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More Language Features Functional Programming Academic Year 2005-2006 Alessandro Cimatti

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1 More Language Features Functional Programming Academic Year 2005-2006 Alessandro Cimatti

2 Homework Write a program to normalize expressions for lambda calculus Suggested steps: –Define the ADT for lambda terms constructors recognizers –Define substitution primitive –Define recognizer for redex’s –Define beta-reduction rule –Define the normalizer: recursively traverse the term looking for redex, and reduce careful with infinite looping!! Some remarks –homework due by december 20 –try to use recursive definitions –homework is closely related to course project!!! Any questions?

3 Higher Order functions

4 apply The apply function is used to manipulate function objects ( apply ) > (+ 2 3 4 5) 14 > (apply '+ '(2 3 4 5)) 14 > (apply 'equal '(12 14)) nil > (apply 'cons '(as (you like it))) (as you like it)

5 apply apply can be used in functions, when a function is passed as a parameter Example > (defun f-on-range (f n) (f-on-range-iter f 0 n nil)) f-on-range > (defun f-on-range-iter (f l h acc) (if (> l h) acc (let ((res (apply f (list l)))) (f-on-range-iter f (+ l 1) h (cons res acc))))) f-on-range-iter > (f-on-range 'oddp 5) (T NIL T NIL T NIL) > (f-on-range 'evenp 5) (NIL T NIL T NIL T) > (f-on-range '1+ 5) (6 5 4 3 2 1) > (f-on-range '1- 5) (4 3 2 1 0 -1) > (f-on-range 'sqrt 5) (2.23606797749979 2.0 1.7320508075688772 1.4142135623730951 1.0 0.0) > (f-on-range 'exp 5) (148.41315910257663 54.598150033144236 20.08553692318767 7.38905609893065 2.718281828459045 1.0)

6 mapcar mapcar iterates over a list and applies the specified function Examples > (mapcar 'oddp '(1 2 3 4)) (t nil t nil) > (mapcar 'evenp '(1 2 3 4)) (nil t nil t) > (defun square (x) (* x x) ) square > (mapcar 'square '(1 2 3 4 5)) (1 4 9 16 25) > (mapcar 'cons '(1 2 3 4 5) '(1 2 3 4 5)) ((1. 1) (2. 2) (3. 3) (4. 4) (5. 5)) > (mapcar 'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3)) ((a. 1) (b. 2) (c. 3)) > (mapcar 'abs '(3 -4 2 -5 -6)) (3 4 2 5 6) > (let* ((l '(1 2 3 4 5)) (sqlist (mapcar 'square l))) (mapcar 'cons l sqlist)) ((1. 1) (2. 4) (3. 9) (4. 16) (5. 25))

7 mapcar > (setq words '((one eins) (two zwei) (three drei)) ) ((one eins) (two zwei) (three drei) > (mapcar 'car words) (one two three) > (mapcar 'cadr words) (eins zwei drei) > (mapcar 'cdr words) ((eins) (zwei) (drei))

8 Lambda functions Lambda notation lets us declare unnamed functions. Can be useful for one-use function, that can be passed e.g. as a parameter to another function. Declaration of Lambda function: –(lambda ( ) ) Example: an unnamed square function –(lambda (x) (* x x)) Lambda functions are used in place of the function name: > ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 2) 4 Usage within mapcar > (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x (* x x))) '(1 2 3 4 5)) ((1. 1) (2. 4) (3. 9) (4. 16) (5. 25))

9 maplist maplist is like mapcar except that the function is applied to the lists and successive cdr 's of those lists rather than to successive elements of the lists. For example: > (maplist (lambda (x) (cons 'foo x)) '(a b c d)) ((foo a b c d) (foo b c d) (foo c d) (foo d)) > (maplist (lambda (x) (if (member (car x) (cdr x)) 0 1)) '(a b a c d b c)) (0 0 1 0 1 1 1)

10 mapcar vs maplist > words ((one eins) (two zwei) (three drei) > (mapcar 'reverse words) ((eins one) (zwei two) (drei three)) > (maplist 'reverse words) (((three drei) (two zwei) (one eins)) ((three drei) (two zwei)) ((three drei))) > (maplist 'cdr words) (((two zwei) (three drei)) ((three drei)) nil)

