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Model Checking Java Programs using Structural Heuristics

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1 Model Checking Java Programs using Structural Heuristics
Alex Groce Carnegie Mellon University Willem Visser NASA Ames Research Center

2 Model Checking Explores graph of reachable system states
Checking for local assertions, invariants and general temporal (logic) properties Symbolic model checking Explicit-state model checking

3 Java PathFinder Java Code Bytecode JAVAC JVM Model Checker Special JVM
void add(Object o) { buffer[head] = o; head = (head+1)%size; } Object take() { tail=(tail+1)%size; return buffer[tail]; Java Code 0: iconst_0 1: istore_2 2: goto #39 5: getstatic 8: aload_0 9: iload_2 10: aaload Bytecode JAVAC JVM Model Checker Special JVM

4 Depth-first Search push initial state on Stack while (Stack not empty)
s = top(Stack) if s has no more successors pop the Stack else s’ = next successor of s if s’ not already visited mark s’ visited if s’ is a goal state then terminate push s’ on Stack

5 Problems with DFS Produces lengthy counterexamples
If state-space is too large to fully explore May expend all resources on a single path when shallow counterexamples exist Failed runs give little information because states explored may be very “similar”

6 Directed Model Checking
Model checking as a search in a state space Why not use heuristics to guide the search? Need to know what we’re looking for Can we find good heuristics for model checking? Bug-finding rather than verification

7 Best-first Search priority queue Q = {initial state}
while (Q not empty) s = state in Q with lowest f remove s from Q for each successor state s’ of s if s’ not already visited mark s’ visited if s’ is a goal state then terminate f = h(s’) store (s’, f) in Q

8 Two Kinds of Heuristics
Property-specific heuristics Directed at a specific error Number of unblocked threads as a measure of distance to deadlock Static analysis for distance to an assertion check Focus of most previous work in field

9 Two Kinds of Heuristics
Structural heuristics Designed to explore the structure of a program in a systematic fashion But what do we mean by structure?

10 Structural Heuristics
One obvious kind of structure in a program: Control flow Reachable control flow rather than just CFG Motivation for branch coverage metrics used in software testing

11 Branch Coverage Instrument model checker to calculate branch coverage
Using a simple coverage measure as a heuristic doesn’t work well Easily falls into local minima (once any branches are taken, every state on that path has “better” coverage) Doesn’t distinguish between branches explored once and branches explored many times

12 The Branch Counting Heuristic
Count the number of times each branch has been taken Heuristic value is then: Branches never before taken get lowest value Non-branching transitions are next lowest Otherwise, score is equal to the count (lower values are explored first)

13 Each CFG state is a basic block that increments
Three Searches DFS Branch Counting CFG Each CFG state is a basic block that increments some variable x. ERROR BFS

14 Three Searches DFS Branch Counting CFG BFS

15 Three Searches DFS Branch Counting CFG BFS

16 Three Searches DFS Branch Counting CFG BFS

17 Three Searches DFS Branch Counting CFG Heuristic avoids taking BFS

18 Three Searches DFS Branch Counting CFG BFS

19 Three Searches DFS Branch Counting CFG Expands 15 states BFS
Terminates only with depth limit Expands 25 states

20 Experimental Results DEOS real-time operating system example
This version uses an integer valued counter, without abstraction

21 Results for DEOS All experiments performed on a 1.4GHz Athlon, limiting Java heap size to 512MB, all times are in seconds

22 The Interleaving Heuristic
An important (and very hard to find) class of errors in Java is concurrency errors What kind of structure could we explore to catch these? Thread-interdependency

23 The Interleaving Heuristic
Not clear how to heuristically define actual thread-interdependence So we use an approximation: Executions in which context is switched more often are given better heuristic values Explores executions unlikely to appear in testing (JVM/JITs schedule quite differently)

24 The Interleaving Heuristic
Keep track on each path of which threads are executed at each transition Give lower (better) heuristic score to paths in which the most recently executed thread has been run less frequently Slightly more complicated in practice, counting live threads

25 Limiting the Queue With heuristics we are more interested in finding bugs than in verification So, we apply a technique from heuristic search literature: Limit the size of the priority queue! When queue has more than k states in it, remove all but k states with best heuristic values

26 Experimental Results Dining Philosophers Comparison to other results:
Godefroid and Khurshid in TACAS ’02 paper apply genetic algorithms to dining philosophers Best result reported is 17 philosophers, 177 seconds, 50% success rate (on a slower machine) HSF-SPIN Not clear how to compare (times not given) Best result they show is 16 philosophers, and SPIN (using partial order reduction) itself fails with 14 philosophers

27 Experimental Results

28 One Last Heuristic The choose-free heuristic:
Works only for abstracted Java programs Rewards transitions that do not involve nondeterminism introduced by the abstraction Prefers counterexamples that do not result from loss of precision introduced by the abstraction Structure of abstraction, not program

29 Previous Work Edelkamp, Lafuente, and Leue Bloem, Ravi, and Somenzi
HSF-SPIN: SPIN + heuristic search framework Bloem, Ravi, and Somenzi Symbolic Guided Search: BDDs + heuristics With BDDs heuristics can aid verification Cobleigh, Clarke, and Osterweil FLAVERS verification work

30 Conclusions Structural heuristics: a useful class of heuristics
When model checking is used for debugging, we may not know what kinds of bugs we are hunting Property-specific heuristics are also useful; approach is complementary, not replacement Most-blocked can perform as well or better than interleaving in the Remote Agent example, depending on the k limit and search method

31 Future Work Experiment with other, larger examples
Static analysis for property-specific heuristics Language for properties/search/heuristics Discover how heuristics work when symbolic execution is introduced into JPF Counterexample analysis for “bug causality” What other kinds of structure can be exploited with heuristics? Counting occurrences of data values, perhaps

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