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My First Free Summer Bell Ringer Monday, September 28, 2015 Use your book (p. 130) to define the following terms: vowed, repressive, extenuating.

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Presentation on theme: "My First Free Summer Bell Ringer Monday, September 28, 2015 Use your book (p. 130) to define the following terms: vowed, repressive, extenuating."— Presentation transcript:

1 My First Free Summer Bell Ringer Monday, September 28, 2015 Use your book (p. 130) to define the following terms: vowed, repressive, extenuating

2 During: Quick Review Get out your study guide and grammar notes Quickly review

3 During: Test Put away your study guide and notes You will answer ALL multiple choice questions. You will ONLY ANSWER #15 on the written response questions ON YOUR OWN PAPER When you finish please turn in your paper on the table. Begin silently reading My First Free Summer p. 132

4 Answers: 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.C

5 After: Pronoun Worksheet Complete the pronoun worksheet.

6 My First Free Summer Bell Ringer Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Use your book (p. 130) to define the following terms: diplomats, summoned and contradiction

7 During: Vocabulary Application Complete vocabulary worksheet

8 During: Whole Group Reading Turn your book to page 131 We will read My First Free Summer aloud. Be sure to follow along.

9 Vocabulary Mini Project Example: Vocabulary Picture Dictionary You will create a vocabulary picture dictionary with the vocabulary words from “My First Free Summer.” The words are found on page 130. This will count as a minor grade. Do your best! THIS IS DUE FRIDAY! Your dictionary must include the following details: 1) All 6 vocabulary words with definitions. 2) A sentence for each word 3) A picture illustrating the sentence. (You may draw, cut out pictures from magazines or print pictures from the internet.)

10 My First Free Summer Bell Ringer Wednesday, September 30, 2015 Latin root word study: The root word -dict- means “to speak” or “to assert.” List 2 words with this root word.

11 During: Historical Context When a literary work is based on real events, the historical context can help you understand the action. Historical context- the actual political and social events and trends of the time- can explain why characters act and think the way they do.

12 During: Historical Context “I didn’t know about my father’s activities. I didn’t know the dictator was bad. All I knew was that my friends who were attending Dominican schools were often on holiday to honor the dictator’s saint day, the day the dictator became the dictator, the day the dictator’s oldest son was born and so on.” How does the historical context affect the action? Because Alvarez does not know the seriousness of the political situation, she is able to live a carefree existence.

13 During: Historical Context “But the yard replete with cousins and friends that I had dreamed about all year was deserted. Family members were leaving for the United States, using whatever connections they could drum up. The plot had unraveled. Every day there were massive arrests. The United States had closed its embassy and was advising Americans to return home.” How does the historical context affect the action? Now the reality of the political situation affects the Alvarez’s life: She is lonely, and her family is fearful.

14 During: Historical Context “Next morning, we are standing inside a large, echoing hall as a stern American official reviews our documents. What if he doesn’t let us in? What if we have to go back? I am holding my breath. My parents’ terror has become mine.” How does the historical context affect the action? The political situation has placed the family at the mercy of the U.S. immigration officials, and Alvarez, sensing her parents’ fear, has become fearful herself.

15 After: Computer Lab We will go to the computer lab to work on our mini project. You may print pictures or words. Use this time wisely. This is the only time we will utilize the computer lab for this project. Don’t forget… it is DUE FRIDAY!

16 My First Free Summer Bell Ringer Thursday, October 1, 2015 The root word -dict- means “to speak” or “to assert.” In the following sentences, think about the meaning of - dict- in each italicized word. Answer is each statement is true or false. 1.A prediction tells what happened in the past. 2.A dictionary contains the roots and definitions of words. 3.A dictator is the democratically elected head of a country.

17 During: Exploring the unit question: “What’s the best way to discover the truth?” How does Alvarez discover the truth?

18 During: Individual Writing “My First Free Summer” Do you think the term “free” has a double meaning in this title? Explain in 2 paragraphs.

19 During: Freedom Wall Graffiti Freedom Wall Graffiti: What is freedom? Give your own definition, examples, synonyms, or graphics to express freedom on our wall. After: You may work on you vocabulary project after your freedom wall entry.

20 My First Free Summer Bell Ringer Friday, October 2, 2015 Writing prompt: Think about how Alvarez’s mom told her and her sisters to pack for America. She didn’t know any specifics, but her mother expected her to follow her directions. Sometimes our parents don’t always give us all the details when they give us an order. Why do you think they leave out the details sometimes?

21 During: Turn in Project Make sure your name is on your project. Pick out your best entry and be prepared to show the class.

22 Possessive Pronouns: Show possession

23 During: Study Guide Individual work: Complete the study guide. You make use your book.

24 During: Review

25 Exit Slip Imagine that your parents were diplomats to a foreign country and you were going to move to that country. What country would it be?

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