11 lambda functions > (mapcar 'square '(1 2 3 4 5)) (1 4 9 16 25) > (mapcar '(lambda (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3 4 5)) (1 4 9 16 25) > (mapcar '(lambda (x) (car x) (cadr x)) words) (eins zwei drei) > (mapcan '(lambda (x) x) words) (one eins two zwei three drei)

12 Functions for built-in functions > (member 1 '(1 (1. 2) (3. 4))) (1 (1. 2) (3. 4)) > (member '(1. 2) '((1. 2) (3. 4))) NIL > (member '(1. 2) '((1. 2) (3. 4)) :test #'equal) ((1. 2) (3. 4)) > (merge 'list '(1 3 4 6 7) '(2 5 8) '<) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) > (sort '(a b) 'string-lessp) (A B) > (sort '(b a) 'string-lessp) (A B) > (sort '(b a c d a a f d a) 'string-lessp) (A A A A B C D D F) > (sort '(b a c d a a f d a) 'string-greaterp) (F D D C B A A A A)

13 Functions and Macros

14 Functions defun : user defined function (defun fn-name parm-list fn-body) > (defun add (a b) (+ a b)) ADD > (add 20 30) 50 > (defun square (x) (* x x)) SQUARE > (square 5) 25 > (defun hypotenuse (x y) (sqrt (+ (square x) (square y))) HYPOTENUSE > (hypotenuse 3 4) 5 use let and let* forms to store partial computations (cfr countsum) –(defun add (a b) (let ((ta a) (tb b)) (+ ta tb)))

15 Macros Macros: the computer equivalent of abbreviations. In LISP, the result is itself a bit of code to be executed This is more self documenting (and more efficient in many interpreters). Example –suppose we have some lists of the form (city state zip) –we can create a macro get-state-field that results in the code (car (cdr list)) Defining Macros: defmacro –syntax similar to defun –When the macro is called, it is first evaluated for its result, then the result is evaluated.

16 Macros > (defmacro get-state-field (x) (list 'car (list 'cdr x))) get-state-field > (get-state-field '(GFK ND 58201)) ND > (macroexpand '(get-state-field '(GFK ND 58201)) ) (CAR (CDR (QUOTE (GFK ND 58201)))) > (defmacro simple-incf (var) (list 'setq var (list '+ var 1))) simple-incf > (setq a 4) 4 > (simple-incf a) 5 > (macroexpand '(simple-incf a)) (SETQ A (+ A 1))

17 Backquote notation > (setq a 3) 3 > '(if a is true (and a a) then) (if a is true (and a a) then) > `(if,a is true,(and a a) then) (if 3 is true 3 then) > (list 'if a 'is 'true (list a a) 'is 'true) (if 3 is true (3 3) is true) > (list 'if a 'is 'true (and a a) 'is 'true) (if 3 is true 3 is true) > (setq b '(a b c)) (a b c) > `(hello fred,b) (hello fred (a b c)) > `(hello fred,@b) (hello fred a b c)

18 Macros > (defun name (x) (car x)) name > (name '(a red table)) a > (defmacro name (x) (list 'car x)) name > (name '(a red table)) a > (defmacro name (x) `(car,x)) name > (name '(a red table)) a

19 Recursive Macros? > (defmacro f (n) `(if (<,n 0) 1 (f (-,n 1)))) F > (f 1) Stack overflow (stack size 16000). 1 (abort) Return to level 0. 2 Return to top loop level 0. Type :b for backtrace, :c to proceed, or :? for other options 1 > :b Call to COMMON-LISP::REAL-STACK-OVERFLOW-AUX Call to RUNTIME:BAD-ARGS-OR-STACK Call to LEXICAL::ENSURE-ENVIRONMENT Call to MACRO-FUNCTION Call to MACROEXPAND-1 Call to LEXICAL:CAREFUL-MACROEXPAND Call to LEXICAL::PRE Call to MAPCAR Call to LEXICAL::LEX-CALL Call to LEXICAL::PRE Call to MAPCAR Call to LEXICAL::LEX-CALL Call to LEXICAL::PRE...

