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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Division of Vital Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Division of Vital Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics Division of Vital Statistics Using Birth Certificate Data for Women’s Health Research Stephanie J. Ventura

2 The Birth and Infant Health Team Joyce A. Martin, Team Leader Brady E. Hamilton Sharon Kirmeyer Marian F. MacDorman T. J. Mathews Fay Menacker Martha L. Munson Paul D. Sutton Stephanie J. Ventura, Branch Chief

3 First birth rates for childless women Source: National Vital Statistics System, NCHS, CDC

4 Mean age of mother at first birth by race and Hispanic origin : United States, 2002 Source: National Vital Statistics System, NCHS, CDC.

5 Number, rate, and percent of births to unmarried women, 1940-2002 Source: National Vital Statistics System, NCHS, CDC 2002

6 Pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates for teenagers 15-17, United States for teenagers 15-17, United States Source: Ventura SJ, Abma JC, Mosher WD, Henshaw S. Estimated Pregnancy Rates for the United States, 1990-2000: An Update. 2004.

7 1st trimester prenatal care by race/ Hispanic origin: U.S., 1990-2002 Hispanic Non-Hispanic black Non-Hispanic white 2002 All races American Indian 0 Source: National Vital Statistics System, NCHS, CDC.

8 Smoking during pregnancy by education, 2002 NOTE: Based on births to women aged 20 and older. Source: National Vital Statistics System, NCHS, CDC.

9 Total and primary cesarean rate and VBAC rate: U.S., 1989-2002 VBAC Primary cesarean Total cesarean 2002 Source: National Vital Statistics System, NCHS, CDC.

10 Number of multiple births: U.S., 1980-2002 0 Source: National Vital Statistics System, NCHS, CDC.

11 The 2003 U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth Improved data quality Improved data quality Standardized worksheets (Tested prior to implementation) Standardized worksheets (Tested prior to implementation) Standardized electronic systems Standardized electronic systems Changes to existing items Changes to existing items New items New items

12 New Birth Certificate: Modified and New Items Cigarette smoking before and during pregnancy Cigarette smoking before and during pregnancy Method of delivery Method of delivery Pre-pregnancy weight, weight at delivery and height Pre-pregnancy weight, weight at delivery and height Congenital anomalies Congenital anomalies Fertility therapy Fertility therapy WIC WIC Infections during pregnancy Infections during pregnancy Maternal morbidity Maternal morbidity Breast feeding Breast feeding Principal source of payment for the delivery Principal source of payment for the delivery Modified ItemsNew Items

13 MT WY ID WA OR NV UT CA AZ ND SD NE CO NM TX OK KS AR LA MO IA MN WI IL IN KY TN MS AL GA FL SC NC VA WV OH MI NY PA MD DE NJ CT RI MA ME VT NH AK HI Expected to Implement in 2005 Implementing in 2006 or later Implemented New Certificate DC Transition to the New Birth Certificate Continues…

14 For further information: Birth certificate data: Birth certificate data: Revisions of birth certificate, fetal death report, and death certificate: Revisions of birth certificate, fetal death report, and death certificate:

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