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Presentation on theme: "ANTIANGINAL (CORONARY ACTIVE) DRUGS"— Presentation transcript:


2,4 mln. people die from IHD annually

There are 35 risk factors for development of IHD 3 the most important ones are – “big triple” hypercholesterolemia arterial hypertension smoking 95 % of patients with IHD are observed to have atherosclerotic changes in coronary arteries


5 Atherosclerotic changes in coronary arteries

І. Nitrates and sidnonimins ІІ. Beta-adrenoblockers ІІІ. Antagonists of calcium ions ІУ. Activators of potassium channels Inhibitors of ACE Platelet inhibitors and anticoagulants Drugs with metabolic influence on myocardium

7 isosorbid-5-mononitrate
NITRATES nitroglycerin isosorbid dinitrate isosorbid-5-mononitrate



10 Duration of action - 20-30 min
NITROGLYCERINE Tablets (under the tongue) 1 % alcohol or oil solution (under the tongue) aerosol Onset min Duration of action min ampoules 1 % solution – intravenously dropply 0,01% solution prolonged forms of nitroglycerine: trinitrolong, sustak, nitrong, ointment, plaster

11 NITROGLYCERIN pharmaceutical forms

12 NITROGLYCERIN pill bottles

13 Nitroglycerine transdermal system in a form of plaster

bursting, pulsating headache decreasing of arterial pressure (tachycardia, dizziness, collapse – postural hypotension) facial flushing, feeling of fever

15 Contraindications for nitroglycerine administration
increasing of intracranial pressure, insult acute myocardial infarction (in case of presence of hypotonia and collapse)

Trinitrolong – polymer films (0,001 g or 0,002 g of nitroglycerine) action develops immediately, lasts for hours Sustac - Sustaс-mite (contains 0,0026 g of nitroglycerine) and Sustac-forte (0,0064 g of nitroglycerine) onset – after 10 min, maximal action – after 1 hour, duration of action – 4-5 hours Nitrong – microcapsule form of nitroglycerine of prolonged action onset – min, maximal effect - after 3-4 hours, Duration of action hours

17 Nitroglycerin and Premature Birth
The five-year, randomized check involved 153 women selected at the time they went into pre-term labor (at 24 to 28 weeks). Employing nitroglycerin patches for pregnant women prolonged their pregnancy and what's new, the babies were born healthy, with less side effects than those induced by other drugs. In Canada, about 7.5 % of all babies are born prematurely (before 37 weeks) and 1 to 2 % are severe cases, before 34 weeks.

18 Iso Mak Retard 20mg Iso Mak Retard 40mg Isomak Retard 60mg (isosorbid dinitrate)

19 Isoket Isosorbid dinitrate

20 Mechanism of tolerance to nitrates

21 Other nitrates Nitrosorbid – isosorbid dinitrate
onset min, duration of action – 4-6 hours and more With sublingual administration of the drug onset decreases to 3-5 min buccal form (Dinitrosorbilong) tablets of prolonged action (Isoket-retard) ointment aerosol drugs for intravenous introduction Isosorbid-5-mononitrate - pharmacologically active metabolite of isosorbid dinitrate duration of action - from 6 till 24 hours

22 SYDNONIMINS Molsydomine – corvaton - sydnopharm
is metabolized by the liver forming a substance – SIN-1a which contains free NО group (doesn’t need previous interaction with SH-groups) nitric oxide stimulates guanylate cyclase that activates synthesis of cGMP cGMP causes dilation of vessels 2 mg of molsydomine = 0,5 mg of nitroglycerin

23 Molsidomine metabolism


25 Mechanism of action during ischemic attack
BETA-ADRENOBLOCKERS Mechanism of action during ischemic attack blockade of b1-adrenoreceptors of heart: decrease of cardiac output and frequency of heart contractions and as follows cardiac need in oxygen decreasing of platelets aggregation and prevention of plug formation increasing duration of diastole – improvement of coronary vessels saturation with blood – improvement of perfusion of ischemic areas of myocardium Decreasing of calcium ions accumulation – releasing of cardiac muscle tension, improvement of metabolic processes, increasing of ATP synthesis in case of acute myocardium infarction – increasing of blood supply of ischemic areas of heart, decreasing of size of infarction area, prevention of development of cardiac arrhythmias