20 &optional parameter > (defmacro if2 (a b &optional c) `(cond (,a,b) (t,c) ) ) if2 > (macroexpand '(if2 P (cons 1 2) (cons 2 3))) (IF P (CONS 1 2) (COND (T (CONS 2 3)))) > (macroexpand-1 '(if2 P (cons 1 2) (cons 2 3))) (COND (P (CONS 1 2)) (T (CONS 2 3))) > (macroexpand-1 '(if2 P (cons 1 2))) (COND (P (CONS 1 2)) (T NIL)) > (setq P nil) nil > (if2 P (cons 1 2) (cons 2 3))) (2. 3) > (if2 P (cons 1 2))) nil

21 &rest > (defun list2 (&rest x) x) list2 > (list2 1 2 3 4 5) (1 2 3 4 5) > (defun mm (fn &rest x) (mapcar fn x)) MM > (mm 'oddp 1 2 3 4 5 6) (T NIL T NIL T NIL) > (mm 'oddp) NIL

22 &rest > (defmacro let*2 (x &rest forms) (if (null x) `(progn,@forms) `(let (,(car x)) (let*2,(cdr x),@forms) ) let*2 > (let*2 ((a 1) (b (+ a 1)) (c (cons a b))) (list a b c)) (1 2 (1. 2)) > (macroexpand '(let*2 ((a 1) (b (+ a 1)) (c (cons a b))) (list a b c))) (LET ((A 1)) (LET*2 ((B (+ A 1)) (C (CONS A B))) (LIST A B C))) > (macroexpand '(LET*2 ((B (+ A 1)) (C (CONS A B))) (LIST A B C))) (LET ((B (+ A 1))) (LET*2 ((C (CONS A B))) (LIST A B C))) > (macroexpand '(LET*2 ((C (CONS A B))) (LIST A B C))) (LET ((C (CONS A B))) (LET*2 NIL (LIST A B C))) > (macroexpand '(LET*2 NIL (LIST A B C))) (PROGN (LIST A B C))

23 Macros: example > (setq *clause-database* nil) nil > (defmacro defclause (head &rest body) `(let ((newclause (cons (quote,head) (quote,body)))) (setq *clause-database* (cons newclause *clause-database*)))) defclause > (defclause P Q R S) ((P Q R S)) > (macroexpand '(defclause P Q R S)) (LET ((NEWCLAUSE (CONS (QUOTE P) (QUOTE (Q R S))))) (SETQ *CLAUSE-DATABASE* (CONS NEWCLAUSE *CLAUSE-DATABASE*))) > (defclause P R (not S) (not U)) ((P R (NOT S) (NOT U)) (P Q R S)) > (macroexpand '(defclause P R (not S) (not U))) (LET ((NEWCLAUSE (CONS (QUOTE P) (QUOTE (R (NOT S) (NOT U)))))) (SETQ *CLAUSE-DATABASE* (CONS NEWCLAUSE *CLAUSE-DATABASE*))) > *CLAUSE-DATABASE* ((P R (NOT S) (NOT U)) (P Q R S))

24 More Control Structures or: how “functional” can we be?

25 Command Sequences progn returns the result of the last element, but evaluates all s- expressions in the argument list > (progn (setq a 10) (setq b 20) (* 3 5)) 15 > a 10 > b 20

26 prog1 prog1 returns the result of the first element, but evaluates all s- expressions in the argument list > (progn (setq x 'foo) (setq x 'bar) (setq x 'baz) 'done) done > x baz > (prog1 (setq x 'foo) (setq x 'bar) (setq x 'baz) 'done) foo > x baz

27 prog and loops > (defun expt (m n) (prog ((result 1) (expon n)) loop1 (if (zerop expon) (return result)) (setq result (* m result)) (setq expon (1- expon)) (go loop1) ) ) expt > (expt 2 5) 32

28 Do you really like prog and loop? > (defun expt (base n) (prog ((res 1) (expon n)) loop1 (if (zerop expon) (return res)) (setq res (* base res)) (setq expon (1- expon)) (go loop1))) > (defun expt1 (m n) (expt1-iter m n 1)) > (defun expt1-iter (base expon res) (if (zerop expon) res (expt1-iter base (1- expon) (* base res))))

29 Iteration: dotimes dotimes iterates a specified numebr of times Syntax (dotimes (index-var upper-bound result-var) BODY) > (dotimes (j 10 val) (setq val j)) 9 > (setq val nil) NIL > (dotimes (j 10 val) (setq val (cons j val))) (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) > (dotimes (j 10 val) (setq val j)) 9 > (defun add1 (x) (let ((val 0)) (dotimes (j 10 val) (setq val (+ j val))))) add1 > (add1 10) 45

