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The Psychology of the Creative Process in the Literary and Artistic Vision Ana Ghila PhD Philology Moldova State University.

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2 The Psychology of the Creative Process in the Literary and Artistic Vision Ana Ghila PhD Philology Moldova State University

3 The relationship literature – psychology involves multiple perspectives to tackle: The psychology of the creative process; the psychologism of the literary work (also called psychopoetics) The psychoanalysis of art The psycho-criticism; psychobiography The psychology of the reception of an artistic text

4  The creative process as a complex phenomenon that involves all psychological mechanisms of the creator is transfigured artistically in I.Druta’s and G.Meniuc’s prose.  An analysis of these texts from this perspective demonstrates the specificity of the creative individuality and the artistic orientations in the literature between 1960 and 1980.

5 Ana Ghilaş, Associate Professor at the Department of Romanian Literature and Literary Theory, The Faculty of Letters, Moldova State University, Chişin ă u, Republic of Moldova. Domains of activity : The history of Romanian Literature: the interwar and postwar period Literary Theory Literature and Psychology The Bible and Literature

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