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.1 The BLUR Project Brian A. Barsky University of California, Berkeley.

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1 .1 The BLUR Project Brian A. Barsky University of California, Berkeley

2 The BLUR Project2 Blur No, not remove it … add it ! Real optics

3 The BLUR Project3 Importance of Blur Real images are rarely in perfect focus Perfectly sharp computer generated images appear fake Control over what is and is not in focus is a vital photographic tool Depth of Field (DOF)

4 The BLUR Project4 DOF CS39j Photo course (Photos by Kelley Cox)

5 The BLUR Project5 Blur Smooth blur due to defocus Motion blur Higher order aberrations Lens aberrations Human eye (photo by Kelly Cox)

6 The BLUR Project6 Space of Blur Methods speed, realism, and generality Vision Realistic Rendering Real Time Speed Generalized Depth of Field

7 The BLUR Project7 Optometry Computational Photography Image Synthesis

8 The BLUR Project8 Optometry Computational Photography Image Synthesis

9 The BLUR Project9 Change Focus and Depth of Field Original Focus on foreground Focus on background

10 The BLUR Project10 Optometry Computational Photography Image Synthesis

11 The BLUR Project11 Focused on Tin Toy Focused on Baby f/5.6

12 The BLUR Project12 Generalized Depth of Field (Using Simulated Heat Diffusion) Visualization of cylindrical blur fieldResult of applying blur field to scene

13 The BLUR Project13 Nonlinear Distributed Raytracing Light rays travel along curved path

14 The BLUR Project14 Fast and Realistic Blurring Our new class of methods exploits coherence of the underlying four dimensional tensor structure of the blur operator

15 The BLUR Project15 Optometry Computational Photography Image Synthesis

16 The BLUR Project16 Optometry and Ophthalmology Simulate actual patient vision Simulate visual disorders to doctors Show potential problems with corneal surgery to candidates Simulate actual vision using pre- and post-op wavefront aberrometry data Show predicted vision by using modeled wavefront measurements

17 The BLUR Project17

18 The BLUR Project18 LASIK Pre-Op & Post-Op Vision

19 .19

20 .20 Demo 535 Soda Hall 1 pm to 4 pm Ask for Todd Kosloff

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