30 dotimes > (dotimes (x 12)) NIL > (dotimes (x 12) nil) NIL > (dotimes (x 12 x) nil) 12 > (dotimes (x 12 (* x x)) nil) 144 > (dotimes (x 3 x) (print (cons x (* x x)))) 0 1 2 3 > (dotimes (x 5) (print (cons x (* x x))) (print (list x))) (0. 0) (0) (1. 1) (1) (2. 4) (2) (3. 9) (3) (4. 16) (4) NIL

31 Usage of dotimes: palindromep ;;; True if the specified subsequence of the string is a ;;; palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards). (defun palindromep (string &optional (start 0) (end (length string))) (dotimes (k (floor (- end start) 2) t) (unless (char-equal (char string (+ start k)) (char string (- end k 1))) (return nil)))) > (palindromep "abcba") T > (palindromep "XXXabcba") NIL > (palindromep "XXXabcba" 3) T > (palindromep "XXXabcbaYYY" 3) NIL > (palindromep "XXXabcbaYYY" 3 8) T > (palindromep "Able was I ere I saw Elba") T > (palindromep "A man, a plan, a canal-Panama!") nil > (remove-if-not 'alpha-char-p ;Remove punctuation "A man, a plan, a canal-Panama!") "AmanaplanacanalPanama" > (palindromep (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p "A man, a plan, a canal-Panama!")) T

32 Iteration: dolist dolist has the same syntax as dotimes, but instead of counting, it steps the index variable through the elements of a list. (dolist (next-element target-list result) BODY) > (defun num-sublists (lis) (let ((result 0)) (dolist (next lis result) (if (listp next) (setq result (1+ result)))))) num-sublist > (num-sublists '(a b (c (d)) (e f) g (h i))) 3 > (num-sublists '(a b)) 0 > (num-sublists '()) 0 > (num-sublists '0) Error: 0 is not of type LIST.

33 dolist > (dolist (x '(a b c) y) (setq y (list x)) ) (c) > (let ((y nil)) (dolist (x '(a b c) y) (setq y (cons x y)) )) (C B A)

34 Iteration: do (do ((var1 init1 [update1]) (var2 init2 [update2])...) (test action-1... action-n) BODY) > (defun length1 (x) (do ((lst x (cdr lst)) (count 0 (+ 1 count))) ((null lst) count))) length1 > (length1 ’(a b c (d e))) 4

35 do > (defun count (L) (do ((cnt 0 (+ cnt 1)) (loaf L (cdr loaf))) ((null loaf) cnt) ) ) count > (count '(a (b c) d e)) 4

36 do > (defun fact (x) (do ((n 1 (1+ n)) (res 1) ) ((> n x) res) (setq res (* res n)) ) fact > (fact 6) 720

37 List Surgery or: how far from functional can we be?

38 Memory Model Memory management is hidden from the user Whenever a cons cell is needed, it is created fresh –unless otherwise specified! Free nodes list is a list of the nodes that are available –big chunks of memory are requested to the OS, and organized in the free node list –this is to avoid expensive OS calls Garbage collection sweeps the list of memory cells and collects information about their usage –the ones that are not used (i.e. have no incoming pointers) are reinserted in the free nodes list Once the available free list is exhausted, more memory is requested to the OS

39 Equal and Eq > (setq L1 (list 1 2 3)) > (setq L2 (list 1 2 3)) > (setq L3 L2) > (equal L1 L2) T > (equal L2 L3) T > (eq L1 L2) nil > (eq L2 L3) T > (setq L3 (cons (first L3) (rest L3))) > (eq L2 L3) nil > (eq (rest L2) (rest L3)) t

40 List Surgery > (setq a '(a b c)) (a b c) > (setq b '(d e f)) (d e f) > (append a b) (a b c d e f) > (nconc a b) (a b c d e f) > a (a b c d e f) > b (d e f)

41 List Surgery > (setq abc '(a b c)) (a b c) > (setq xyz '(x y z)) (x y z) > (setq bc (cdr abc)) (b c) > (setq yz (cdr xyz)) (y z) > (setq a (nconc abc xyz)) (a b c x y z) > a (a b c x y z) > abc (a b c x y z) > xyz (x y z) > bc (b c x y z) > yz (y z)

