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Introducing PlanAdvisor™. PlanAdvisor At Commercial Insurance Services, we see a simplified way for you to approach the benefits plan design process.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing PlanAdvisor™. PlanAdvisor At Commercial Insurance Services, we see a simplified way for you to approach the benefits plan design process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing PlanAdvisor™

2 PlanAdvisor At Commercial Insurance Services, we see a simplified way for you to approach the benefits plan design process. With PlanAdvisor, we can help you: Analyze your benefits plan costs against reliable benchmark information Project the impact of medical and dental plan design changes Estimate your renewal costs Streamline the plan selection process for your employees We think you will like what you see.

3 Compare Your Plan Management Report Compares your plan utilization to other employers of similar plan type, region, and industry Targets key areas of cost or utilization concerns Directs you to develop focused strategies Features both Medical and Rx exhibits Uses proven and reliable benchmark data from Kaiser Family Foundation and Medstat™

4 Exhibits Health Plan Cost Medical Claims Costs Office Visits - Combined Office Visits - Primary Office Visits - Specialists Top Office Providers Employee vs. Dependent Inpatient Summary Top Inpatient Providers Inpatient Maternity Emergency Room Major Diagnostic Categories Disease Categories Rx - Average Paid Summary Rx - Cost and Volume Rx - Member Cost Share Rx - Direct vs. Mail Service Rx - Brand vs. Generic



7 Project your Plan Costs Renewal Estimator Calculate projected plan costs based on trend, midpoint, membership, and large claim information Determine costs for the next renewal mid year or pre-renewal Available for insured and self-funded plans Helps you budget and plan for your next plan year

8 Calculates an indicated rate change for the renewal

9 See your Plan Options Plan Modeler Analyze the impact of plan design changes Plan your changes for the next plan year efficiently Based on proven actuarial factors Applies to medical, Rx, HRA, and HSA plans

10 Calculates medical, Rx, and weighted average, as the Total Value of Plan Changes

11 Simplify the Enrollment Process Plan Selector Assist employee in selecting a plan when multiple offerings are available Employees can estimate health care expenditures and plan contribution costs Advances consumerism via employee awareness of health care costs Simplifies the communications process during open enrollment

12 Provides average cost for services, based upon the census region norms Includes frequency of services based upon selected health care category

13 Simplify the Enrollment Process Select the most favorable health plan, based on out-of- pocket costs, and premium contribution

14 Benchmark Your Plan MyWave Survey Drill-Down Thousands of results from MyWave Health Plan Survey Can be filtered by: –Type of plan –Location –Size of Employer –Industry See how your plans compare to other similar employers

15 Compare your plan to survey results

16 PlanAdvisor At Commercial Insurance Services, we see a simplified way for you to approach the benefits plan design process. With PlanAdvisor, we can help you: Analyze your benefits plan costs against reliable benchmark information Project the impact of medical and dental plan design changes Estimate your renewal costs Streamline the plan selection process for your employees We think you will like what you see.

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