Example Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) paradigm Apply abstraction to the design Verify the abstracted design Property hold Property does not hold + abstract counter-example Abstraction refinement: validate the abstract counter- example Valid: the real counter-example is given Invalid: refine abstraction

5 Formal Verification with Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) Model checker Design Property + abstract counterexample The abstract design’s size is enough to be handled Abstract Design Check abstract counterexample Refine + real counterexample Widely used verification philosophy: Counter-Example Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR)

6 Contents Introduction System-level design VS Verification Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) Why synchronization verification? Verification flow Preliminary experimental results Summary & Future direction

7 Why synchronization verification? Usually the abstracted design is still too large There are many parallel processes in system-level design To operate properly, those parallel processes must be properly synchronized Targeting only synchronization verification, the problem size can be significantly reduced

8 void A() { } void B() { } void main() { A(); B(); C(); } void C() { } Concurrency: Par Statement in SpecC AAB C LanguageSpecC Language BC void A() { } void B() { } void main() { par{ A.main(); B.main(); } C.main(); } void C() { } C

9 Synchronization in SpecC Add notify/wait of event e for sync. ‘ wait ’ will stop process until it is ‘ notify ’ AB void A() { } void B() { } void main() { par { A.main(); B.main(); } notify e1; wait e2; wait e1; notify e2; wait e1 Process B stops and wait until e1 is notified notify e1 B resumes wait e2 Process A stops and wait until e2 is notified notify e2 A resumes

10 Synchronization in SpecC (cont.) These equations can be solved with Integer Linear Programming Solver Tas=Tbs, Tae=Tbe Tas<=T1s<T1e<=T2s<T2e<=Tas Tbs<=T3s<T3e<=Tbe T2e<=T3s

11 Contents Introduction System-level design VS Verification Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) Why synchronization verification? Verification flow Preliminary experimental results Summary & Future direction

12 Synchronization verification

13 Synchronization property Synchronization is completed if ‘ wait ’ was notified A deadlock occurs once ‘ wait ’ is reached but ‘ notify ’ is not Process AProcess B notify wait Deadlock in B

14 NOT FEASIBLE Check path feasibility a1 = true & b1 = false & b2 = true !waitCustomer = true & !waitCustomer = false & !chairOccupied = true /* Barber */ void main() { while(1) { if (!waitCustomer) DayDreaming(); else { if (chairOccupied) { notify call; chairOccupied = false; } else { KeepCutting(); chairOccupied = true; } }; /* Customer */ void main() { while(1) { if (!waitCustomer) waitCustomer = true; else { waitCustomer = false; if (!chairOccupied) wait call; } }; /* Barber */ void main() { while(a0) { if (a1)... else { if (a2) { notify call;... } else {... } }; /* Customer */ void main() { while(b0) { if (b1)... else {... if (b2) wait call; } }; Refine#0 /* Barber */ void main() { while(a0) { if (a1)... else { if (a2) { notify call;... } else {... } }; /* Customer */ void main() { while(b0) { if (a1) a1_1 = true; else { a1_1 = false; if (b2) wait call; } }; Refine#1 Check path feasibility a1 = false & a2 = false & b1 = false & b2 = true !waitCustomer = false & chairOccupied = false & !waitCustomer = false & !chairOccupied = true FEASIBLE ‘ notify ’ is not reached: ‘ wait ’ is reached

15 Contents Introduction System-level design VS Verification Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) Why synchronization verification? Verification flow Preliminary experimental results Summary & Future direction

16 Verification conditions Real applications are verified Focusing only synchronization (notify/wait under par{ }), problem size can be significantly reduced Running on linux machine, P4 1.7GHz & 512 MB RAM, deadlock can be detected within few minutes

17 Preliminary experimental result Check all designs with properties “ there is no deadlock ” There is no such a case where ‘ wait ’ is executed while ‘ notify ’ is not Property1,2,3 are the different pairs of notify/wait Simulation results All properties hold No deadlock Abstraction refinement is not conducted in this experiments

18 Contents Introduction System-level design VS Verification Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) Why synchronization verification? Verification flow Preliminary experimental results Summary & Future direction

19 Summary & Future Direction A framework for synchronization verification of SpecC was described Abstraction/abstraction refinement algorithm was presented Abstraction Insertion of deadlock property Verification Abstraction refinement Now targeting only for synchronization property, but we can further extend to verify other properties, e.g. safety Implementation of abstraction refinement

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