42 More on nconc > (last a) (3) > (last '(a b (c))) ((C)) > (setq a '(1 2 3)) (1 2 3) > (setq b '(4 5 6 )) (4 5 6) > (nconc a 1) (1 2 3. 1) > (nconc a nil) (1 2 3) > a (1 2 3) > (nconc a b) (1 2 3 4 5 6) > a (1 2 3 4 5 6) > b (4 5 6) > (nconc b 3) (4 5 6. 3) > b (4 5 6. 3) > a (1 2 3 4 5 6. 3) > (nconc a b) (1 2 3 4 5 6) > a (1 2 3 4 5 6) > b (4 5 6) > (nconc b 3) (4 5 6. 3) > b (4 5 6. 3) > a (1 2 3 4 5 6. 3) > (setq *print-circle* t) T > (nconc b a) #1=(4 5 6 1 2 3. #1#) > b #1=(4 5 6 1 2 3. #1#) > (eq b (rest (rest (rest a)))) T > (equal b (rest (rest (rest a)))) T > (eq a (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr a))))))) T

43 Rplaca and Rplacd > (setq a '(a b c d e)) (a b c d e) > (rplaca a '(a b)) ((a b) b c d e) > a ((a b) b c d e) > (rplacd a '(x y z)) ((a b) x y z) > (setq a (cons 7 9)) (7. 9) > (rplaca a a) ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((... ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Stack overflow (stack size 16000). > (setq *print-level* 5) 5 > a (((((#. 9). 9). 9). 9). 9) > (setq *print-circle* t) T > a #1=(#1#. 9) > (rplacd a a) #1=(#1#. #1#)

44 List Surgery > (setq a '(a b c d e f)) (a b c d e f) > (delete 'a a) (b c d e f) > a (a b c d e f) > (delete 'e a) (a b c d f) > a (a b c d f) > (setq a (delete 'a a)) (b c d f) > a (b c d f) > (delete 'a '(a b a c a d a e)) (b c d e)

45 Basic Assignments set : binds a s-expression to a symbol. i.e. assignment of value to a symbol which is evaluated from the 1 st parameter. –(set ’a 10)  10 – a  10 setq : assignment of value to a symbol –(setq x 10)  10 – x  10 setf : gets the memory location of the 1 st parameter and sets its value. –(setf x 10)

46 Property Lists

47 Setf on lists Replacement of list element with setf : > (setf x ’(a (b c) d) (a (b c) d) > (cadadr x) c > (setf (cadadr x) ’123) 123 > x (a (b 123) d)

48 Associative lists Associative list –implements a function from a finite set of keys –to a finite set of values >(setq sarah '((height 6) (weight 100) (sex "F"))) ((HEIGHT 6) (WEIGHT 100) (SEX "F")) >(assoc 'weights sarah) (WEIGHT 100) A symbol is associated with a built-in structure called property list –an associative list of properties

49 Property Lists > (symbol-plist 'fred) nil > (setf (symbol-plist 'fred) '(sex male age 23 sibs (bob carol))) (sex male age 23 sibs (bob carol)) > (symbol-plist 'fred) (SEX MALE AGE 23 SIBS (BOB CAROL)) > (get 'fred 'age) 23 > (get 'fred 'sex) MALE > (get 'fred 'sibs) (BOB CAROL) > (get 'fred 'height) nil > (setf (get 'fred 'age) 25) 25 > (setf (get 'fred 'sex) 'female) FEMALE > (setf (get 'fred 'sibs) '(BEN JERRY)) (BEN JERRY) > (symbol-plist 'fred) (SEX FEMALE AGE 25 SIBS (BEN JERRY)) > (remprop 'fred 'sex) (SEX MALE AGE 23 SIBS (BEN JERRY)) > (symbol-plist 'fred) (AGE 23 SIBS (BEN JERRY)) > (remprop 'fred 'age) (AGE 23 SIBS (BEN JERRY)) > (symbol-plist 'fred) (SIBS (BEN JERRY))

50 Property Lists Property lists in Lisp allow us to use a symbol to represent a structured object (e.g. a record) set, get (setf (get ’chair ’color) ’blue) (get ’chair ’color)  blue The interpreter does it by building a list of the form (property value property value) It’s recommended to use something other than nil for a false value in property lists because getting a non-assigned value also returns nil.