26 Beta-adrenoblockers

27 Anaprilin β1- β 2 adrenoblocker

28 Vasocardin 100 mg Methoprolol tartrate

29 Nadolol ( β1, β 2- adrenoblocker )

30 Nebivolol

1. Derivatives of difenilalkilamin (verapamil) 2. Derivatives of benzothiazepine (dylthiazem) 3. Derivatives of dihydropyridine (nifedipin, amlodipin, nimodipin) Drugs of 1 and 2 groups dominantly influence on heart (depress automatism of sinus node, slow cardiac conduction, decrease heart rate and oxygen demand), show antiarrhythmic, antianginal and hypotensive action Derivatives of dihydropyridine (group of nifedipin) – decrease blood pressure and cause dilation of coronary vessels, cause reflective tachycardia

32 Antagonists of calcium ions – derivatives of dihydropyridine of ІІ generation (amlodipin, isradipin, nicardipin) don’t cause tachycardia are indicated for prolonged treatment of patients with stable angina Are not indicated in case of unstable angina (long onset)

33 Usage of calcium ions antagonists
Illness Drugs Hypertension Verapamil Dylthiazem Nifedipin Felodipin Amlodipin Stenocardia Verapamil Dylthiazem Nifedipin Amlodipin Supraventricular tachy-arrhythmia Verapamil Dylthiazem Possible combination with β-blockers Dylthiazem Nifedipin Felodipin Amlodipin -recommended drug --should be used carefully

34 Nifedipin (Са2+ ions antagonist of dihydropyridine group)

35 Nifedipin (Са2+ ions antagonist of dihydropyridine group)

36 Nifedipin (Са2+ ions antagonist of dihydropyridine group)


NICORANDIL activates Са2+-depending potassium channels causes relaxation of smooth muscles of vessels – coronary, arteriolar and venous vasodilation improves of blood supply of myocardium, decreasing of pre- and afterloads of heart, decreasing of myocardial need in oxygen, of ischemic damage zone



41 Acetylsalicylic acid 80-100 mg daily
against platelets aggregation, decreases risk of development of acute myocardium infarction and decreases mortality of patients with IHD Throughout the world it is also used as a drug for basic treatment of IHD (can be used for years) Main complication – gastric bleeding

From a 45-year-old man who died of an acute myocardial infarction. Postmortem serum Cholesterol 100 times more than normal.

43 cholesterol lowering drugs
Statins - HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors Fibrates

44 Statins - HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
block the enzyme in the liver that is responsible for making Cholesterol – hydroxy-methylglutaryl-coenzyme reductase Statins lower Bad Cholesterol Levels, raise Good Cholesterol Levels, and can slow down the formation of plaques in arteries. lower the chances of a heart attack and death in a group who have an elevated risk of developing Heart Disease or who already have Heart Disease

45 Mechanism of statins action

46 Benefits of Statins improving on the whole vascular function
reduce the size of plaques in the arteries stabilize plaques there by reducing the chance of rupture and reduce chance of acute heart attacks reduce inflammation, believed to be an important component of plaque formation and rupture. Statin reduces CRP levels

47 Statins

48 Statins


50 Cholesterol-lowering “statin” drugs side effects
fatigue muscle pain (9 % of patients) at higher doses and long term administration – myopathy (rhabdomyolysis) acute damage to muscle tissue - can be very serious reduced proliferation damage to kidneys increased risk for cataracts elevated blood sugar increased risk for prostate and breast cancer

51 Fibrates entering the market over 40 years

52 Fibrates



55 Fibrates complications
Nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain Renal insufficiency Rhabdomyolysis Hypersensitivity, rash formation of gallstones

56 Nicotinic acid or niacin
useful for patients with mixed dyslipidemias inhibits transport of free fatty acids to the liver from peripheral adipose tissue resulting in decreased triglyceride synthesis increases in HDL cholesterol and decreases in VLDL and LDL cholesterol for diabetic dyslipidemia to increase HDL cholesterol


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