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Spirit and History: some example of spiritual life in the Enlightenment era.

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Presentation on theme: "Spirit and History: some example of spiritual life in the Enlightenment era."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spirit and History: some example of spiritual life in the Enlightenment era.

2 Reforms of the 18th century and religious life Church as a department of the state State attacks the monasteries Utilitarian view of religion The rhetoric of the Enlightenment Secularisation of church properties

3 Elizabeth of Russia (1741-62) and the Preobrazhenskii regiment

4 Feodor Ushakov (1719-91)

5 Paisii Velichkovskii (1722-1794) Нямецкий монастырь, Румыния

6 Paisii’s pupils in Russian monasteries

7 Spiritual elders Zosima Verkhovskii (1768-1833), a nobleman, former officer Elder Vasilisk, a simple peasant, teacher of Zosima Serafim of Sarov

8 Elder and pupil Преп. Лев (Леонид) Наголкин, Оптинский старец Св. Игнатий Брянчанинов

9 Contemporary monastic life, tradition and 8WDMoDU-M 8WDMoDU-M

10 Spiritual guidance (starchestvo) as a specific form of Russian spirituality Another form of apostolic succession Prophetic

11 Отец Серафим Тяпочкин (1894-1982)

12 Преп. Серафим Вырицкий (1866-1949)

13 e8tCcHnKY e8tCcHnKY Gong: g7NXRJwYXs g7NXRJwYXs

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