51 Property Lists Alternately, get can be assigned a 3 rd parameter to return if it doesn’t find the property defined in the list (get ’chair ’clour ’unknown) : returns unknown for the typo. Property list changes made to local symbols are not necessarily local (cfr surgery) Property lists need not be bound to a symbol you can define your own property lists as lists of the form (property value property value …) –Again: careful, setf will modify the actual list in places where it would otherwise be copied then.

52 Arrays

53 Basics: Arrays make-array : create an array aref : array reference setf : set value of array element Index from 0 to limit - 1 Example: > (setq a (make-array ’(3 3))) #2A((NIL NIL NIL) (NIL NIL NIL) (NIL NIL NIL)) > (aref a 2 2) NIL > (setf (aref a 2 2) 100) 100 > a #2A((NIL NIL NIL) (NIL NIL NIL) (NIL NIL 100)) > (setq (aref a 2 2) 100) Error: *** - SETQ: (AREF A 2 2) is not a symbol

54 More on Arrays (make-array '(4 2 3) :initial-contents '(((a b c) (1 2 3)) ((d e f) (3 1 2)) ((g h i) (2 3 1)) ((j k l) (0 0 0)))) (vector &rest objects) is a convenient way to create monodimensional arrays (vector 1 2 3 4 5) stands for (make-array (list 5) :element-type t :initial-contents (list 1 2 3 4 5))

55 Characters and Strings

56 Characters Characters are printed as preceded by #\ From numerical code to character with code-char Example – (dotimes (i 256) (print (code-char i))) #\Null #\SOH #\STX #\ETX #\EOT #\ENQ #\ACK #\Bell #\Backspace #\Tab #\Newline #\VT #\Page #\Return #\SO #\SI #\DLE #\DC1 #\DC2 #\DC3 #\DC4 #\NAK #\SYN #\ETB #\CAN #\EM #\SUB #\Escape #\FS #\GS #\RS #\US #\Space #\! #\" #\# #\$ #\% #\& #\' #\( #\) #\* #\+ #\, #\- #\. #\/ #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\: #\; #\ #\? #\@ #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H #\I #\J #\K #\L #\M #\N #\O #\P #\Q #\R #\S #\T #\U #\V #\W #\X #\Y #\Z #\[ #\\ #\] #\^ #\_ #\` #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v #\w #\x #\y #\z #\{ #\| #\} #\~ #\Rubout #\U+0080 #\U+0081 #\U+0082 #\U+0083 #\U+0084 #\U+0085 #\U+0086 #\U+0087 #\U+0088 #\U+0089 #\U+008A #\U+008B #\U+008C #\U+008D #\U+008E #\U+008F #\U+0090 #\U+0091 #\U+0092 #\U+0093 #\U+0094 #\U+0095 #\U+0096 #\U+0097 #\U+0098 #\U+0099 #\U+009A #\U+009B #\U+009C #\U+009D #\U+009E #\U+009F #\No-reak-pace #\¡ #\¢ #\£ #\¤ #\¥ #\¦ #\§ #\¨ #\© #\ª #\« #\¬ #\Soft-Hyphen #\® #\¯ #\° #\± #\² #\³ #\´ #\µ #\¶ #\· #\¸ #\¹ #\º #\» #\¼ #\½ #\¾ #\¿ #\À #\Á #\Â #\Ã #\Ä #\Å #\Æ #\Ç #\È #\É #\Ê #\Ë #\Ì #\Í #\Î #\Ï #\Ð #\Ñ #\Ò #\Ó #\Ô #\Õ #\Ö #\× #\Ø #\Ù #\Ú #\Û #\Ü #\Ý #\Þ #\ß #\à #\á #\â #\ã #\ä #\å #\æ #\ç #\è #\é #\ê #\ë #\ì #\í #\î #\ï #\ð #\ñ #\ò #\ó #\ô #\õ #\ö #\÷ #\ø #\ù #\ú #\û #\ü #\ý #\þ #\ÿ NIL

57 Strings Strings are specialized vectors whose elements are characters String specific operations can also accept symbols, provided that the string is not modified (let ((res nil) (s "Could you show me the characters in this string, please?")) (dotimes (i (length s) res) (setq res (cons (char s i) res)))) (#\? #\e #\s #\a #\e #\l #\p #\Space #\, #\g #\n #\i #\r #\t #\s #\Space #\s #\i #\h #\t #\Space #\n #\i #\Space #\s #\r #\e #\t #\c #\a #\r #\a #\h #\c #\Space #\e #\h #\t #\Space #\e #\m #\Space #\w #\o #\h #\s #\Space #\u #\o #\y #\Space #\d #\l #\u #\o #\C)

58 Strings (char s j) == (aref (the string s) j) setf may be used with char to destructively replace a character within a string. > (setq a "case") "case" > (setf (aref a 2) #\n) #\n > a "cane"

59 String Comparison string= string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string= compares two strings and is true if they are the same string= is necessarily false if the (sub)strings being compared are of unequal length (string= "foo" "bar") is false (string= "foo" "foo") is true (string= "foo" "Foo") is false (string= "together" "frog“ :start1 1 :end1 3 :start2 2) is true

60 String Comparison string-equal is similar but ignores cases (string-equal "foo" "Foo") is false string< string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string> string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string<= string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string>= string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string/= string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string-lessp string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string-greaterp string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string-not-greaterp string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string-not-lessp string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2 string-not-equal string1 string2 &key :start1 :end1 :start2 :end2

61 New symbols > (gentemp "VAR") VAR4 > (gentemp "VAR") VAR5 > (gentemp "VAR") VAR6 > (gentemp "VAR") VAR7 > (list '(VAR6 VAR7 VAR8)) ((VAR6 VAR7 VAR8)) > (gentemp "VAR") VAR9

62 Merging strings > (concatenate 'string "be " "my " "guest!") "be my guest!" > (concatenate 'list "be " "my " "guest!") (#\b #\e #\Space #\m #\y #\Space #\g #\u #\e #\s #\t #\!)

63 Example: String to integer (defun convert-string-to-integer (str &optional (radix 10)) "Given a digit string and optional radix, return an integer." (do ((j 0 (+ j 1)) (n 0 (+ (* n radix) (or (digit-char-p (char str j) radix) (error "Bad radix-~D digit: ~C" radix (char str j)))))) ((= j (length str)) n)))

64 Printing and Reading

65 Printing > (progn (prin1 "a asdj")(prin1 "a asdj")(prin1 "a asdj") (values)) "a asdj""a asdj""a asdj" > (progn (princ "a asdj")(princ "a asdj")(princ "a asdj") (values)) a asdja asdja asdj > (progn (princ "a asdj") (terpri) (princ "a asdj") (values)) a asdj > (progn (print "a asdj")(print "a asdj")(print "a asdj") (values)) "a asdj"

66 Output format : format a string (format dest string args) dest: determines what to return t: return NIL NIL: return string –The format function normally returns NIL, but as a side effect it causes things to be written on the display or to a file. –1 st argument: the symbol T when we want to write to the display. –2 nd argument: the format control string. ~%: move to a new line ~&: move to a new line unless it knows it’s already at the beginning of a new line. ~S: inserts the printed representation of a Lisp object into the message that Format prints. > (format t ”Hi, mom! ~% This is ~S” ’Tom)  Hi, mom! This is Tom Nil

67 format > (format t "the symbol ~s appeared ~s times ~%" 'a 3) the symbol a appeared 3 times nil > (format t "~% Hello ~a old boy" "bruce") Hello bruce old boy nil > (format t "~% Hello ~a old boy" "Bruce") Hello Bruce old boy NIL > (format t "~% Hello ~s old boy" "Bruce") Hello "Bruce" old boy > (format t "~% Hello ~a old boy" '(a b c)) Hello (a b c) old boy nil

68 Examples of READ CL-USER 1 > (setq a (read)) nil NIL CL-USER 2 > a NIL CL-USER 3 > (setq a (read)) 1 CL-USER 4 > (setq a (read)) (1. 2) CL-USER 5 > a (1. 2) CL-USER 6 > (setq a (read)) (cons 1 2) (CONS 1 2) CL-USER 7 > a (CONS 1 2) CL-USER 8 > (eval a) (1. 2) CL-USER 9 > (setq a (read)) kajsndkajsd KAJSNDKAJSD CL-USER 10 > a KAJSNDKAJSD CL-USER 13 > (setq a (read)) (1. 2) (1. 2) CL-USER 14 > a (1. 2)

69 input “read” is equivalent to “cin” in C++ Reads an entire expression from the keyboard when called Syntax: read &optional input-stream eof-error-p eof-value

70 Streams Streams are objects that serve as sources or sinks of data. –character streams produce or absorb characters; –binary streams produce or absorb integers. The normal action of a Common Lisp system is to –read characters from a character input stream –parse the characters as representations of Common Lisp data objects, –evaluate each object (as a form) as it is read –and print representations of the results of evaluation to an output character stream. Typically streams are connected to files or to an interactive terminal. Streams encapsulate external devices by which input/output is accomplished. A stream, whether a character stream or a binary stream, may be –input-only –output-only –bidirectional What operations may be performed on a stream depends on which of the six types of stream it is.

71 Standard Streams *standard-input* *standard-output* *error-output* *query-io* *debug-io* *terminal-io* *trace-output*

72 Creating new Streams make-string-input-stream string &optional start end make-string-output-stream get-output-stream-string string-output-stream with-input-from-string (var string keyword {value}*) {declaration}* {form}* > (with-input-from-string (s "Animal Crackers" :index j :start 6) (read s)) crackers > (with-input-from-string (s "This is Programming Languages" :index j) (list (read s) (read s) (read s) (read s) )) (THIS IS PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES) > j 29 > (with-input-from-string (s "This is PL") (list (read s) (read s) (read s) (read s) )) Error: EOF while reading stream

73 Streams from files (with-open-file ( :direction :input or :output)... ) internal variable name external file name

74 Streams With-Open-File: to open files for output by passing it the special keyword argument :DIRECTION :OUTPUT. The stream that With-Open-File creates can then be used in place of the usual T as a 1 st argument to FORMAT. (defun save-tree-data (tree-loc tree-table num-trees) (with-open-file (stream “/usr/dst/timber.outdat” :direction :output) (format stream “~S~%” tree-loc) (format stream “~S~%” tree-table) (format stream “~S~%” num-trees))) > (save-tree-data “The West Ridge” ‘((45 redwood) (22 oak) (43 maple)) 110) NIL

75 with-open-file ; Create an external file "out.dat“ that contains the ; tabled form of the square function from 0 to 99 (with-open-file (result "out.dat" :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :overwrite) (dotimes (count 100) (print (cons count (* count count)) result))) NIL ; read sexpression from file and print it until end of file (with-open-file (stream "out.dat" :direction :input) (do ((elem (read stream nil :my_eof) (read stream nil :my_eof))) ((equal elem :my_eof) elem) (print elem)))

76 File Input > (setq fp (open "plt.lsp" :direction :input)) # > (setq a (read fp nil)) (defun space (n) (cond ((< n 0) (princ "ERROR!")) ((zerop n) nil) (t (princ " ") (space (1- n))))) > (close fp) t

77 Displaying File Contents (do* ((fp (open "plot.lsp" :direction :input)) (ex (read fp nil) (read fp nil)) ) ((null ex) nil) (print ex) )

78 File copy > (defun copy (fn1 fn2) (do* ((old (open fn1 :direction :input)) (new (open fn2 :direction :output)) (ex (read old nil) (read old nil)) ) ((null ex) (close old) (close new)) (print ex new) ) copy > (copy "plot.lsp" "temp.txt") t

79 String Copy (let ((ss "kjasd kajsd")) (with-input-from-string (s ss) (dotimes (v (length ss)) (print (read s nil " "))))) KJASD KAJSD " NIL

80 Printing the characters of a string > (let ((ss "kj \" | |,,,, ; ; ' ` asd, kajsd")) (with-input-from-string (s ss) (dotimes (v (length ss)) (print (read-char s))))) #\k #\j #\Space #\" #\Space #\| #\Space #\| #\, #\Space #\, #\Space #\, #\Space #\, #\Space #\; #\Space #\; #\Space #\' #\Space #\` #\Space #\a #\s #\d #\Space #\, #\Space #\k #\a #\j #\s #\d NIL

81 Load (compile-file “file_name”) –Compiles the filename –Compiled file has to be explicitly loaded (load “file_name”) –Loads and runs the filename.

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